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Warcraft III - Reforged (Custom UI) - YouTube

This is first preview of my WC3 Reforged (Single Player) project. Just a small demonstration of what is possible to achiev, with Lua + .fdfs + 1.32 natives. ...
Showcases custom Reforged UI, random Win10 sounds occurring. Hey, at least, no blue screens!
Can I ask you something... how did you implement the Background of the Ui which frames are These...
I tryed this with backdrops and it seems to stay infront of the Ui...
Or are these Simpleframes... I don’t get it
@Pwnica well send me your .fdf or code and i ll tell you were the mistake is :), i always use "FRAME" as container which got no fill, only defined size and adding its child into it afterwards. So all of backgrounds here are backdrops width defined BackdropBackground, which can be also set or changed in code via BlzFrameSetTexture native function. If you want something to be shown as background then you need to add it as first element in the container, order of displaying frame childs is always from the newest to the last. You can probably do it by setting priority of those childs but i am just making sure that order is valid. This UI is fully customly defined in .fdf files.

Code bellow is cut part of .fdf file which defines part where Mage icon/name/ and attributes are:

Frame "FRAME" "HeroDetails_Frame"{
    Width 0.15,
    Height 0.15,
    Frame "BACKDROP" "HeroDetails_Frame_Texture" {
        Width 0.15,
        Height 0.15,
        BackdropBackground "war3mapImported\HeroDetails_Frame.dds"
    Frame "BACKDROP" "HeroDetails_NameFrame"{
        Width 0.09,
        Height 0.015,
        SetPoint BOTTOM, "HeroDetails_Frame", TOP, 0, 0.01,
        BackdropBackground "war3mapImported\HeroName_Frame.dds",
        Frame "TEXT" "HeroDetails_NameFrameText" {
            SetPoint TOP, "HeroDetails_NameFrame", TOP, 0, -0.003,
            FontFlags "FIXEDSIZE",
            FrameFont "MasterFont", 0.01, "",
            FontColor 1.0 0.843 0.0 1.0, //Red Green Blue Alpha 0.0 to 1.0
            FontShadowColor 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9,
            FontShadowOffset 0.001 -0.001,
    Frame "BACKDROP" "HeroDetails_IconFrame"{
        Width 0.04,
        Height 0.04,
        SetPoint TOP, "HeroDetails_Frame", TOP, 0, -0.007,
        BackdropBackground "war3mapImported\BTN_EmptyIcon.dds",
    Frame "BACKDROP" "HeroDetails_AttackDmgIconFrame"{
        Width 0.018,
        Height 0.018,
        SetPoint TOPRIGHT, "HeroDetails_IconFrame", BOTTOMLEFT, -0.011, -0.005,
        BackdropBackground "war3mapImported\BTN_AttackDamage.dds",
        Frame "TEXT" "HeroDetails_AttackDmgIconFrameText" {
            SetPoint TOP, "HeroDetails_AttackDmgIconFrame", BOTTOM, 0, -0.002,
            FontFlags "FIXEDSIZE",
            FrameFont "MasterFont", 0.008, "",
            FontColor 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0, //Red Green Blue Alpha 0.0 to 1.0
            FontShadowColor 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9,
            FontShadowOffset 0.001 -0.001,
        Frame "BUTTON" "HeroDetails_AttackDmgIconFrameListener"{
            Width 0.018,
            Height 0.018,
            SetPoint CENTER, "HeroDetails_AttackDmgIconFrame", CENTER, 0, 0,
    Frame "BACKDROP" "HeroDetails_PowerIconFrame"{
        Width 0.018,
        Height 0.018,
        SetPoint LEFT, "HeroDetails_AttackDmgIconFrame", RIGHT, 0.0085, 0,
        BackdropBackground "war3mapImported\BTN_SpellPower.dds",
        Frame "TEXT" "HeroDetails_PowerIconFrameText" {
            SetPoint TOP, "HeroDetails_PowerIconFrame", BOTTOM, 0, -0.002,
            FontFlags "FIXEDSIZE",
            FrameFont "MasterFont", 0.008, "",
            FontColor 0.85 0.60 0.52 1.0, //Red Green Blue Alpha 0.0 to 1.0
            FontShadowColor 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9,
            FontShadowOffset 0.001 -0.001,
        Frame "BUTTON" "HeroDetails_PowerIconFrameListener"{
            Width 0.018,
            Height 0.018,
            SetPoint CENTER, "HeroDetails_PowerIconFrame", CENTER, 0, 0,
    Frame "BACKDROP" "HeroDetails_CritIconFrame"{
        Width 0.018,
        Height 0.018,
        SetPoint LEFT, "HeroDetails_PowerIconFrame", RIGHT, 0.0085, 0,
        BackdropBackground "war3mapImported\BTN_CritRate.dds",
        Frame "TEXT" "HeroDetails_CritIconFrameText" {
            SetPoint TOP, "HeroDetails_CritIconFrame", BOTTOM, 0, -0.002,
            FontFlags "FIXEDSIZE",
            FrameFont "MasterFont", 0.008, "",
            FontColor 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0, //Red Green Blue Alpha 0.0 to 1.0
            FontShadowColor 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9,
            FontShadowOffset 0.001 -0.001,
        Frame "BUTTON" "HeroDetails_CritIconFrameListener"{
            Width 0.018,
            Height 0.018,
            SetPoint CENTER, "HeroDetails_CritIconFrame", CENTER, 0, 0,

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