• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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    At least put it into a hidden tag bitch <3
    ya know how proud i am to you so i dont have to.
    Yeah, everything's good. School's coming, though. Everything has an end, even summer ;_;
    I've also not been playing WC3 for awhile, I guess I got bored and stuff, and the only time I've seen myself enjoying is when I was with a friend.
    Yay! You'll fail miserably :D
    Thank god professors are so friendly and kind to me :)
    <span style="font-size: 9px">Unlike you</span>
    I've gotten back into it, I was sapped away with other games and priorities but now I'm going to get that map finished as well as Conquest of an Island hopefully, I never realised just how close I was to finishing it but it still needs some heavy work which I'm now going to put in.
    I don´t mod so much any more. I do a little modding now but not on godfall. Mechanical Man rejected all my campaign attempts, threw together random terrains I had made before some which werent even for godfall and asked me to connect them story wise. After I did just that and told him we would need to get rid of some maps he rejected that too. It´s pretty much his mod now. After what, 3 years of working with him on it I have given up. Me and him are still friends though but I just don´t care anymore, as opposed of previously just not liking the direction it was going. I could never understand his airship map either or how it would relate to the rest lol but he insisted.
    I think I'd rather die than to have that on my tomb stone o_O

    edit: spot the irony?
    :D Sorry too, getting too much addicted with WoW even I shouldn't.

    I'm very fine but having a big problem or more of a decision or adjusting to somewhere or whatnot, and planning to make a Darion Mograine campaign of sorts.
    Ahh I love terraining it has always been my favorite part of WE. I love the Trigger Editor too but it's that f-ing Object Editor I can't stand, it's due to it that I always quit my projects. And no you don't need to worry about me quiting the WoW forum anytime soon, I'll go down fighting. :D

    Is it your final year of collage?
    Hello exalted officer of the Hive. ^^ Things are great here I'm playing on my level one twink in WoW awaiting Darkmoon Faire that begins in an hour. How are you fairing yourself?
    Currently up at 2:37 am
    Curses I have to much to do

    Also I find that status and avatar to fit the way I think of things a lot of the time haha

    I should probably go to sleep now ;~;

    Anything up on your end?
    Well it does have a lot of details, and a little too much I'm afraid. When you try to zoom out, it will all blur out, but I'm sure you'll figure out a way to make it effective :)
    Hello, Heinvers!

    I am currently writing a tutorial about terraining and I ask for permission to use your pictures/screenshots here on Hive (Your album "Terraining stuff").

    You will be credited for the images and a direct link will be set near each image included in the tutorial.
    hi. Could be going better tbh, so many exams piling up and I feel like resting after this mortiferous semester.
    Figured I'd present my stupidity in a enjoyable way :p seems like it worked indeed.
    Hai man. Nice to see you.
    Well, decent. Tonorrow I go to girlfriend's birthday, but weather is getting worse, so I am annoyed.. Maybe it will be rain, and I need to travel
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