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Modelling Contest #25 - Ascension

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Level 25
Jul 30, 2013
Last WIP. Hope I can finish it.


  • Beast.JPG
    16.5 KB · Views: 437
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
~one day left~

Please be aware, everyone, that we are reaching the FINAL DEADLINE.
One Day Left
(feel free to enter your specific time-zone into an online clock-thingie to figure out exactly when it ends for you specifically).


HappyCockroach said:
well. i don't think i'll be able to finish my entry.. i had a hard week at work and couldn't spare the time to make progress with the model... i might finish it some other time

i can help with judging if another judge is needed.
Dang, really sorry to hear that. :< I was looking forward to the first flying Hero.

Well, in that case, I think "the more the merrier" when it comes to judging (or at least, "the more judges; the more even the scoring should be"). While it may take a bit longer, I think it will be worth it. I've already updated the first post; anyone have an issue with it?

Chen Stormstout said:
Last WIP. Hope I can finish it.
Um, you exported the WoW/campaign-screen Rexxar? I don't understand... If you just go back to something you have already done work on, I'm sure you'll be able to find inspiration & finish. That owl-bear-bear thing looked promising...

Deolrin said:
Super Night Elf "Autumn Emissary"
Al-right! I'm glad you didn't give up, man. This gal is coming along quite well. In particular, I'm glad the bark-arm worked for ya. :p The bow is super-schweet (like limbs torn from an Ancient of Lore), the SFX are snazzy, and the face/head look sufficiently "ragged" (wild).

She's missing just a little something, and I have a few thoughts... One thing is the SFX on the bow-arms. TC would be cool (like the Dark Ranger), but in the case of "generi-color", I'd say you should really try and pick a color that symbolizes "fall", & the natural decay associated with the season. Is it possible to have it change colors, like springing forth as bright green, then turning darker & finally fading to an umber orange? Like spring->summer->fall? That would be sick.

But first I guess I'll answer the question:

Deolrin said:
Anyway, I can't tell if the green arrow breaks the theme too badly or not:
Nah man, I don't think so. I actually think it adds a nice bit of contrast. The only thing I can think of is (like the SFX suggestion), is it possible to have the green leaves of the Arrow turn Fall-Orange as they fly through the air (or go from quiver to bow)? That would really help hammer in the theme.

Also, if she's going Bark-skin, I always envisioned it as sorta halfway between Elf and Treant. She sh/could have root-tendrils coming from her feet, like she's partway to being an Ent herself.

It feels like she's missing some 'weight' or 'nurnies' or something, esp. around the legs & chest... I get the leaf-bra, but meh. Your original idea, like a belt/satchel of potions & brews, would give her some nice asymmetrical weight on that side. Let me know how the circlet/broach/necklace works out, also.

Also, I'll be sad if that cloak doesn't become a 'cloak of leaves'. :<

Now about the quiver... I'm sure you have some plans, but looking at that green-leaf-arrow gave me an idea... So, like, it would be cool if instead of a straight-up boring "quiver", she instead had (what amounts to) a thick, living tree limb on her back, adorned with several small green saplings. She'd reach back & (rip off/coax off) a living sapling, turning it into an arrow. That would explain the whole "decaying arrow" thing. It would also flow nicely with the NE/autumn-emissary deal, IMO.
Ooh ooh! That's not a bad idea... So going along with the "adventurer-mage, wild-woman" thing, you could feature this "tree-limb-quiver" as an alternative melee weapon. aka


yeah, that's right, I went there.

So she sits and strafes at ranged targets, then has (alternate form/melee attack?) with a kick-bum shillelagh action!

Man, that's just a fun word to say. "Sh-ill-lay-lee".
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Kyrbi0 said:
Super Night Elf "Autumn Emissary"

Current name is "Sylvan Sentinel". :p

Kyrbi0 said:
One thing is the SFX on the bow-arms. TC would be cool (like the Dark Ranger), but in the case of "generi-color", I'd say you should really try and pick a color that symbolizes "fall", & the natural decay associated with the season. Is it possible to have it change colors, like springing forth as bright green, then turning darker & finally fading to an umber orange? Like spring->summer->fall? That would be sick.

