• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • R
    Hoy, wag ka parang siga na police dito sa hive. nakakainis yan.
    haha, finally i can do the work fit with the title "bug finder" :D
    ofc mean i spotted a bug :)
    Item: i bought red ring, and i'm invulnerable (true mean) i can lost health but just a little moment later, health bar full, yep, full. The way to kill me is just.... super combo which can kill me instant :DD
    review will come, wait, and taste your work =)
    (this happen with both version)
    i mean the bug..
    the thunder assassin were stuck in there forever....
    none can touch him...
    we already try to use some skill but it didn't even reduce/effecting his health...
    neo, i see your conversation with luorax
    so you want to know a free website? dunno if you already know this but..
    webs.com, ucoz.com
    don't worry :)
    i'm not busy because of another project beside LOF, i'm busy with my real life
    so don't worry :D
    hey i'm back...
    ready to find more bugs now...
    oh and yeah....
    i just encounter this bug (sorry i didn't Screenshot it)
    it was the thunder assassin that used the "R" skill and then he was like stuck in there,bugged no one can touch him,...
    the skill (the thunder that come from the sky) still harming everyone near him @_@
    Uhm. It depends. Is the map yours? Or is it someone else's? AFAIK you must get permission to edit someone's map. If they are inactive, then I'm not quite sure. It may depend on whether they protected it or not.
    (i'm busy so i can't test it) try this:
    Unit - A unit enters YourRegion <gen>
    Or - Any (Conditions) are true
    (Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 1 (Red)
    (Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 2 (Blue)
    (Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 3 (Teal)
    (Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 4 (Purple)
    (Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 5 (Yellow)
    Set Hero[(Player number of (Owner of (Triggering unit)))] = (Triggering unit)

    Time - Every 1.00 seconds of game time
    For each (Integer A) from 1 to 5, do (Actions)
    Loop - Actions
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    (YourRegion <gen> contains Hero[(Integer A)]) Equal to True
    Then - Actions
    Set Counter[(Integer A)] = (Counter[(Integer A)] + 1)
    If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
    If - Conditions
    Counter[(Integer A)] Greater than or equal to 10
    Then - Actions
    Unit - Change ownership of YourUnit to (Owner of Hero[(Integer A)]) and Change color
    Set Counter[(Integer A)] = 0
    Set Hero[(Integer A)] = No unit
    Else - Actions
    Else - Actions
    Set Counter[(Integer A)] = 0
    Set Hero[(Integer A)] = No unit
    just use periodic timer and check if the hero still stands inside the region, if not then reset the timer
    The event and action will work as many even condition :).
    What do you mean about DisplayAMessage??? There's no JASS function like that.
    Can you show me the code?
    Of course Object Editor does lags if it has more than 100 custom abilities. There's a widgetizer tool thing made by Vexorian, I think it will reduce some loading or lags. No if you convert the GUI to JASS, it will make an ugly code and less efficient. Anyway JASS will remove lags if it is used properly, remove leaks and nulled a handles/agents. You must reduce a map size or removed some arenas, because if the map has too many handle objects to take care of, then It will make a lag.
    neo_sluf, I'll be withdrawing from the team. (If I still haven't)

    I have a new co-op project with The_Prodigy and both of us promised to work on it without any other projects. Sorry but again, I'll have to withdraw from your devt. team
    Okay, i get it :), i'll fix it as soon as possible, because i use loop to detect, it may causes laggy on weak PC, you can disable it after check or..waiting for next version ^^!.
    Your avatar's steps matches perfectly with the song I am currently listening to :smile: Fun stuff.
    uh hey...
    uh i will just inform you
    that i got some try out exam...
    so i will not kinda uhh active for every day...
    but i will be back in November...
    Sorry but I've been away for 2 months and couldn't work on the whole news batch no more.
    Found out tooltip error. If i'm not wrong so the rune that say: make me invulnerable for 25 secs. But it's health regen rune, plz fix.
    (P/s: rune in team 1 area)
    ok, I got it until the part of the thunderclap... how actually you will do it? YOu want the sword to leave a eletric explosion behind?
    well you're welcome...
    if you need some tester on those heroes i can test it ...
    i have a lot of free time...
    Haha.. Yeah we lost there. I got pawned by that Lulu since she got better at dodging my jumps.

    Teleport.. Good to hear. Though I still prefer the old support abilities. ( jump, defend, heal)
    If time permits then I would be able to make your sfx. But most probably I won't.
    Uh, I can do a bit of odelling yes, as long as its simple, for now. My weak point is animations. Also, can I give it tomorrow? Its almost 1:00 am here
    special effect of Sky Aider's 3rd Skill which is Heaven Orb..

    The sfx will be composed by an bluish white orb with white wings attack on it left and right..
    The orb and wings will rotate clockwise from 0 degrees to 360 degress.. the two wings must face the same angle if they will rotate..
    G on, fiva dah details and I will see what I can do. Can be a good time to try a sfx.
    Hey neo_sluf, I'll just tell you this early that I would be quite busy this weekend so I'm not sure if I would be able to have time to make your sfx.
    You still need to move the camera around in order to track the hero. And that can only be effectively done via arrow keys. Just activate your camera setting mode only when the player hit esc or something like that. Then you can also lock the camera for that span of time, so nothing interferes. And yes, your big arcs and stuff do block the view. Ever heard of transparency (and adequacy)?

    The next funmap evening is scheduled on the 2nd saturday from now.
    Out of the points you mentioned, only the player count flexibility and in some rare cases AI help. Even a single hero with a few spells can be more satisfying with the proper gameplay. We do not care for the amount of content in the map. It has to be interesting, exact flexible skill and provide qualitative gameplay.

    Hive's ratings are questionable and did not quite enable me picking the right maps for the evening until yet.

    We can try out the map next time but please fix the camera. It's not unit-locked, therefore you would use the arrow keys to scroll the screen and that interferes with your zooming and rotation. The camera is also not updated on native scrolling/mouse wheel, which is why it annoyingly jumps back when you hit an arrow key.

    Ps: Of course I have subscribed to the thread and take a look into it before posting the next announcement.
    uhm... do you need some idea man now? I cant help you so much except see, give idea cuz i just a player...
    I'll be quite busy next week but I'll try my best.

    BTW, I don't think I can make a pure white colored wings since the ingame wing texture is colored yellow. Would that be fine?
    It depends on the complexity of the sfx. but usually I scratch make them or just edit some blizz sfx if it seems fitting.
    Hey sorry I'd love to test your map out but my internet is dying.. It takes like 7 secs to load a page and took 15 secs to load the map thread. I wonder when the download will finish.
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