• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Why do I get the feeling that the Witcher model uses parts from meshes made by Tenebrae?
    No problem, I just did a quick look over all the ability and missile sounds and picked those out. Any fit?
    Ancestral Guardian missile
    Banshee Missile
    Bristleback Missile
    Ensnare Missile

    Any of those should work for darts.
    Hrm. Nothing comes to mind... But really, any simple "wind blowing/shooting" sound will work. I'd rather have a placeholder & then take the time to find a better one (especially if it's just a Sound-Event Object that I can modify in Magos later).
    Ok, cool.

    Ah yeah, good point. Hydralisk is a good base (in fact, the Hydralisk sound might not be out of place (or at least, the Wc3-version).

    Hrm, ok. We'll see how in-or-out-of-place it looks, I suppose.
    - Attachment points "too big"? Huh, I thought they were like "points" in space, with no real size... Or do you mean they look bad if one scales the model? That might be a problem (unless the size is just right).
    - For the dart-spray SFX, something real simple; it's not meant to be, like, super-magicky, just magically-held-together. The darts themselves... Well I always figured it's just, like, steam technology (trapped water & air spirits, lol). So yeah, puffs of dust, a jerk-back of the totem heads, and that's about it, mirite?
    - Death SFX = NE building explosion? Huh. I guess that could work. Is there any way to do a differently-colored version? Size is no object here (I've got a custom MPQ), so whatevs.
    I hope not either, but it won't be the end of the world. I have faith in you. ^_^
    thanks for wishing me luck ;) i will retun on july and i garantee wi will finish what you have told me to do, and later on i can help you with other stuff if you are able to share for cooperation.
    Take care bud. Hugs
    [07-35-26] Misha: ILH, ..need anti-disco help?
    No thanks.
    hey lad hows going, im sorry for the big delay im working on the vocals of the naga. Im having voice problems while studying hard. When i come back to the map making on july i will go back and work on it. Cheers.
    Can you please come over on the chat? :) MiniMage would need some suggestions for his submarine:)
    o_O whoa, when did that happen?
    Congrats with the Gold Gem!
    I gave it to you for being extremely helpful for THW:)
    o_O whoa, when did that happen?
    Congrats with the Gold Gem!
    I gave it to you for being extremely helpful for THW:)
    I've updated my post with an edit message that hopefully clarifies and eases any tension.

    > and why did i have a great time playing that map if it is so 'worthless' as you say?

    Many people, many opinions. You're entitled to yours just as I am to mine.

    > I'd suggest you to don't react with such hostility, not because i'm a mod, but because it'll not help you as much as a constructive post would :/

    I'm not looking for help. I'm quite pleased with my ability to reason about design, I just don't appreciate being reprimanded purely because you disagree with me. I pointed out a few specific details that really bothered me while playing the game, and if Maximum_Evil fixes them and asks for a second opinion I'd be happy to take a look.

    Edit: To be clear: I am not being hostile, just clear, lucid, blunt, and objective. I don't expect everyone to love what I have to say, though.
    What? I absolutely played the game with two, and tried again in normal mode. The problem is that the map exhibits some of the worst game design I've ever experienced, and it should be declared "needs fix" in the map database because it's so utterly worthless. Spending a lot of time on a map is *not* synonymous with making a good map.

    Further, I'm entitled to my opinion and if you have any disagreements I'd love to discuss them inline.
    I think it was used on his bracers at some point in the beta. Must've been removed from the model but not the skin I suppose.

    I'll see about re-doing the Tauren for ye.
    I say, fine sir. I do believe that the time that was taken during the creation of the buxom blue cow was rather that of a man eating a peanut butter sandwich. I personally would want something that took an unspeakable amount of time and had the creator slaving over a hot computer with such focus, such effort (much wow), that 'twould be done nine seconds before Judgment Day.

    Personally, I'd call my work there (and I am sorry to say this) Mediocre at best, but useful for specific projects or other fantasy paraphernalia.
    Alright, but the thing is that this happends when I just open a new project and just save it at once. And I haven't even edited the map just saved it.

    Do you have anyone to suggest? That you know of? :)
    Hello Misha!
    I have a problem that's making me real crazy. I've seen your work and it's awesome and I thought you may know how to help me.

    I uninstalled Warcraft III TFT a few years back and now I've re-installed it again on my PC. But the problem is that I can't play my own maps that I make in WC3 World Editor...

    I get script errors... Like when I try to save the map I've made I get this script error and when I try to launch the Map in WC3 TFT It returns to the race select/handicap select etc ( If you know what I mean ) ?

    What should I do? What's the problem? I don't get it ... Please help me, share your wisdom!

    Best regards MamcarzZz!
    Bas tako...osim ako otkrijes za autobus ili voz... ali i onda treba da me lociras!
    I think everything except the glass in the eye is steamtank.
    The glass lens eye is humanshipyard.
    Yeah... this was my problem.

    I guess the front, as the sides aren't to visible, so the TC there doesn't matter to much.
    If you disagree feel free to do what you want
    hi, i posted my entry (again) since Toma uploaded his. kinda want to get some feedbacks.
    also can you reopen the thread? didn't realize it'll get closed once i delete it. haaahhhh.. should've just got it on needs fix.
    I think it was because I couldn't get the wrap right...
    I can't really remember what I've done.

    If you could I would be very grateful.
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