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  • I have no intentions to call you dear.

    Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni Kaku, has no more than just one episode.
    well....I don't know then... pictures and comments just for our cult? lol

    and thank you for your compliments on my art
    <span style="font-size: 18px">Hahahahaaa! NO!</span> This is the last you'll hear from me! :p
    It was perhaps also the wrong time to take you in - I mean, the Easter Games month have beaten all records of strict rules in the group's entire history. Next month, however, it will be back to normal - one of these "Random roleplaying"-months without a specific theme and rules to stick to. Since that means no responsibility whatsoever, you might like the random roleplaying months much better ^^

    Oh, right, you are a street vandal - almost forgotten, haha. You know, have you considered moving to a new city, saying fuck everything, rent some apartment and start anew? You said it yourself, you just turned 18 after all, so from now on it's your own life - see that as a gift of freedom, not as a curse of insecurity ;)

    Why I'm keeping him? At first, because it made a point clear for you that whenever one mentions a new name a new character is born. However, secondly, once I thought about it further, this character could really turn out to be useful for the beginning of next month's plot! A sick bastard, who is famous for taking part in a weird TV-series, is actually just what I need! :D
    I will see to that. But how can someone reincarnate into an egg and then a worm and then a mosquito?
    worms and mosquitoes are not even in the same family of insects!
    makes no sense, no?
    Tch! My plan didn't work. Curse that Heinvers
    Thank me for that:)
    Arrghh *scream out in pain*
    That's really hurt, man..
    Anyway, glad to hear it too. We might have a leader like you in the cult!
    Secondly, she's not a 'crush'. But my future stolen-bride~!
    Just try and you'll loose your hand mr.! :)
    Well, ehh.. chill because.. you're so hot y'know :3

    Oooh, well, I had foreseen you wouldn't be so active, and nothing's wrong with that.. most of the time - that's why I made you a role on the outskirts of the story, where you could play around, and still have influence, but without being hold responsible for it. So irritatingly typical that once you decided to interact with the rest of us, the posts will not match together, and then so shortly afterwards all the minor drama with impatient miss Bern - which forces you to pretty much be responsible and active and working your ass off, etc, etc, etc. I hadn't seen that coming, but well well, sh*t happens ^^

    Of course you should have joined, and nothing's wrong with your roleplaying - Kaelicious is known for tipping on the edge of sillyness and seriousness, and so was your posts. Plus you stuck to the lore and all - absolutely nothing wrong with what you did so far, and I assure you I'd love to take care of all the silly creations you made. I already have plans for Ryan McDonald, who will appear after this event, teehee :b

    However, keep in mind that the door is always open - and in the future it is your own choice how much responsibility you wanna take ^^
    Bro, chill - it's fine if you don't wanna be in our group and all, but I still wanna clear out a few things first :)
    Yes, I overreacted - and took things too serious when it wasn't supposed to be that way. No, we don't think you're a black sheep, and I have totally loved your roleplaying so far. Call us business-men if you want, I get your point - but I do have a good reason for acting so strict - it's all because people like Bern and Al have long told me the RP was too silly, and I agreed, and that's why I made up all those rules. However, I'm new to the whole maintaining-thing which means I may be a little over-ambitious, and you guys tend to pay for that. It's only a phase though.

    However, leave if you must. Just wanted to say that there's no hard feelings from this peon and that it was kewl having you even if it was for such a short time :)
    Uah! ~Getting Goose bumps~

    <span style="font-size: 18px">DIE!</span>

    Edit: *Slap and punch*
    I find those stupid terms irrevelant to begin with. If they insist on using them. But I find references stupid anyway.
    How violent... Totally my type!

    Manners huh? Okay then!
    May this gentleman ask you to take-off your cloths, young lady?
    I would be really grateful, if you will allow me to tie you up too, nice and slow.
    ~Kisses hand~
    FUCK OFF! Leave my bride alone!!! :D
    In there, I am the only goddamn serious person in the multiverse. The reason you cannot refer to them is simply that they don't exist there.
    I really hate mayo, the first time I tasted it, I puked so I didn't dared to eat things with mayo again(unless it's in a food that I can't taste it) I even forgot it's taste lol X)
    You don't give up do you!? Won't happen freak!!! My boobs are are prominently sharp, average sized btw. That's all the info a piggy like you deserves as thank you for the rep. Learn some manners first before approaching a lady. ~Slap!~

    Edit: You might be needing my shirt yes, to wipe away all the blood. I wouldn't mind taking it off and giving it to a deadman since you won't be seeing anything.
    we could start with an album filled with just de motivational posters, then we can all as a cult comment on said pictures for the lolz
    Hiho dude, you can suggest hive workshop to others... and when the person joins hive, he/she can note a registered user as "Refrerral".

    I got some members of my clan here, that's why I have 9 already. But I don't think this number is imortant in any case. :csmile:
    oh yeah about the red gem i was dumb reviving a 6 month thread because i never look at the date first lol
    Ah i really don't tell anyone my age because its already on my mini (on my avatar)
    No offense but my arms are chained behind my back.

    If you want my breasts to be stroked, you'll have to do it yourself.
    its don't worry i'm patient and just tell if you gonna do something in cultist i be just creating gifs of pedobear
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