• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • No offense, but it's still the same, you need to inline the functions like the modulo function. Think monolithic design, all action in just one function block.

    I know its stupid to not use functions for readability but jass (or maybe blizzard?) is truly retarded, function calls are slow so we (at least that was the case back when i was still making stuff) have to sacrifice readability. I only suggested this because the overhead of calling a function is taxing considering where this code will be used.

    Anyway, to be more precise, inline at least Abs and ModuloReal. This is just my opinion so if you want, you could just wait for a mod to require you to do such. Good luck btw :D

    EDIT: Yeah, jasshelper could inline one-line functions, but since this is jass, only the ones who would use the map optimizer can benefit.
    When the problem is solved, I'll try to examine with my other tests. As you can see, I'm very carefull about my resources, although many of them in "submission" hasn't been updated for very long time.
    It's more than that. The problem is also connected to recursion: try to creating image within other image creation. Result: wrong instanciation + not every image is indexed.

    Thats why ppl usually stick with thier own images xD. Again, I'll try to help you out with this later.
    Ah I see okay thanks for clearing that up. If I didn't step in as soon as I did, Shadow might have felt offended by your words. Your challenging him yet all he's done was trying to help you.
    No no, it is fine. Should always feel welcome to share your thoughts, just try not to disgrace/insult others while doing it.
    Seriously calm down on talking back to other reviewers, sure it's their fault if they can't see the beauty of your map but even so it is lacking other main elementals of a game/map. I have liked everything you've made so far and so has others, most of your games so far have low replay value though.
    Sure. You can edit it the way you want.

    The idea was to add sound with triggers by the way. It's not that i am a lazy asshole who doesn't bother himself with sounds and such.
    *brings some women and bribes for forgiveness Dalvengyr*

    Well, sorry. I kinda forgot to reply back then :C
    I just feel that people still look at me as bad person. That makes me feel uncomfortable.
    I was referring to that but nevermind it now.
    So, what's up Dal?
    Ofc ^^
    udg are user defined globals that are created and initialized in the var editor.
    It will not increase by one line :eek:
    And in GUI they do it (or people don't tell them, I don't review GUI).

    When you declare it in the variable editor just set it to -1
    And in vJASS
    private integer index = -1
    And you don't waste :)
    Well, I was mistaken. But to add, people nowadays also looks for maps that has some sense of adventure to it and etc. Possibly also, it depends on the user who posted it which is a bit sad.

    Just some things I noticed.
    Well, it seems people nowadays looks on unique maps such as AP's map as an example (just look how unique it is despite the very long gameplay).
    Yes and the ratings as well. That means, I cannot make a move on approving your map without the judges' input.
    Good to know. As for me, just became active yesterday due to school stuffs. Started moderating the map section and also, I feel sad that your map's not being judged yet and same goes for the other entries.
    How so? I haven't checked the coding threads around. Are other members mistreating you and crap like that again? ;/

    Hey, I'm happy you talk to me :p
    Well, I'm happy you can be happy around:)
    Pretty fine, bored aswell ;/
    It's good to see things are getting better for you around :> at least I hope so :)
    I wish I were :/
    The spell section and every code related forums and threads are free of my evul darkened corruption though :p

    How you've been btw?
    But I'm glad I can keep good posts so far ;)
    Well, that sounds good.
    Sorry to disappoint, I moved on to Unity!
    If you asked a year ago I would have considered it.
    Sorry, retired and I don't colab or do requests anymore! If you want you can use the models from my packs, they are all free to use.
    Was all interesting. ^^ I liked the snowman feature much. :)

    Sometimes I felt the speed was a bit inbalanced (you just could not react because you were too fast --> death)
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