• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Death Adder
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    (Post) If you enjoy the 2p series, can i suggest you try my coop series? Its the first custom 2p campaign series on hive, if you have a friend you will enjoy it! https://www.hiveworkshop.com/threads/warcraft-ii-beyond-the-dark-portal-1p-2p.298170/
    Not to get more off-topic:
    You seem to be completely missing my point that I'm suggesting for an event—that is something along the lines of "a unit finishes an attack" rather than "a unit deals damage"—to be added, equivalent to "a unit finishes casting a spell" but for attacks.
    I think I understand what you need that for. It's when a ranged unit attacks so fast that its first projectile doesn't hit before the unit shoots again.
    I think another workaround could be using the barrage ability with the a unit begins casting an ability trigger.
    Actually, you know better for sure since you linked those ability threads and also are able to use a detection system. So ignore me :D
    Death Adder
    Death Adder
    yeah good call, I just can't help but respond whenever someone reply lol. But yup, just wanted to make sure so I can make the best case for it & have the highest likelihood of becoming a thing
    hey I.posted a solution and you haven't gotten back to me. it expires this week end, pastebin
    Death Adder
    Death Adder
    Oh, I didn't get any notification since you edited the post. my bad

    I'll check it
    Thanks for showing your appreciation.

    Like Warcraft 3, legacy classics will never die, because of their well-designed gameplay mechanics.
    Donkey Kong Jr. on Game & Watch is such a damn good game imho.
    [You mean v3.3?]
    I have made another update that I haven't published yet. I'm going to wait for my players to send out bugs to me so I can patch it to v4.0
    That is one tactic players usually do. It is a siege monster, but it cannot really target units.
    Have you found anything yet? :) My map now reduced choppy movements from enemies, and I fixed a fatal bug in very Easy mode.
    The confusion is real. It's really very confusing setting these up. At least a system like yours would close the deal of the confusion.

    My dummy builder back then has a Human (repair), and is a Human peasant (Human hierarchy). The building is also all human hierarchy.
    Unless... the base model must be also Human.
    <span style="font-size: 26px">building which it's supposed to (power)build</span>
    I see now. I had to highlight that. Mindblown.
    This is indeed useful. But... something is definitely strange here. I already tried implementing the quick power build some time ago but wasn't working; the triggers you used are the same as mine. This is definitely weird.

    Powerbuild is changed though. Because of bugs (the event triggers twice when doing it, EVEN if there is such a delay of clicking the structure), I've just set the Powerbuild completion to 99%.
    I tried to fixed that today... I'll have to try again next week when I'm free next week.

    only 1 day off work.

    until then you can cancel the tournaments by typing in

    'bring it on'

    which should start a different even
    about my map

    I won't be able to play a game with you. I don't have a good internet question

    but I can give you pointers on playing the game throw to the end

    and a few questions.

    did you try cloning your hero?
    every time you kill someone your stats go up not just your experience. this makes a big difference in the strategy of the game, because you no longer need to worry about the big guys. killing millions of small guys still makes you strong.

    other then that... why do you think it's so different from other games?
    I am sorry. This edit message was stupid. I had deleted a toxic post by Destiny.Knight in the thread and you had quoted and replied to it, so I removed that too. Sorry for not being better at communicating.
    Why did you delete your latest answer on the order thread ?
    Happy Birthday! (Happy Birthday!)

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is a cake.</span>

    . . . ., ., ., .,. . . . .
    . . .__|__|__|__|__ . . .
    . . .|~~::~~~~::~~| . . .
    . . .|~!!~~~~~~!!~| . . .
    . . .|<(><)><(><)>| . . .
    . . .|}{}{}{}{}{}{| . . .

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is your present.</span>

    . . . . . . .\ &&& /. . . . . . .
    . . . . . . ./<span style="font-size: 15px">*&*</span>\. . . . . . .
    You're not?
    well basically every trigger got this init function right? And in this function we can add whatever code we want. So basically we can create multiple triggers and add events/actions to the respective trigger.

    I see. Well I never asked Argos about it, I just thought it was a odd way of doing things. Seemed pretty silly to make it so static. It makes things more clean if nothing else.
    Nevermind. I actually looked at the training system, that got really inefficient drops. But I still think you should have merged the triggers, that's one advantage I found when coding RAM in jass only. The code is pretty long because it contains many functions. However there is only one of 'em :p

    Anyone the main reason I find the system bad is because you have to preplace locations. Wouldn't it be better to build at a random location close to the main building?
    Ah. I don't really know how much I want/should change, I just feel like 6 triggers are a whole lot, I think I could have brought down that a little if I made it myself from scratch. But I am too lazy for that. I will likely just change the setup trigger and do a few modifications in your loops.
    Yo. I hope you don't mind if I change some stuff in your building system. It seems highly inefficient to me when there are a lot of unit types.

    Figured I would ask at least.
    You are right. I am that kind of person.

    I'm sorry for all problems I caused you. You don't have to do anything. I would say something else, but I'm out of words...
    I tested the building version you sent me and it seems that those configurations in that init trigger are broken. For example I set an upgrade with Watch Towers, it should spawn multiple towers around the base at regions I selected, but it does nothing.

    Me and Chaosy finally got the RAM & Training syst. working, I'll send you the map soon. Btw please don't send map links into visitor messages.
    I didn't want to discourage you in any way. I'm trying to save our time by making sure RAM works properly. I'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.

    Did you make any changes on RAM/Training systems?
    Alrighty, so what exactly is there left to do?

    I need to import that Peon spawn trigger and make sure RAM is working 100% (or did you fix it by yourself?). Then the most important stuff is synergy, RAM must be interrupted to allow peons to walk and build at target location and then after the job is done, turn the RAM on and they continue to walk around.

    Could you send me the map or you still work on it?
    His system can't be working yet, he sent me the last component (peon spawn every 30 sec, limit 10) yesterday. Also his triggers make peons walk only among buildings pretty much.

    Btw is building system working now? If yes, I could import the remaining stuff and then somehow merge it together. We can fix all flaws after it's all done.
    I thought you used the basic orc peon and haven't noticed that you made the custom one. Otherwise I copied all abilities you used as dummies. I just didn't get why they are all different?

    PM: Just realized that only human builders can construction-boost that is why custom peon was needed, my bad.
    Happy Birthday! (Happy Birthday!)

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is a cake.</span>

    . . . ., ., ., .,. . . . .
    . . .__|__|__|__|__ . . .
    . . .|~~::~~~~::~~| . . .
    . . .|~!!~~~~~~!!~| . . .
    . . .|<(><)><(><)>| . . .
    . . .|}{}{}{}{}{}{| . . .

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is your present.</span>

    . . . . . . .\ &&& /. . . . . . .
    . . . . . . ./<span style="font-size: 15px">*&*</span>\. . . . . . .
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