• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • I'm getting people to work on the Warcraft II maps and missions, but which act for Tides of Darkness do you want to make?
    Well ACT II and ACT IV is up for grabs for you to do, if you want to do them or not.
    I added you already, but thanks for joining and why are you using the damn Blizzard trees?
    They look to ugly for my taste so I'm going to use some custom ones that I found, but so do you want to get started on some things or you are busy?
    Want to join my project Mr. Stormy? You may like this request if you need too, but still you don't have to join if you don't want too.
    ok, i thought it'd be good if you can use the custom skeletons (orcs) and originals and i'd say taht would've been enough but i can make more. I can also make the experience giving thing work (if i know what you mean: Make it taht you gain less/more xp or once you level up you can't any more). Slayer said he would place the units but i imagine you would do that too and I'll get working on the campaign file now.
    Hey Z.

    As for the workers who use the Scroll of Speed, ironman47 just did that I think for laughs. And yes, it does like pretty silly and kind of random.

    As for getting the triggerers working on the campaign, of course we could, but it might be kind of a mess. I mean, I wanted this project to go in a specific order, as ironman47 suggested. I thought that was a pretty good suggestion. But I suppose we could get them working. Sure, go ahead. And oh yeah, you are the project Manager and this is your idea, so I hereby authorize you to go ahead and do that. :)

    As for Dalos' spells, I'm sure we can get a brainstorming session going soon. Maybe later today. I think we will probably end up giving him some sort of helping spell, something like Roar would be good for him.
    Log on to skype and add me there, please. So we can talk about the map and stuff.
    Can u terrain good? I mean can u make a nice-natural looking forest terrain with things such as fog, terrain-variation, doodads, open places for base-building and surroundings of different and naturally placed trees?

    If yes - You are my man !
    Ralle is working on new system, as you can see there is no moderator rating anymore (example :)).
    lol thanks brother ;) I'm actually trying to make an altered melee at the moment, 1 unit a day. But will defiantly make that template I said.
    'Shadow should be back today. I already put his name back up in the Positions Table at exactly 2:30 AM (where you live, 4:00 PM for me.).

    And since 'Shadow's back, he can tell you that. He really never told me anything about how he plans to have it set up really. So...
    OK, sure. I've heard of GIMP before, never got to use it though.

    OK! Keeping working! Been waiting for a nice terrain to use for the loading screen, or at least the Campaign Splash thing.:grin:
    I see you just updated your template map. I'm sure the mods will like it a lot more now. :)

    About your minimap not updating, that just happens on the Hive sometimes. Really, when you have just uploaded your map. It should be OK after awhile. If not like a day or so, just try update it again.

    Best of luck to ya.:wink:

    Oh, and congrats on your 4th yellow globe!
    Want to help me for some ideas for the High Elven kingdom known as Quel'thalas?
    I kinda have a lot of elf units and such for their kingdom, its just I want to make a wondrous kingdom for them in my project.
    Oh and I'm probably doing the War of the Ancients and a Night of the Dragon project soon too.
    Not according to what I have on the Project Thread. And 'Shadow didn't have any comments on it, actually that's what he told me.
    I'm not completely sure, but that will probably a terrain similar to the prologue only bigger, probably about 160x160. Again, it'll probably imitate the terrain of the RoC Undead Campaigns where Arthas is in Quel'Thalas.
    Hmm... That's not bad at all. I like how you choose to utilize "Blizzard cliffs" instead of just despising them and avoiding them. They do look pretty good in caves. Some people don't like them. Actually, some moderators don't like them, but they'll just have to deal with it. They wouldn't reject a campaign just because it has "Blizzard cliffs" in it.

    Anyway, good job! Oh, and if you're wondering why I'm still putting up your terrain WiP's, then it's because it's good to show people what the terrain will look like in-game and give them a feel for the environment.
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