• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!
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  • Getting a little carried away with meh map, this seems to be taking longer than I thought. I'll see if I can get something to you sooner than later.
    I'll see what I can do about getting a more balanced version to you, there are still a lot of changes I want to make to it though. At the moment I have to remove all the target dummies and units I placed on the map, so I'll get something to you in probably no more than 24 hours from when I posted this.

    As for the skins, it will be a lot of work, though the archers largely just ware 2 different skins I made. I could probably break down the myrmidon's armored skin to make different tiers as well, and at least casters and heroes don't benefit from much in the way of upgrades. It's more or less eight units, then whatever I want to do with the casters.
    I'm still developing it and planning on posting it but haven't done much beyond shifting numbers around so it's more balanced so far. One thing I want to do is give visual representations of all the upgrades, I've posted some pics of my archers with variaous armor in one of my alblems if you're curious about that ;)
    I hope you have fun with it :D
    Anyways, with the pit hounds I ended up taking those out, I think I failed at the build tooltip for the crocadons and bonechewer brutes. I was originally planning on having the upgrade for the brutes make them a mounted unit (like the raider), but everything about it just felt wrong. The only model that worked with my skins had horrid animations, the pit hound looked to beefy to not merit a health boost and doing so would marginalize the utility of the reavers, their wasn't enough space to train the pit hound seperatly in my barracks, etc.
    Ah, you're either a fast upgrader or mass then farm/attack. I usually charge my first camp with Grommash and 2 Slaves, 2nd camp with 3 grunts and a slave, finally the trolls and then enemies' base. I would just be extra lucky if I met the enemy offensive group framing and massacred them.

    Now, you seem to have not used the "bloodlust aura" at all. Grommash is the basis of it, seeing as he was like an icon for the Old Horde (and ironically the New Horde) since he was the first to drink from the Foutain of Blood. He is THE key for a fast game. Try to upgrade his aura and then flag before charging, you'll get one hell of a battle.
    For a long game, those + the real bloodlust + autocastable Flame Shield + Drums(upgradable) + etc.., Buffs buffs buffs =P.

    (didn't fit with the first vm =P)
    No I don't think so, the Matt guy (on the Techtree poll thread) just tested my race as if he's replaying as the normal Orcs. Seriously, big mess up.

    As for your gaming, I'm quite happy you like the race so much =D. Now for the tips, I always start with Grommash (you'd notice from the pics =P) and level up his rage and aura, eventually he'll be a beast. Now when you manage to get grunts and slaves you can quickly dismember enemies, just charge, place flag, make sure you have some potions in hand. You might want to bring along some War Station JUST for the buildings after winning, this game should last ~25 min. However, if you plan to take your time then there's a whole new story, slaves are pretty pathetic and Baticists/Shamans/Avatars are the thing for now. Destroyers and Grunts are a sweet extra.

    The Bloodlust Aura strategy is the thing for quick games (Flags + Grom's Aura = Bloodlust effect =P).
    Aha, damn. I never thought of that, I had something in mind like using many extra bonuses, I played it like I would play my own race. We should have provided explanations on how the race must be managed along with our final submissions. Perhaps it would be best if this is used as an additional condition in the next Techtree Contest (depending on the theme ofcourse)?

    Anyway don't worry about spamming my wall, I spammed yours first =P.
    Hehe, I found it quite hilarious/weird myself. Just to clear out my review, my units were something like this: Around 7 Gryphons with the riding Guardsmen on them, 2 Medicopters, 1 Flying structure thing, 2 heroes (paladin and the melee int one), some spearmen, and I think 1 or 2 siege machines. My units' attack/defense was upgraded once. The encounter with the Humans went something like this: The Gryphons and copters charged 1st, they started to aerial shackle them, I got nervous a bit here and started spamming the copters' healing ability on them now. Then my attention shifted away to the grounds, they managed to kill some footies and knight, but then the foe's air units were suddenly attacking them (my air units somehow got killed by this time). Anyway the rest is obvious. Oh and I never managed to get the heroes to level 6...
    I didn't know you updated them, can you give me a link? Btw, Gryphons are way OPed (though they are T3), and YOU STOLE MY IDEA YOU F***!!! Just jokin' ;P

    Thank you, I hope you go nice on me. My race is very OP in early games because-
    Workers are fast and strong and ranged attacks
    Barnacle Turtles are available, and are essentially Siege Engines
    Water Hounds are fast and have a strong attacks
    And Infectors... I overwhelmed a T2 Undead base with 6 Infectors...
    Good luck with the polls and judging.

    Unfortunately, since I was busy with my modelling contest model, the glitches I left unfixed might bring my entry down quite a bit.
    This may seem random, but, I take back what I said about your race being too UP. I used a more aggressive strategy in another game, and I won with a few Gryphons and some Chariots. Your race is UP in the beginning and OP in mid-late (especially with Gryphons).
    Weird after many tests I think my race is rather overpowered. At least it reminded me to fix many bugs.
    Replay? You mean gameplay of how to be played? Well thing is I didn't get to test out balance sadly, only with cheats.
    I'd go paired with you I reckon =D
    Hehe, I didn't really care about the hero too much :p
    I only wanted to make such a small race in the end, got bored as I missed my projects and not being able to do them without thinking about the contest :p
    Hehe, sounds awesome to me =D
    Although if you can lose rep, that would be saddening D:
    Yea, I didn't really take it that seriously. But if the Hide doesn't require research, I'm going to fix that O:
    But why is it underwhelming? It changes the entire gameplay of the melee race, you have all new units and such, and it was designed specifically to adhere to the theme :p
    So if you think it's underwhelming considering my skills, then blame the theme haha
    Haha, submitting now, made it just like the Naga I think (probably works out to be the same number of upgrades and units lol)
    But hopefully people will have fun playing it =)
    No, of course we are not affected :D
    I am just a fan of Egypt's history, nothing more :p

    As for the contest, it's funny, I just extended the deadline, before seeing your post.
    Basically, I built an army of 12 units and lost 9 in 20 minutes to an Easy AI. I don't suck that much, if you wan't to see me beat another AI, I have a (working) replay. Also, throughout the game, my lumber was very low, and my gold low too (occasionally I had lots, but I always had to spend it on buying lumber).

