• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
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  • So it's okay for you and for your family? Like your brother, I want to be a recording artist too, but my voice it sucks now :p. Btw, I made some fan art (I'm a fan of yours lol :p) of your Blade of the Dragon Slate a pure WIP.

    I guess there's someone tracking our messages :P

    Oh yeah, maybe you'll follow the track of Mark Zuckerburg or Bill Gates who became a millionaire.
    I haven't been going to school since three years ago.
    I thought you have schooling? Can't believe this...
    BTW What are you planning to do in the future? Be a Cake Collector? Or leave home and be a CakePirate?
    The UI was just flat, I was on rush when I was making that and also because I was too lazy. The ultimate ability was random. Btw, are you in school?
    Roger roger. Well, it's been a pleasure working with you despite the chaotic circumstances. Best of luck with your 2D endeavours!
    Hey so since you gave everyone cake as you say? would you help me with something? I'm trying to find all the .gif cake pictures like this one
    gift album.. but i can't only find this one in particular.. i know theres a bunch more :
    I get OCD on my Rep, I will not On Hive For a while, Tell me In FB when The Profile Picture and Signature is ready, I will change them, and After That My hive Account will go sleeping for a while
    What kind of Payment?

    Anyway, The Sword you can do anytime you want, Deadline is 100 year later
    Yeah! Something Like that, Anyway, 1st Sword,
    Dialos Eferos's Sword
    -Base On Longsword
    -Don't add to Spike on Blade
    -Is a Cursed Sword, The Scabbard design is needed
    -Black Theme if possible, but Normal Longsword color is ok, but the Shape need to Be a little Unique (On the Guard and Handle)
    2. Text: Apple?
    4. Anything, If you make Model, I can Draw it, If you can draw it, better
    5. Nothing, Just The Skill to Draw/Make Terrain/Beatiful Scenery
    Im a Barbossa Fan, Jack is Awesome, but For me, Barbossa>Jacksparrow (My Likeness to them)
    What Text? Can help me A bit? If can Have some sort of interaction with your's will be better

    Are you good at making name? Character, Places, Title, and stuff (If Possible, any kind of Country-Styled name(The more the Better))

    Anyway, I think you're good at designing weapon
    I wanna Make a Story For that Hayate Character Design Thingy, So I might Need some Proper design someday for their Weapon,

    Do you have interest working with that Story thing together?
    I would Need Scenery Skills, Weapon Designing Skill, and Naming Skill xd
    I need a Barbossa Profile Picture and Signature like your's
    can you get me a set of it? XD
    What? seriously!? Alright I'll finish it tomorrow. I'm kinda too busy right now. sry.

    I refuse to wrap this abomination. Anyone who does so shall get 16 rep from me. Please consult me on the colors.

    Thank you.
    Uh, so, I was thinking I could wrap your Barbarian King Sword, so hows its edge, and what part of the Infernal car texture do you want the inside part of the edge
    So, I've made my contest submissions' basic attacks slow, with a wide area of effect. His spells are a bit faster.

    I'm considering an 'ultimate' set of animations, where he heaves his sword one-handed into a ready stance, runs quickly, with it trailing behind him, and then slams it down hard into the ground.
    Yes. I have seen it yesterday. I'll recheck.

    On the required details table, there are empty rows. You should remove it.
    My example took place right outside their mid inhibitor. As soon as the enemies are pushed within range of him, he fires off his Mindblasts, and backs off.
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