• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • In buff/effects in object editor then effect category which is the next folder below human buffs- Art effect, replace blizzard target with arrow.
    Hello Misha,
    I really like your avatar, I've seen others around the hive with similar effects so I was wondering, is there someone around The Hive that makes them, or you made it yourself? If that's the case, do you mind telling me what software yo used.
    I hope I'm not bothering with this simple question, :)
    I would love to, but I don't really know how. I mean I could make a base texture but I wouldn't know where the legs and head go. I suppose I could just create a grid of colors and figure it out by trial and error. There must be a tutorial on it too.

    What were you thinking? Like is he a jungle lizard or a dessert thing, or just totally demonic?
    It was a joke about game of thrones omg... you know... a character in GoT that got his d*ck cut off... his name was Theon Greyjoy... lol
    In that case, I honestly have no idea what the issue is, since seemingly the code runs perfectly fine for you.

    Did you try on FireFox?

    In Chrome, you can open a page at about:gpu and see if you find anything suspicious.

    And as a general rule, are your drivers updated?
    Iam making so much progress that i cannot even express it enough. I was even managed to fix the "unknown tag kral in ribbon emitter" problem with one awesome model from HoS. I also fixed many other models and made several portraits.
    Uhm, i just think that when you attach the model/s i linked on a ranged unit, it is now compatible because of the weapon attached XD
    Do other WebGL pages work for you? e.g. pages here.

    Did you try in another browser? e.g. Firefox.

    That message is written in the console (F12), but if none of the links work for you, it doesn't matter.
    working still, working hard! Man iam so happy! finally i managed how to fix the "bad selection" bug n some of my models ! damn iam so happy! thats called progress baby!...anyway.... iam working on the vrykuls stills, new helmets, weapons, animation sets, new units....maybe ill even make val'kyr...anyway, i would like to send you soon new versions of the vrykuls i already send you
    No, like I said, that file isn't related to the viewer in any way.

    That model works fine here, and you are getting no errors, so I can't really tell what the issue is.
    Hey man could you do me a fast favor? could you change the name of these topic to these "NeoDex 2.0 Wc3 Modeling Kit for 3dsmax & GMAX"
    That JavaScript file isn't related to the viewer.

    Can you post the exact error here, or a screenshot?
    Your models work fine for me. Press F12 to open the console, and see if you get any errors.
    Exactly. I have the skype for the guys now, i will work on that, its needed info. I think we will start new topic on the forum, where other info and other stuff will be released.
    Indeed, i have them all now. I will discuss the models with the Ryuthedragon abotu their lore and origin and about the original makers, for the credits, i will myself edit them, so they can be approved (mostly adding portraits and so on) so, with you i would like to discuss the approvability, functions and other stuff, just like always... I will try to do my best, since you already pointed some of the bugs even my own models have, i will look for it, fix it, but honestly, its a hell of a big pack of models, so it can take a while to get trought it all and iam sure some of the bugs will still pass trought my attention. Iam thinking about making request in the forum about icon making and maybe for some texture maker who would help me with editing the textures a little bit, what do you think ? good idea? or should i contact someone directly?
    Well, it can wait, untill i finish my current own models. But as you know, i accepted HoS models to fix them, finish them, improve them. I wanted to ask you, what was the main reason they were not approved? Or other question, if i do everything, can i discuss them one by one, to ge them approved (if approvable, because some of them cannot be accepted here no matter how hard will i try), of course if i will give you the permission of the creator of HoS. They are great models and they should be released for the people, so i just wanted to ask you if after everything is done, it is possible to release them on the Hive, or is there any other problem, why it cant be ?
    May the Wolf Spirit lead your path, Oh Great spirit.... Hi there :D still working on the models, thanks to you, they are getting better and better! I have now started on the new weapons and helmets for the vrykuls, thinking of the better wrap (hard work) and finishing the fixes on the aspects. And after that, there is another thing i would like to discuss with you.
    I told you that I could not fix them, so yes I'm loosing my time by trying to make them be approved, since the model had to be decayless, and seems to have bugs. I'll release them in pack so peoples will be able to fix them if they want.
    Read the description I'm not the one who fixed the model and it worked in the editor to me. I feel like I'm loosing my time anyway. I'll upload them on XGM
    Ah yeah, im currently having something complicate in rl so the progress of other's models are quite slow and i have accepted some project before you know... :p
    So ok, i have - 13 models waiting. (some of them has updates only - like SFX, or model updates - Alexstrazsa and Ysera - they have effects on attack, spell and have much better boobs, Malygos has portrait and also SFX on attack and channel) some are completely new (some just dont have portrait, but should be finished. - DRagon Hatchling, Vrykul Captain, Vrykul Soldier, Frost Vrykul (none of them has portrait, Gryphon mount on ground, riderless, Vrykul Drakkar ship, Sylvanas Windrunner the Banshee (no portrait yet, made her for the 67 chromes textures, with his permission so the good texture got good mathching HD model (maybe not Hd entirely but surely better than blizzard one), Elite Twilight Ascendant (fire, with brotherhood custom sword) and the last one Worgen Hero, ive been working on for quite some time, now even the animations should be working properly. Which of these models would you like to see first?
    TRying to be better and better, you know me :D even on animations :D but its till ...ehmm..hard as coconut :D anyway some results are promising. I need an opinion on my new models. (A lot of them....) what da ya say if i send you pack of my new models, would you have some free time to give me some feedback? I think they are good, but meybe they can be even better (beacuse of course they can be).... :D
    Hello Misha. Its me again :D again been gone for some time.... But ive got really many new stuff.... Been busy recent times.
    No, but there's an art lesson at school, can learn from that to use at skinning :)
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