• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Da Fist
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  • Happy Birthday! (Happy Birthday!)

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is a cake.</span>

    . . . ., ., ., .,. . . . .
    . . .__|__|__|__|__ . . .
    . . .|~~::~~~~::~~| . . .
    . . .|~!!~~~~~~!!~| . . .
    . . .|<(><)><(><)>| . . .
    . . .|}{}{}{}{}{}{| . . .

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is your present.</span>

    . . . . . . .\ &&& /. . . . . . .
    . . . . . . ./<span style="font-size: 15px">*&*</span>\. . . . . . .
    Happy Birthday! (Happy Birthday!)

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is a cake.</span>

    . . . ., ., ., .,. . . . .
    . . .__|__|__|__|__ . . .
    . . .|~~::~~~~::~~| . . .
    . . .|~!!~~~~~~!!~| . . .
    . . .|<(><)><(><)>| . . .
    . . .|}{}{}{}{}{}{| . . .

    <span style="font-size: 12px">Here is your present.</span>

    . . . . . . .\ &&& /. . . . . . .
    . . . . . . ./<span style="font-size: 15px">*&*</span>\. . . . . . .
    I dont know, if you remember at me. Its one year ago, thats i open a thread about my projectmap. You was the only one, who write at them and give me some ideas. I have used 2 Things, what you write for me and i give you credits for this ibn my map. Maybe it will be a great map, when its finished.
    Oh alright. Sorry for the mid-way quit. Anyhow I wish that you and the rest of the dudes will come up with an awesome map :)
    Uhm hey there. Sorry but are you aware of the project ownership transfer and some other major stuffs that happened recently?
    Do you make graphics? cause you'll be forced as a contestant of the PRS GFX Challenge, for more info please go to the thread that I made in the PRS Group page
    Lol =)) Hmm, nice improvement. Thanks.

    Btw, what do you think of the item texts by other guys?
    Hey there. We are hosting polls in the group right now. Come and vote. Oh and some news, Archange1 resigned because she cannot work with many people. Almia and Mr.Bean joined us as coders, Hell_Master as assistant terrainer and, finally, Daffa the Mage joined as beta tester.
    This message was sent to all members of the Protection of the Cheese map project.

    What's your skype name? I need it to create the Discussion for the project. Thanks in advance :)
    But I wanna parody DotA x)

    We are going to get a group of our own. We will make a poll there I guess. Put forth all suggestions, then we pick one. How about that?
    Hi there. Please subscribe to the recruitment thread so we can keep you up-to-date. Thank you.
    Hey Da Fist!

    I just read your story concept and it's an improvement but I think we should make it more with comedy in mind. Maybe tone it down in scale.

    For example,
    Two Wizard Apprentices have hated each other ever since they were born and are told by a shady, mysterious guy about an artifact that will make one of them a master wizard in an instant. The kids reach the artifact at the same time and decide to fight each other trough their summons (the players). Due to their inexperience, their champions are deformed and sometimes incomplete. In the end, they find out the artifact was a lie (pun intended).


    The kids reach the artifact but too late they find out it is a lie. It's use casts a curse on them, empowering both yet transporting them into an isolated, ethereal dimension. They blame each other and fight it out right there.


    The kids reach the artifact; they find out it is a simple wooden stick and are jumped by the shady guy. This shady guy turns out to be a mage himself and tricked them to steal their magic powers, something he's been doing for some time. The Kids set aside their differences and fight side-by-side against the 'Guy'.

    My idea is to have 'funny' as the central driving force for the story. 'Parody', it's right hand. The easiest way to make fun of something is tonin it's importance down. Think of the Cartoon y versions of famous people. What do you think?
    Hey uhm can we decide upon an official name for the project? Or are we going to keep that placeholder name?
    Yes I was thinking about startgame bonuses too. Very nice :)

    Okay about the story, I believe yours is approvable. Btw you don't say anything about the artifact pieces. Do you plan to keep that? I like the new idea elements. Now I am thinking about how we can add a bit more of humor. Like why do they fight in the first place? A silly explanation perhaps?

    You and DZerpic should keep each other informed on this. The stage is you guys'. I will not try to interfere. Just give me a head-up once you guys agree on a new draft :)
    Hi there. DZerpic has accepted to work as an idea man for the project. Would you be comfortable working with him?
    Hello. Are you interested im working as an idea man for my project? It would be nice to have some good ideas for the humor =))
    And that is the time, when I was still hiding in the shadows and not showing myself as Allain55X :b
    it's okay, I can wait because i'm patient. (what? patient!? I am really a patient..)
    You better PM jazz and vote now, amigo, All of the participants except you are waiting. If not, You're sorry.
    please pm me your vote or you'll be disqualified. You still have time until tomorrow, if you pm it to me today we can now announce the results.
    hey, we need your vote so that we can now announce the results..pm it to me..
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