• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
Shadow Fury
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  • Wow, totally mind blow off. Why I didn't realise about that? Anyway, thanks for the help!
    The previous name was just too long and the SF acronym refers to you not me ;)
    Oh, okay... I will try to retrieve my skills in reviewing... I kinda forget it... :O

    By the way, sorry late reply.
    Friends are like baloons. When you stab them, they die.

    Hi baloon! I have been unactive for a while.
    Last full review was at the beginning of August. No, I only haz a permit meaning I'm restricted to must having someone aged 25+ with a license to sit near me at all times.
    Well I ONLY review campaigns (Non-buggy ones!), Singleplayer maps and cinematics. ONLY. Though, I ALWAYS will review cinematics :)
    I wanted to start mapping again but I'm not motivated.I want to create maps for fun and to stockpile experience,I can't make a approveable map.
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) Reputation is like respect. It is not something you have already, it is something you have to gain by yourself through efforts and you deserve it from me, pal. :)
    Ahahahaha :D I didn't contribute to the hive at my first years on here im slowly doing things for a few months maybe, but yeah it was time :p
    Ah I think I got what you mean (stupid me)
    Well, then it's actually a good idea. I could also benefit from this when I subscribe to a thread which I won't care about in a particular moment (mostly OT section).
    OT section?
    Hey, if you have some time, please check out this new tool and give some feedback :)
    Ah, Kael said they should give a greater insight for contests. I guess I am used to write short ones to deal with the Pending Map demon in the map section
    Hello, can you please delete the new thread so I can update the old one. It says I can't update it because the map is already present.
    using RoC's World Editor doesn't promise anything good, your map could pass the standards if it is enjoyable and the terrain is well-made. You should really download TFT's patch to enjoy all the new functions available in its World Editor.
    Isn't TFT commercial software? If its free now, do you know of any links per chance?

    Finally, when your map is set to needs fix, you shouldn't update it every second with very little updates (correcting texts, moving a unit, changing/adding a trigger) because it doesn't change your map in a sufficient to let me approve it, that's how I had to let you stop by telling you that I would've rejected it if you had continued.
    I wasn't really aware that was a rule, and I guess I either forgot or didn't read all of the submission/map posting rules. But rest assured it wont be updated further without a properly formatted change-log. Every time I update the map it makes it exclusive to TFT no matter what I do, so I don't have a choice but to wait anyway.
    Dude, your fast! Thanks for always cleaning up the map section and approving the map that I should be moderating somehow. :grin:
    I don't keep track of how many times I updated my map, but above "Credits" in the description, I have what was done in my last update back in June 4, 2015.

    Safe bet that will be my very last update unless I ever buy The Frozen Throne expansion until I get the means to buy it.

    I only "update the map every minute" to change what was in the text for errors, or make fixes in the map that were little of note. I didn't notice that note you and StoPCampinGn00b posted until just now, so I hope you can bear with me. I don't know what you mean by "force you to reject it", I did post the changes made in the description, just not in a changelog because I didn't think that a changelog was all that important. I don't remember when I did what I did, save for the last update (which I posted sort of like a changelog)
    really? I've got to Google this.... this is great news...if it's true

    ok between 85 and 115 is average

    anyone who scores 125 or over is considered to be a genius. Einstein scoring 130
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