• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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  • Could you please tell me more about your project, Kadashival Forest?! - It would really mean a lot to me,since I'm a fanatic at any new RPGs here on Hive. Would be awesome to hear from you +Rep for initiative!
    lol, guess im famous looool :p i prob just send to much messages to other people, so theyr compelled to return them back XP
    i want to ask something. How can I do that floating text will be unable to see throught the fog? I have placed system to show damage at one map, but i can see numbers at fog far away. How can I fix this? Any JASS line needs here?
    Shud i continue making this skin you was talking about?
    If yes, that I let you know it will be Shadris redrawed like forest archer with much more leaser dress and changed skin color (more like human skin color). Sounds good?
    If not, tell me how you want her to looks like.
    bah, after some long breakes i do it again yes ^^
    working on a rpg .. ( i dont know if it will be released .. its fun to do .. and if i get to finish it , fine ) and some spells ...
    i think i saw some post of yours ... some completely changed damage engine right?
    maybe i will use it .. cause in my rpg ... you can get damage bonuses and types that arent in the original wc3^^
    sounds good, so how far is your AOS atm?
    i see alot of screens but whats about general scrips or Spells ?
    Sounds good
    i also made a ton of systems for my current map ^^ i can barely start with the terrain because i want to continue scripting (My Spawn System, an Equipment System, Shop System, Upgrade System, ect)
    but i wont create such things like a full screen Inventory
    I love custom things but i will stick to "simple" things which server their custom purpose to make it good playable
    Oh ok, ive seen your AOS but i thought you just renamed it and it would be your old projects
    Why didnt you simply made a single library to replace those LHV ?
    i mean - its not the very best solution but it works ;D

    How is the procress of your AOS? Why do you start another map when working on it? (i have bad experience with that D: )
    Yeah i already saw it
    My current Project is like a multiplayer campaign.. dunno how to call... a bit like Blizzards Warchasers
    It has many RPG aspects and will be for 4-6 Players
    I finished nearly all systems for now, done 17 Spells for heros (there will be arround 10-12 - nearly 5 are done now )
    i guess after ive done 3 more spells and finished the first Story parts and cinematics its ready for a demo ;D

    How are your Porojects developing?
    I kinda lost the complete picture.. youre still working on your Templar Arena?
    hai ;D yeah im kinda back
    moving out is finished for some time now
    and now studying should be focussed.. its damn hard.. :/ my Analysis prof is on speed
    and soon ill release the first official demo of my map ;D it came quite far
    I was planning on making the Knight of Order first (also a unit from Oblivion). I'll make some nature skin after that, or is there something specific that you need?
    Ok, now its updated and works better then ever! ;D
    Give me a list of charecters you think should be allowed.. :)

    Then i got FireFox 3.5.30729 if you want that number..
    lol, same, mine does not crash.. Well.. Now i reseted the system... Lets go and spam! xD
    O.,o i got 3.0.15
    Heh, thank you. Do you have MSN or anything, or will we have to work through PM's? I have an idea for a theme in mind, but it's not exactly polished or anything yet.
    Greetings, Anachron. I saw your conversation with FrIkY, and I've heard much about you from Linaze... So I wonder, do you want to pair-up for the Hero Contest at WC3C? You can see all of my released works at my profile, I suppose. I also posted some more info about me at the Hero Contest Team Matchmaking thread in WC3C, so you might want to check there, too.
    So you want me to remove the luxus of HTML and Stuff.. CYA LUXUS!! ;D MWOHAHAHA!

    EVERYTHING IS DISABLED, Backspace, Space and much more!! Mwohahahaha!
    (Well, i will fix, but now your hacks are gone for a while!)
    How? I disable [] <> and much more.. Thats the start and end tags for almost everything..
    Who cares about "gaming"?.. Ive not played a game for.. 1-2 months, all i do is making stuff in WE and N++ / Filezilla / Website.. ;s
    Want to join my team on wc3p?
    It will be a Warcraft III team, so i hope i get some guys to join... (Specialy You).. ;)

    It will be Downloads, forums, chat, pastebin, everything.. Right now i use the Weak and Bad "e107", but im thinking about making everything from skretch! ;D
    If i make a good looking forum, i will post it somewhere out in the internett and make them look over it.. ;)

    EDIT: I need help with Design, CSS is... CSS.. well, its not PS, but i got PS CS3, the prob is that i cant make a good design.. O.,o

    EDIT2: Since i know ur all to lazy: http://wc3p.co.cc/
    Hehe, i know. It was meaning to be allowed, untill you found out to make a form... it was in the middle of a PHP code with an Echo, is it possible to be stupid? xD
    You bastard! xD You cheated my Chat System while i did my Homework! O.,o
    Well, now i prune the chat! grr.. -.-

    Anyway, you made me disable HTML, PHP, ASP, JAVASCRIPT, SCRIPT and all other forms of codes.. BASTARD! D:
    wait, you said naga against someone? if so then i'm in, but... kinda passive.. lol..
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