It *IS* teamcolor, silly. :p


Or, well... The effect itself is white, as a neutral color, but it is covered and surrounded by several teamglow planes. It should look even more teamcolory in-game, but I haven't checked it yet so I can't be sure.
I've tried several one-off colors, such as a pale green, orange, blue, pale teal\blue, cyan, and even gray, but all of them looked off when viewed at from the wrong teamcolor.

Kyrbi0 said:
Nah man, I don't think so. I actually think it adds a nice bit of contrast. The only thing I can think of is (like the SFX suggestion), is it possible to have the green leaves of the Arrow turn Fall-Orange as they fly through the air (or go from quiver to bow)? That would really help hammer in the theme.

Uh, that does not sound possible, no. :p
It might be, but it would probably require a lot of effort and thinking for something that I don't find very important...

I went with autumnish arrows. I think they look better:


Kyrbi0 said:
Also, if she's going Bark-skin, I always envisioned it as sorta halfway between Elf and Treant. She sh/could have root-tendrils coming from her feet, like she's partway to being an Ent herself.

I've actually considered that myself, but I ran into a lot of trouble trying to remodel her feet properly, and as the current situation has it, they're wrapped up in bandages or something like that. I think it will look awkward having root tendrils coming out of that...
Plus, she's kind of already got the bark arm for that. :p

Kyrbi0 said:
It feels like she's missing some 'weight' or 'nurnies' or something, esp. around the legs & chest... I get the leaf-bra, but meh. Your original idea, like a belt/satchel of potions & brews, would give her some nice asymmetrical weight on that side. Let me know how the circlet/broach/necklace works out, also.

I agree, but I'm afraid that's a bit too much effort considering the amount of time I have left. Plus, it will undoubtedly clash with the leaf-bra and whatnot. She's supposed to look wild, natural and unkempt, the only exception apparently being her fancy moon cloak(more on that later), and I think refined leather sashes wouldn't help that cause. Besides, I'd rather keep her interaction with animals(again, leather) to a minimum - she's supposed to represent the forest, as in trees, and having that supposedly fur loincloth(I'm actually not sure what it is - it's on the Ancient of Lore's cloak, either way...) is already more than enough.

...Plus, she's got a massive bow and arm - I think those should be her defining features. Overcrowding her with details won't be very good, I think.

Kyrbi0 said:
Also, I'll be sad if that cloak doesn't become a 'cloak of leaves'. :<

Me too. :(
It was one of the very first things I tried, but the Ancient of Lore's wrap is a bitch to work with. I tried to wrap it to his beard, and then to the other alpha-able orange leafy bit, to no avail. I ended up scrapping the idea completely, but I wanted to do something different for her cloak... And that's why she has this sort of double moon cloak thing:


Kyrbi0 said:
Now about the quiver... I'm sure you have some plans, but looking at that green-leaf-arrow gave me an idea... So, like, it would be cool if instead of a straight-up boring "quiver", she instead had (what amounts to) a thick, living tree limb on her back, adorned with several small green saplings. She'd reach back & (rip off/coax off) a living sapling, turning it into an arrow. That would explain the whole "decaying arrow" thing. It would also flow nicely with the NE/autumn-emissary deal, IMO.

That's a really cool idea, but there's no space on her back for something like that. Whatever quiver I go for will have to be floating slightly behind the cape(much like in, well, every video game ever...), or face clipping issues with her cloak and hair. Besides, I'm rapidly running out of time and that sounds like a rather complex idea. I'm contemplating between just a piece of wood with more leaves attached to it, or maybe more of that leather\fur stuff from the Ancient of Lore, this time covered by leaves.

