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  • Happy Birthday, Amargaard. We need a welcoming committee for every new user. XD
    Happy Birthday, the gift I'm going to give you can't be bought, because it's knowledge.

    There's still a long road until you turn into an adult, and you must be ready to it's responsibilities once it comes, but not yet.

    Youth's energy is unique, because once you turn into adult you cannot have the amount of energy you had at this age anymore. And you must know how to use that energy wisely, that energy is both mind and body.

    Once that energy disappears, it will never come back with the same equality, just like the time doesn't. Energy and time are limited things, remember that.

    Happiness can be obtained by being satisfied of yourself, and only you decide to not be happy. Nothing is needed to obtain it, only your mind decides that.
    Well you kinda had that when you were in your mother's stomach as well. Your waist is young for that heh.
    Oh well.. I use condoms, don't worry :D
    Aren't you too young for such things? o_O
    You know, sexually transported diseases. Whoa, I deciphered it.

    Well, I guess. Oh well, have fun out of our geekfest then. At least you have the right idea.
    hive sucks and rp was the only thing keeping me,depends on the dark lord if i stay or not
    I'll be sure to remove you then if you are leaving the Hive man.
    It was a honor for you to work for my project.
    Normaly i would say you can have both but with the lich king's rising im leaning towards your awnser.
    Sure thing bro, I'll make sure every introduction thread have my last post with it. ^^
    I don't know what to say, except that I never expected I would be the one who would make you leave, nor even make leave anyone else...
    what I tought you were social,are you saying you have no irl friends?

    Nah I am saying he's changed due to my evildoing,remember good old al from draenorsh?Now compare him to this asshole that kicked me out because he can, srlsy he's become me! :O
    my carelevel's pritty low about the dp but my fate lies in the hands of the dark lord

    meh I guess I've been having some issues with mi gang since we havent contacted the whole vacation >> but meh i'll see em in school

    under my courrupt influence al has become evil hence why i call him arthas
    Only spirits come in mind. Though think its best to consort with wolfe as he is fellow greenskin so he knows better then me.
    Wow, now I see why the other wikis died too. You know what? Nderevikuape your wiki. I'm not going to keep arguing with you because I know you won't listen. So go ahead and do whatever you want with your little toy, I don't care anymore. Again I say, congratulations, perhaps I even found one of the reasons why people lose motivation on making their plots, because of you.
    Well done Am, your unexpected edits on the wiki made Ant stop getting interested on it anymore, could you stop assuming facts about characters that haven't being told yet? If we edit our pages is for a reason, but stop editing it for "cleaning up" or "fixing grammar", you're just either spoiling important things or bad assuming them.

    And if we're adding stuffs that haven't been told yet on pics, send us a comment, but don't spoil or bad assume our plots.
    Darius but I don't consider any of my characters main.

    No not that I know at least. Little info is made about them except that they are sort of isolated in their mountains and observe other species. The destiny thing I never heard of.
    I added titles for those 2 pics of mine that didn't have any titles. You can add them to the wiki now.
    I think it will get deleted automatically after that, just like it took a while to appear in my blog after I created it. So it's done then, thanks!
    Hey, can you help me in the wiki? I just wrote a blog, but the stupid wiki didn't show it when i press my Blog page, and after a while it showed up.
    And now I accidentaly created it twise, can you please remove one? Sorry for my inapropiate lenguage.
    Well if they were the guards who were supposed to lead him to the execution and he ran away and they disappeared for a day, I think it would be pretty obvious what happened.
    No, of course no. They ran away with Terentian. Do you think they would remain if it is obvious that a warlock escaped by their fault?
    About the wiki problem, can't you just create another account and promote it to be able to edit the pages? that way you may add the new pics and stuff.
    Well thank Eimtr for it, because he was the one who made the flash for Pinkie Pie avatar sized.
    Oh yeah. I did. I had so much fun that my fun meter exploded. =b

    I'll see ya later mate. Enjoy your new year. =)
    Amargaard, it's been a long time mate. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you man.

    My finest regards to you and have a fun & happy year this 2012. =)
    Nice avatar by the way. Very Chrismassy. =b
    Sorry for the late greetings. Been very busy this december.
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