    Thanks, hope you like my race :) Coral triggers are bugging though...
    5. I upgraded to Tier 2, and I upgraded most of my Dwellings, so I got a regular gold income. Built a Steampunk Lab as well as a wall of towers. Made a Paladin, and learnt his Solidarity. By then, the enemy was at Tier 3, and had a ready batch of Wyvern Riders.
    6. I creeped some more, spent alot of gold (which I however easily gained due to the Dwellings) on buying lumber. Built a second base near a mine. Upgraded to Tier 3.
    7. Built some Medicopters/whatever they're called, summoned a Tech Shooter, and creeped some more.
    8. Bumped into the enemy Easy AI, which had a L5 Tauren Chieftain, some Taurens, Raiders, Kodos, and a swarm of Wyverns... Got pulverised, used Town Hall Portal...
    9. I quit the game.
    Strange, your replays don't work for me, and my replay is somehow corrupted...

    But anyways, I'll tell you what the replay contained.
    NOTE: I'm a turtler, so if I applied some different strategy, the outcome was different.
    1. I was setting up my base nicely, Altar first, then Dwelling, then Hall of Warriors, then...
    I accidently created alot of Workswomen.
    2. I trained the Junk Collector, and, with great difficulty (I had a reasonable amount of gold, but little to no food), 2 Guardsmen.
    3. I began creeping, and simultaenously built more Dwellings, Black Markets, and a Smeltery. I used the Junk Collector's Mini Gyro ability (though the plane is of little to no use).
    4. I trained some Spearmen, and had a reasonable army size of 7-9 units. By then, however (I used Always Visible), the enemy Easy AI was like up to Tier 2, and had some strong units, and I was having a hard time getting lumber.
    If no one but you and GhosT and that other dude submit... then yeah.

    We'd need atleast 5 people, and for a paired contest... 8?
    OH hell yes i would be interested.

    Also, I disagree with ghosthruster, i think solidarity is great as a FOCUS for the race, a driving mechanic.
    But I definitely would have focused far more on 'Air'. You could've given them 'semi-air' units, eg. 'Battle Glider'
    Has the Glide ability, which lets him smoothly glide. The height of the target point must be less than the height of the position of the caster to glide. The greater the height difference, the further this unit glides. Whilst gliding, it can not attack.

    Thanks for the appreciation :) There's still time to fix up some of your race errors, though it'd be risky to completely change it now. Who knows; maybe Pharaoh_ might enjoy the uniqueness of it.

    Btw, see this. You need a copy of your map in Wc3\Maps\Test to work.
    I stopped when the Easy AI Orcs destroyed nearly all my forces in one go.
    Also, I suck, so maybe a pro would've done a better job ;P
    Once again, you've focused on Solidarity far too much, evident even in your VMs.
    I myself would have tried to raise the importance of Recycle (seeing as how currently lumber is very hard to harvest) and lowered Solidarity as a less-than minor mechanic.
    You don't need to implement 'exotic' Solidarity. Your effects are fine. However, exotic abilities usually come with much more options, advantages and drawbacks.
    Now, the fatal mistake you made was... Solidarity.
    It seemed good on paper, but...

    It could NEVER, EVER have been a firepower mechanic. From the start, no matter what bonuses you gave, it would be support, support, support. The only way you could balance it was give your existing units bigger guns (metaphorically), which you didn't do.
    So, basically, it would always have a power of 5 (at max) and a speed of 2.
    Because -
    12 cap limit
    It is a support mechanic, not individual, wiping off just one unit already weakens an entire army infrastructure
    And if you respond to the above with 'Spam units', there is neither the resources or enough food limit for that
    And if you still aren't convinced, remember I said the Recycle System screws up lumber gathering, as well as Dwellings giving 8 food and upgrading it requires research
    Please reply with your points via VMs, I don't want to spam the thread with our conversation!

    Yes, good. I thought you'd get angry, or something, because I know I raised alot of negatives and it may have seemed like a complait/put-down. But, like I said, pointing out what's bad is more helpful than pointing out what's good. So, rest assured, your race has a lot of positives as well :)
    oh and also, the paladin's early air only heal is kinda a bummer, makiing it a bit more broad might help with the early weakness, and why not make the 'gunnner' type hero's bonus damage attack also have a longer max range?
    Well problem is that it will look less "unique" but will be more balanced. And in my opinion better generally work in warcraft.
    Oh no I am quite happy with mine stuff. I personally prefer to use more blizz style.
    Wow double thanks.

    And yea I might have some surprises but damn my dogmatic approach to wc3 races xD
    Oh I just noticed I haven't fished you good luck. Hopefully this time I will be able to match your ideas.
    I need some help, you know that "instant cast" cloud ability you showed me.
    I want a "instant cast" earthquake spell and it shouldn't be that hard to do considering the triggering is already done.
    Yet I fail, think you could show me how it's done?
    Haha, im regurlarly on here :p
    Thanks for your thoughts, i'll put it in for now, i'll try it out and see what i think. I'll start work on changing the stats of monsters for one player so that i can increase them for 2 player via triggers.
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