• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
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  • Heinvers! Can I have a permission to ask someone to edit this Icon of yours? I'll just want to make tier upgrades. : )
    By the way I don't know if you've seen it but you've not commented on the latest two threads I posted on the WoW forum.
    Whos? I removed some people...

    Oh! Did I just unfriend you? Sorry! That was unintended!
    Hehe thanks, but there's really no comparison when it comes to Blizz's stuff. Way outta my league ;)
    So most of my rep comes from the same users as I keep myself pretty restricted to the WoW forum. Especially you and Sclammerz have been very active in giving me rep as of late and I just wanted to show you how much I appreciate that. I also am going to share with you just how it feels and since they say one picture says more than a thousand words here you go.

    I have seen one but they aren't common here. They are used way way more in Italy, Spain and Portugal while here it is novelty.

    And come on that thread begged to see that their joke was a serious real life thing. How could I not post it? Was mu duty.
    I actually don't believe it will be much of a difference compared to now. The only time I ever post here at all nowadays is like once every third month to post some art. It's kind of just killing time here.
    Came to inform ya. Candy Wars still awaits your touch and I won't hold it forever on my freaking PC... So, are you going to terrain it or not? Because if not, I am going to turn it into a haunted forest. You pick. :D
    Mars has a radius of 3 389 km while Venus has a radius of 6 051 km. In conclusion ♀ > ♂. ;)
    Woohooo, Tassadar has returned to lead us to victory! :)

    Pst, not so loud! Someone could listen! :O
    I mean, what else should I do with my spare time? Helping people? Buahahahahaha!
    If you continue like that, you'll have a temporary avatar for every day of the year.^^

    Not much, atm, enjoying my life while looking through the Model Section <span style="font-size: 9px">(and, of course, secretly trying to take over the world, but that's top secret, so don't tell anyone!)</span>
    I've heard rumors about him trying to make everyone else so lazy that he can take over without doing a thing! >:O
    It is rather awesome, though slightly too easy to make money and the game doesn't do anything to check for the amount of cash you got. So you might as part of the story be considered fairly poor, while you have 2 billion in your bank account. So one flaw to an otherwise great game (it doesn't hurt the story in any way though).
    Yea :grin: RL basically consumes most of my time in rapid gulps.. its kinda annoying really. Though I must admit that I have found time for some GTA V now that it is finally out for PC...
    I has something to to with Shar's avatar?
    Yeah, having a hard time getting use to it. Too use to Hive, I guess ;)

    Chilling atm. You?
    Thanks a lot :smile: And I am saying Happy birthday now, just in case I won't be online at the end of the month :wink:

    All is well in Sweden.
    I've been thinking about stopping my lurking of Hive completely, so It's great that you lurk Deviantart as well nowadays.
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