Kyrbi0 said:
alternative melee weapon

Now that's just crazy... :p
There's no way in hell I have enough time for that. Plus, her alternative animations are already taken. Barkskin, remember? :p

And finally...
Could we possibly get a few hours\days of extension? At least 'till the end of the day?
I've been working all day yesterday on the model, but I don't know if I can really finish it in 4 hours. Plus, I think some other people would benefit from it(Jigrael, Chen, PROXY, maybe SuPa- if he decides to finish his portrait?).
Last edited:
Level 16
Dec 29, 2008
Ok i'm oficialy out running into constant problems has ruined all may plans and i'm seriously reconsidering of reinstaling all my software on that dumb laptop of mine. Anyway i'll finish the model just not for the competition
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Alright, so I'm assuming the deadline is in 12 hours, and not right now, but just in case it isn't - I'll submit my unfinished model(only lacks the barkskin stuff). This is my final submission for now, but I'll be working on the barkskin version(which is almost done) and will submit it in some hours.


  • SylvanSentinel_NoBarkskin.mdx
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  • SylvanSentinel_NoBarkskin_Portrait.mdx
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Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
After 20 hours with no sleep, school and other stuff, I try to finish my model if Oinkerwinkle doesn't fuck it up.. :/

Edit: So well, jeah, somehow managed it ^^


Don't blame me for the lame animation set decision, didn't find any other that looked good on a troll female and the ones who did didn't work so jeah. I edited it although so it looks good and not like throwing missles anymore.


  • HeroClanQueen.mdx
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  • HeroClanQueen_Portrait.mdx
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
And finally...
Could we possibly get a few hours\days of extension? At least 'till the end of the day?
I've been working all day yesterday on the model, but I don't know if I can really finish it in 4 hours. Plus, I think some other people would benefit from it(Jigrael, Chen, PROXY, maybe SuPa- if he decides to finish his portrait?).
What do you guys think? Extension, or no? Generally I like the idea of "sticking to the guns", & we already have several quality entries... But if this could be really beneficial, I wouldn't mind extending it a few days or something.


Astaroth Zion said:
I didn't manage to finish my model for this contest. (well new job, so no remorse at all)

Great entries from other contestants, cheers for your good work.
JokeMaster said:
Ok i'm oficialy out running into constant problems has ruined all may plans and i'm seriously reconsidering of reinstaling all my software on that dumb laptop of mine. Anyway i'll finish the model just not for the competition
Jigrael said:
I think I'm out too =(
Anyways it was too much pressure. Ill finish it this week though.
My condolences to all of you; sorry to hear that. Thanks for joining & keeping things interesting, though; and we all look forward to seeing your finished products later on!

@Jigrael, I may have gotten a hold of some concept art for that "jungle troll town hall" we were talking about...

PROXY said:
After 20 hours with no sleep, school and other stuff, I try to finish my model if Oinkerwinkle doesn't fuck it up.. :/

Edit: So well, jeah, somehow managed it ^^

Don't blame me for the lame animation set decision, didn't find any other that looked good on a troll female and the ones who did didn't work so jeah. I edited it although so it looks good and not like throwing missles anymore.
Excellent! Glad to see you finished, man (though not at the loss of sleep...)

Overall it's quite nice, though I feel that it still lacks a bit in terms of "presence" or "weight". Reminds me a bit of a unit. However, that could be any number of things, and time runs short.

Deolrin said:
Current name is "Sylvan Sentinel". :p
Ah, ok, cool. *sniff* Not bad, but me & ToB agree... "Autumn Emissary" is teh shoes. :p

Deolrin said:
It *IS* teamcolor, silly. :p

Or, well... The effect itself is white, as a neutral color, but it is covered and surrounded by several teamglow planes. It should look even more teamcolory in-game, but I haven't checked it yet so I can't be sure.
I've tried several one-off colors, such as a pale green, orange, blue, pale teal\blue, cyan, and even gray, but all of them looked off when viewed at from the wrong teamcolor.
Huh. Guess I mis-read; I thought you had stated a desire to make them TC, but then decided against it. Cool.

Deolrin said:
Uh, that does not sound possible, no. :p
It might be, but it would probably require a lot of effort and thinking for something that I don't find very important...

