• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Thanks for all your help friend, may I ask something

    How can i order a unit to do the Channel ability ? (using triggers)

    Thanks :)
    Don't graveyard TUD - remove whole thread, by no means Ralle needs additional memory occupied. Don't think I can do that myself.
    Hey mag, I know you're like a vJass and Jass pro, and I decided to walk that path too. Start with learning Jass or go for vJass immediately? How should i begin do you think?
    there might be similar issue as in global case (nulling/not nulling them) The loss is so small that you can ignore it. Escpecially that my 2nd test involved around 20mln iterations. Normal person wont do that in one game..
    y actions leak, conditions do not. I've checked events. No memory loss after 5mins. I gave up after 5mins ;>
    I've been working with Events as of now. That is wc3 predefined events. Look at the situation: RegisterEvent + AddCondition -> functional trigger
    now, lets create new trigger and replace it with first one + AddCondition -> we got new trigger with just conditions. Destroy the first trigg.
    Does previously registered event leak? or does it cause any unwanted memory loss?
    still not working :(

    function stuff takes nothing returns boolean
    local integer i = GetHandleId(GetTriggeringTrigger()) - 1048576
    set count = count + 0.01
    call BJDebugMsg(R2S(count ))
    call BJDebugMsg(R2S(goal ))
    if count >= goal then
    call BJDebugMsg("SADASDASD")
    call EnableTrigger(LoadTriggerHandle(hash, i, 1))
    call TriggerClearActions(GetTriggeringTrigger())
    call TriggerClearConditions(GetTriggeringTrigger())
    call TriggerRemoveAction(GetTriggeringTrigger(), function stuff)
    call DestroyTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger())
    call DisableTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger())
    return false
    Goodbye my friend.
    Please hide my activity. I will be packing up my bags and leave.

    I just can't stand Frankster's manners. and guess what? that sc***ag gets allies.
    how? I don't know what to put.

    call TriggerRemoveAction(GetTriggeringTrigger(), ???)
    function stuff takes nothing returns boolean
    local integer i = GetHandleId(GetTriggeringTrigger())
    set count = count + 0.01
    call BJDebugMsg(I2S(i))
    call BJDebugMsg(R2S(count ))
    if i >= goal then
    call EnableTrigger(LoadTriggerHandle(hash, i, 1))
    call DestroyTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger())
    return false

    the destroy trigger wont work the debug msg will still be dispalyed
    fuck yes! working now thanks alot ^^

    problem 2: can I pause a trigger and the resume it disable/enable did not work

    problem 3: The created trigger wont be destroied..
    could I divide the handle id by 2 or something would that work? it would still have a unique id that way
    how do I do that?

    also why is this trigger not working propperly?
    that counter is not working at all it just shows 0.00

    real array count
    real array goal
    hashtable hash

    function stuff takes nothing returns boolean
    local integer i = GetHandleId(GetTriggeringTrigger())
    set count [i] = count [i] + 0.01
    call BJDebugMsg(I2S(i))
    call BJDebugMsg(R2S(count [i]))
    if i >= goal [i] then
    call EnableTrigger(LoadTriggerHandle(hash, i, 1))
    call DestroyTrigger(GetTriggeringTrigger())
    return false

    function wait takes integer WT, trigger t returns nothing
    local trigger trig = CreateTrigger()
    set goal[GetHandleId(trig)] = WT
    call TriggerAddAction(trig, function stuff)
    call TriggerRegisterTimerEvent( trig, 0.01, true)
    call DisableTrigger(t)
    call SaveTriggerHandle(hash, GetHandleId(trig), 1, t)
    I was trying to check if a point was succesfully removed.
    I tried if p = null then
    but that did not work is there some way?
    Howcome i cant see your last activity/currently viewing !? Just how am I supposed to spy on people with that ? Do you have something to hide?
    Spy moderator activity like a boss
    Well I do believe you acted normal and cool when someone from the hive greets you. Instead of all these Minecraft players that know nothing 'bout Warcraft.
    Oh, well I was the guy who was calling you when you first came, I think my name was "Cookie558" or something.
    Just one more question, do you play Minecraft? As in a server I saw a man named "Magtheridon96" in our server.
    Howcome i cant see your last activity/currently viewing !? Just how am I supposed to spy on people with that ? Do you have something to hide?
    Man, rejecting a resource due to improper formatting. Lame. That'll be my last resource.
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