• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Tnx dude, I don't know what the periodic loops look like. But I guess it has some sort of a timer.
    Actually, I have no idea, I just tried experimenting, changing text size,
    I think it doesn't count BBcode lines and that using text size reduces the line usage, mine was 1
    As long as the variables are not used in Wait right?

    Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_FoV_Location)
    Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_FoV_Damage_Group)

    How about these custom script? if they got Remove and Destroy, wont it have any issues on other trigger spells?
    Hi there dude, could you help me with some triggering.

    Dark Blast
    Unit - A unit Starts the effect of an ability
    (Ability being cast) Equal to Dark Blast
    -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
    -------- Getting the Spell constants --------
    -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
    Set FoV_Caster = (Triggering unit)
    Set FoV_Ability_Level = (Level of (Ability being cast) for FoV_Caster)
    Set FoV_Location = (Target point of ability being cast)
    -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
    -------- Setting the Spell values --------
    -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
    Set FoV_Base_AoE = 300.00
    Set FoV_Bonus_AoE = 0.00
    Set FoV_Base_Damage = 70.00
    Set FoV_Total_AoE = (FoV_Base_AoE + (FoV_Bonus_AoE x (Real(FoV_Ability_Level))))
    Set FoV_Total_Damage = (FoV_Base_Damage x (Real(FoV_Ability_Level)))
    Set FoV_Damage_Group = (Units within FoV_Total_AoE of FoV_Location matching ((((Matching unit) is A structure) Equal to False) and ((((Matching unit) is alive) Equal to True) and (((Owner of (Matching unit)) is an enemy of (Owner of FoV_Caster)) Equal to True))))
    -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
    -------- Generating a unit group --------
    -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
    Unit Group - Pick every unit in FoV_Damage_Group and do (Actions)
    Loop - Actions
    -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
    -------- Creating and setting the dummy unit --------
    -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
    Unit - Cause FoV_Caster to damage (Picked unit), dealing FoV_Total_Damage damage of attack type Magic and damage type Normal
    -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
    -------- Creating special effects --------
    -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
    Special Effect - Create a special effect at FoV_Location using war3mapImported\DarkLightningNova.mdx
    Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
    Special Effect - Create a special effect at FoV_Location using war3mapImported\DarkNova.mdx
    Special Effect - Destroy (Last created special effect)
    -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
    -------- Clearing leaks --------
    -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------
    Custom script: call RemoveLocation(udg_FoV_Location)
    Custom script: call DestroyGroup(udg_FoV_Damage_Group)

    Can I use same variables on this trigger and on other trigger spells too?
    ha Ya... I don't know if I want to take it off or keep it, all I know is I'm too lazy to do either so I'll just have to live with it XD

    Na, my brother kissed me on the lips when I was a kid. I was totally speechless and he ran away before I could say anything, but... it ain't right.

    his gay now, I just wonder... am I that good a looker that I make straight men gay and women weak between the knees with a wink.

    he just came back from my grand parents, so I think he was confused about missing me?

    how can a that man make sense of a guy who doesn't want a women.

    Can you check it and tell me how my campaign is so far? Its lacking a lot though and is a WIP Suggestions are more than welcome !

    Type "-Z" to get a full list of In game commands
    Type "-heroguide" for a heroguide
    Type "-move" to select movement system (WIP)
    Type "-lvlup" to level up +1 (will be deleted lateron after testing.)
    Type "hm" to restore life and mana full(will be deleted lateron after testing.)

    Tips :

    use stats points whenver you gain levels or the points.

    interact with random people can also give rewards !

    Suggestions are more than welcome ! Also critiscm is required.
    Reputation (+1):
    (Post) Ogre Axe : You just stronger by just holding it
    I don't know if he is homosexual. I see a few questions about it on his page, but he essentially never comes out of gte closet


    dude! Al Gore Is American not British, but Ya he did. I think his still an active politician
    Ha! looks like they are going to ban me. I was basically told to shut my mouth and everything will be fine... but I'm The Lord Of Chaos!
    are you accusing me of not being homophobic! !!!

    How Dare You!

    ha ha only kidding... no actually I'm not, I'm super cereal.... wait how do you spell that thing people eat for break fast
    look at that. they are already threatening to ban me... and yet all I'm doing is copying the person I was complaining about which in fact resulted in my first infraction.

    I'm a copy cat homophob

    sorry about the grammar. its just that his and he's, sounds exactly the same. if I'm not thinking, it's an easy mistake for me to make.

    I'm going to keep at the thumbic... to disturbing levels of smutchdim
    I posted some new Yo mama jokes inspired by Shadow Fury

    I like her blade master joke

    I seriously didn't mean to say her.. I wasn't trying to trolling honest.

    I think that might even been before I realised his a guy
    dududu dududu dudududu dudududu.................................................lmao forgot the chorus

    EDIT: Darude Sandstorm
    A song that will make you gush out rivers through your genitals as it has the power to penetrate your soul and fill it with utter euphoric harmonies. It's basically the best song ever.
    There is a few example maps that comes with the tools, the Dota 2 map is one of them, along with a few other maps for Valves custom game mode Overthrow
    Yes. I wish it to be and making it as a campaign. Others are independent maps.

    I thank you for your kind suggestion. I have considered it already, but not yet decided to do so. I am now also too much indisposed to coordinate a greater influx of support or questioning.
    I could write you a little Boolean function that will provide you with a little freedom...

    heck I'll right it right now

    Boolean choice = true;

    int question=JOptionPane.showInputDialogue(OPTION_YES_NO,"do you want to run this program");

    if (question==1)

    that should give you the option of running any order or not

    so you you can say No!
    Something like this: ? It may look more like increase hook speed than length increase.
    what! ?

    you're a bot!

    I would have never guessed that one.


    what's it like being a bot program?

    do they treat you right?

    regular defrags and registery checks

    or is it a love less relationship between you and your programmer?
    you called me a stalker

    'how did you know, stalker!'

    so obviously you thought I knew but in actually fact it was news to me...

    I'm waiting for the taxi... my father :-D
    come to think of it... I'm struggling to remember when to use has as well

    I think it has to do with time

    what have time done to your face!

    is a wrong sentence

    what has time done to your face


    so has is used when an even has already past

    and have is a present event

    get out of the sun, you are going to have very bad skin

    I have five eyes

    James has five eyes...

    I think it is also used as possession

    his spine is very bony and it has holes


    totally lost....

    do me a favour and ask him who Obama is?
    ergh... dude

    your English is hecticly wrong...

    'he have no posted threads'

    should be

    'he has no posted threads'


    and there nothing wrong with my grammar... ha!

    I lie, I make mistakes all the time but in that case, I didn't.

    and talking like a robot is cool the first 4 times, but he always robot talks
    ergh... dude

    your English is hecticly wrong...

    'he have no posted threads'

    should be

    'he has no posted threads'


    and there nothing wrong with my grammar... ha!

    I lie, I make mistakes all the time but in that case, I didn't

    his the bot

    no one talks like that

    no one

    his posted no threads

    his created nothing

    and when you ask him a complex question he says his tired

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