I went with autumnish arrows. I think they look better:
Meh, they do look pretty cool. (I realize(d) that what I was suggesting is really more a matter of editing the arrow model, not the Hero. Custom projectile, anyone? :p)

Deolrin said:
I agree, but I'm afraid that's a bit too much effort considering the amount of time I have left. Plus, it will undoubtedly clash with the leaf-bra and whatnot. She's supposed to look wild, natural and unkempt, the only exception apparently being her fancy moon cloak(more on that later), and I think refined leather sashes wouldn't help that cause. Besides, I'd rather keep her interaction with animals(again, leather) to a minimum - she's supposed to represent the forest, as in trees, and having that supposedly fur loincloth(I'm actually not sure what it is - it's on the Ancient of Lore's cloak, either way...) is already more than enough.

...Plus, she's got a massive bow and arm - I think those should be her defining features. Overcrowding her with details won't be very good, I think.
Hmm... I suppose. I didn't exactly mean that it had to be leather & fancy and stuff, though. While I agree with the "not too much detail", I still kinda wonder if a "side-belt" of nature-stuff wouldn't be a good idea... Perhaps a Satchel filled with tree-seeds. I dunno, just seems empty on that side.

Could be a satchel made of wood... Certain trees have soft, pliable bark that people make clothes & stuff out of.

Deolrin said:
That's a really cool idea, but there's no space on her back for something like that. Whatever quiver I go for will have to be floating slightly behind the cape(much like in, well, every video game ever...), or face clipping issues with her cloak and hair. Besides, I'm rapidly running out of time and that sounds like a rather complex idea. I'm contemplating between just a piece of wood with more leaves attached to it, or maybe more of that leather\fur stuff from the Ancient of Lore, this time covered by leaves.
Now that's just crazy... :p
There's no way in hell I have enough time for that. Plus, her alternative animations are already taken. Barkskin, remember? :p
Well, size wouldn't be an issue; it would be the same size as the quiver you were going to put on there anyway (just a few things sticking out, instead of sticking "up-out" like a quiver).

True, time is an issue. However, given more time (i.e. post-contest)... Also, I'm fairly certain models can have more than one set of "alternate" animations. One can just set them to whatever, as long as the Object Editor correctly points to them (or triggers). Or what about "Alternate Two"?
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Kyrbi0 said:
And finally...
Could we possibly get a few hours\days of extension? At least 'till the end of the day?
I've been working all day yesterday on the model, but I don't know if I can really finish it in 4 hours. Plus, I think some other people would benefit from it(Jigrael, Chen, PROXY, maybe SuPa- if he decides to finish his portrait?).
What do you guys think? Extension, or no? Generally I like the idea of "sticking to the guns", & we already have several quality entries... But if this could be really beneficial, I wouldn't mind extending it a few days or something.
Exactly what I was saying above.

However, question is: who are we talking to, exactly? Who's the "authority" on this matter, and is anyone else going to jump on & weigh in?

If the answer to the first is "me" (weird), and the second is "meh, maybe, maybe not", then Sure. What sounds reasonable; a few days, or one more week?
Exactly what I was saying above.

However, question is: who are we talking to, exactly? Who's the "authority" on this matter, and is anyone else going to jump on & weigh in?

If the answer to the first is "me" (weird), and the second is "meh, maybe, maybe not", then Sure. What sounds reasonable; a few days, or one more week?

It's a bit hard to say I haven't any problem with that. From what I've read you haven't as well, we need to make a fast decision so ask the other 2 judges. If they agree it's fine.
who are we talking to, exactly? Who's the "authority" on this matter, and is anyone else going to jump on & weigh in??
i say the authority on this matter are the contestants who submitted their entries already..
-supa thinks a week is ok, vermillion edict says 3 days is enough. that would make an average of 5 days, which sound fair to me.

edit: blinkboy posted while i was at it.

the 5 days i mentioned extends it from 17 to 22, which is until the weekend, sunday, 11:59 PM, GMT (just what you mentioned :p)
i say the authority on this matter are the contestants who submitted their entries already..
-supa thinks a week is ok, vermillion edict says 3 days is enough. that would make an average of 5 days, which sound fair to me.

edit: blinkboy posted while i was at it.

the 5 days i mentioned extends it from 17 to 22, which is until the weekend, sunday, 11:59 PM, GMT (just what you mentioned :p)

