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  • Nah, yesterday was the first day i have spent sober for almost 3 weeks... it was terrible...Somehow i survived, although i would prefer not to

    Edit, Several hours later:

    Yep im drinking tonight...
    Totaling the whole maps if I'm done will reach 20 files, this is why I didn't make it a campaign lol, also to make it interesting, I'll give it a maze like experience on a altered melee setting with an RPG storyline, so expect boss fights coming a long the way and your name being shown once again ha :D
    Yes but.. think of it a bit: what is a parasite? A creature that eats to live. Everything is a parasite! Sure, some creatures help other creatures - like bees - they spread plant seeds and such.. but... parasites also "help" nature as whole, I mean, a parasite destroys creatures so that they don't overpopulate Earth. Like humans. Without diseases we would be waaay too many. So you can't really hate them. And since even my hate against them is taken away, I feel even more awful :\ I can't even blame someone for this stupid Life System! I can't blame parasites :( I can only pity them as I kill them with medicines... they are just trying to live.
    I'm good :/ almost, but my mother and bro got a bit sick -.- soo.. the evuul virus is spreading around I guess.. Hmm :\ You know, it's just trying to live just like us. It's weird.. the system I mean - kill to survive. It's .. stupid.
    Its on the plot so I can't say it >:D

    If I can finish the game map part 1-2 and cinematic part 2 you'll see why
    Erm here in town? I still live with em...

    Main point! If she feels something about you, then she should wait that moment!
    Tough luck, with her boyfriend over I'd be lucky if i get to see her on monday. And even if i do i'd probably see her once or twice for the week. Then we leave for diffrent universities and i might not see her again.

    She already chosen to use you. She knows that she is your weakness and that she can get you in such condition.
    Not really, i have only implied my feelings towards her. And she's not that kind of girl.

    Now its hardest part to get rid of her from your mind. its not easy, but you cannot acomplish that by being alcoholic because she will always come back in your mind once you get sober. And you cannot be drunk all time, you will end dead or sick will constant illness which is worse than being dead. Your brain cells will lose at end.
    Yep i know, im doomed bro. Just have to sit and watch her slipping away. I try my best just to be a loser.

    How old are you man? Where from are you?
    19. Bulgaria

    You see, we talk to each other like we know each other for years in reality, not just some time over Hive.
    Some people though that you are mentally unstable, and also I am using all time username, smiley addiction and spell people's names, but in turn, when needed we can talk seriously.
    Well its becasue we're basicly anonymous as we have no real influence over echother's lives.
    That is a good example of what I am capable of.
    I can make people who I don't like go away. But that's not very good.

    I have strongly believed in karma for a long time, and almost lost my faith in it a while back, but now that I've been pointed out things that I had not seen myself, it's clear that there was no reason for me to stop believing, I was doing wrong without acknowledging it.
    I can say that I have not been as successful as a friendly human being as I thought I was.
    lol, yeah I'm thinking if the game would be an RPG or a Risk but I've been forced to make it as an altered melee for a faster game and quicker story line :)

    Haha yeah. Still, I reckon that I now get to punch 18+ stuffs in the face. On the other hand, responsibilities will get to pummel my arse xD
    I've been like this for over a month now, the only moment im happy is when im with her, or when im watching some violent action movie. She chose that dude, because i wasnt available at the moment. If i dont do something she will aways chose another guy. I can not stand down.

    Actualy im already an alcoholic bro. I was three years ago, then i went sober till this summer. Today is the first day i havent consumed any alcohol. I know it wont change a thing and that its only harm, but damn it makes me stop caring about beeing such a loser...

    Yeah so do i bro, now im gonna go to visit grandparents and do the hardest labor i can find all day so i can get her off my mind for the next few days.
    Uhm, it's awesome to spend your life with your soulmate who can read your mind and can talk exactly in your way. And then he/she will take care of you when you are sick and when you are fine he/she will take care of you again.

    Sex is just a good byproduct, the real thing is the great relationship.
    I guess I could be a player too, but I don't like whores and I enjoy quality.
    And let's be honest, your sex will never be as deep, passionate and kinky when you always switch the woman.

    So, long time relationship wins in any way.
    hmm.. I vomitted, etc. etc. :/ But, today's been okay.. I only feel weak and dehydrated and .. foodless o_O

    so yea, just gotta give it some time xD
    Actualy i see her every few days, and with each days im getting flitrier/better.

    Actualy i would if she'd accept to be my girl, but i've already paid for the other uni. :(

    Yep, guess what? Her boyfriend will be visiting her for the next few days. Which means i wont get to see her soon. Which means depression and alcoholism. Its going to be another lonely endless night...
    Sad truth is that 8 years ago, she moved to another town only to return this year already taken. I had feelings towards her back then but i was like 12... so i didnt really do anything. Now is my opertunity but the odds are against me. Just angry at how my life got fucked up, really. She's really special and all that...

    yep its the remove kebab guy, i imagine they made him do the video, right after he returned from some mission where he killed dozens of civilians...
    Haha, 2 and a half year already.
    Last relationship 2 years.
    Before that 3 years.

    I kinda know how to have long term relationships :D
    Well it was cool in the mountains (both meanings). When I got home though I became sick after 1day and here I am ATM, lying in a bed, tired :/ being sick sucks hmm.

    How have you been though :cgrin: during the week I was gone?
    Haha, my life is pretty good :)
    Living with my fiance now.

    Work is a lot to do too, but I manage to get some freetime every once in a while :)
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