• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Of course you can, resources are for use. I'm working on another project at the moment, but I can help you out with this and that if needed. Non-Warcraft, as in a different game or just a non-Warcraft III themed Warcraft project?
    O yeah lol, but i seen ur game its pretty cool :) just not when im walking up on a brick wall haha lol
    You downloaded my skin right? If that is so, it means Hawk didn't even bother to download it >.<
    I wish my English were better, then I could add something to it that makes it even more complex =(

    I'm going to sleep now, though :eek:
    It's 5:15 AM, I've got to wake up at 10, get ready to leave at 11 to go shop for booze and food, then go to the bank, to make sure I've paid for everything, after that I'm going to a friend... just for fun and at 22:00 I'm leaving for a few days.

    If I get my assed -repped for the first time because of you...:cute:
    skins aren't for me =(

    "Therefore contradicting the above stated.
    This could also be said as the above also contradicts this. "

    I love comments like that :')
    All noobs will say "wtf" and I'm laughing at those noobs :D
    allright, yes -.-
    I thought you would only put your name on it, lol xD
    I, on the other hand, have not been banned yet and am "A jewel in the rough" :X
    I never thought you'd do it D: (lol xD)
    delete it naww =(

    (you call that little thing on the bottom "insurance"? xD)
    It's going to be quiet around here :eek: xD

    The signature session is in August :eek: (17th of August, Dream Theater + Opeth :p).
    I'm pretty sure of that one, this is a huge festival, maybe they'll do siggies, maybe they won't :/ but if they do, I'll get one xD

    edit: post tha link :D
    I was just thinking the same about the noobs :eek:
    Maybe we should tell every starting mapmaker that leak fixing is useless, a good terrain is overrated and that efficient triggering isn't good, then we've got something to do xD

    another uber idea ehh? Hmm... I pretty much ran out of ideas :s
    And tomorrow I'm going to a festival (Graspop, Metal Meeting) for 3 days :D
    (actually 4, I'm arriving 1 day too early to set up my tent and buy some food over there :p)

    (wtf, Army-of-Pandas: your text always burns my eyes :p)
    lol sounds good but do u mind giving me a template cuz i dont really no what ur talk about.
    fortress - forest, tomato - tomahto...

    I like the intro (and the intro vocals), it's actually pretty good song :eek:
    Still, I think BC&SL is better... :/
    I beg to differ D: :p
    Forest ehh? I'll go get it (didn't know them yet :O)
    but BC&SL is probably better imo ><
    D: I knew it :mwahaha:
    You always start projects you never finish, you're just like me :D
    (A few projects I never finished: "Get Fat", "Return of the evil Footmen", "Apocalypse - the movie pt.2", "Starforsaken RPG" (<- was an awesome project, though... FF-styled RPG), "The King's Call HD/RPG (<-- One of the best project Ideas I have ever had and will ever have, probably).).

    Bahh, if I could... I want to restart with The King's Call HD/RPG, it should've been a totally awesome single player map ^^
    The idea will... remain secret, since I've thought a lot about how I could improve a single HD to a great map, with a great story and new features.
    At last check your fucking info first, dumbass.
    I deleted it bcause I had a chat with zombie.
    Hahaha, then you can print and say some <unknown> guy from Belgium sent you a copy of an original signature from Dream Theater :')

    Hmm, you don't have a scanner, do you?
    Or a cell phone with a good camera?
    Lol, all right, you're from the US >.>

    And erm... it's a bit far from Belgium to the US :) (like I'm gonna send a signatured CD or something to the US -.-)

    Show meeehh :D
    you... are weird.
    I thought you were from the US :O (25% aint enough to be considered a US Citizen, unless you live there for like... a long time ^^).

    Dream Theater again? :p
    AND - BELIEVE IT OR NOT - THEY'RE PASSING OUT SIGNATURES (no, not signatures like on the hive, which was actually my first thought xD)
    lol, you're half-korean? xD (you should be a starcraft player than, it's like their national sport :p)

    I never heard of the magnetix kit, but show it to mehh :D
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