Then it's extended until then, then. Unless someone has something else to say.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
...Technically, I submitted my model already, and I would prefer a week... :p

Nah. Five days is absolutely fine. I was going to suggest a day or two, because I'm certain I can finish the barkskin bit in that long(I'm almost done already; I ran into some unexpected trouble in-game and sort of gave up because I only had half an hour left yesterday).
...On that subject, does anyone know what might be breaking in my model? I have a layer set to "Modulate", and the alpha for that layer is animated, so that it is invisible during most animations, slowly changes to be visible in "Morph"(the interpolation type is "Linear"), and is set to "1" during all alternate animations. I made sure to include both the start and end of each and every sequence in the alpha animation, so that mistakes on that side are unlikely.
...And yet, this is the result I'm getting in-game:

Am I using "Modulate" wrong? Is Magos' failing to display it properly? Is something wrong with my material alpha animation thingy?
I don't even know. :(

Also, for some reason the small transparent yellow leaves have black borders on them under certain angles in-game. That boggles my mind just as much. Magos seems to have some serious rendering issues. D:
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
I was considering a few days (since a week seemed too long), but realized that it was indeed the middle of the work-week, and that an extension of a few days might not benefit many people.

I can agree with the 5 days (til Sunday) thing. However, one of the judges has raised a pertinent point:
Frankster said:
I actually do not care, but in this case I don't see why we should extend it in any way. The contest has been long enough already and those people who already finished their work would fall in mischief and those who did not finish it would benefit very much from it.
That would be just not fair. Those who held onto the deadline did their homework, the others did not. It is al simple as that.

I saw people getting in, posting WIPs finishing the submission.
And some others where just fooling around, changing their concept every few ours (which seemed like total trolling to me) or dropped out weeks before.


How many of you could legitimately benefit from an Extension? An Extension is best suited to helping those who had big life-things that kept them from working much of the "regular" time, or those who had last-minute converting/transferring/finalizing/submitting/etc issues, not those who just want to make up for procrastinating.

One thought to consider; perhaps mimic the academic setting (college, high school, etc); depending on the professor, Late Assignments are accepted, but at a certain Percentage off. i.e. "Extended Submissions" receive only 80% or 95% of the points they would normally receive (i.e. @ 90%, a final Judging (or Poll?) Score of 50 would receive 45 pts). This gives those who have already submitted an intrinsic bonus for having followed the schedule & managed time, while still allowing others to submit & have a good chance.
I was considering a few days (since a week seemed too long), but realized that it was indeed the middle of the work-week, and that an extension of a few days might not benefit many people.

I can agree with the 5 days (til Sunday) thing. However, one of the judges has raised a pertinent point:



How many of you could legitimately benefit from an Extension? An Extension is best suited to helping those who had big life-things that kept them from working much of the "regular" time, or those who had last-minute converting/transferring/finalizing/submitting/etc issues, not those who just want to make up for procrastinating.

One thought to consider; perhaps mimic the academic setting (college, high school, etc); depending on the professor, Late Assignments are accepted, but at a certain Percentage off. i.e. "Extended Submissions" receive only 80% or 95% of the points they would normally receive (i.e. @ 90%, a final Judging (or Poll?) Score of 50 would receive 45 pts). This gives those who have already submitted an intrinsic bonus for having followed the schedule & managed time, while still allowing others to submit & have a good chance.

The thing is that there's no time for taking those decisions. The deadline is already met, so it's either extension accepted or not. Defining credits loss and those things would discourage people from using the extension time to improve or finish their submission.
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
I know I'm might get a shitstorm for this, but let this contest end. I'd really love to update my model aswell in the time of an extension, but there have always been extensions at every single model contest if I recall right. Deadlines are there for a reason, we've got enough entries and that's the deal. Frankster nailed it. Even if we are a "fun"-community, but we still have to keep serious business a little bit.
I know I'm might get a shitstorm for this, but let this contest end. I'd really love to update my model aswell in the time of an extension, but there have always been extensions at every single model contest if I recall right. Deadlines are there for a reason, we've got enough entries and that's the deal. Frankster nailed it. Even if we are a "fun"-community, but we still have to keep serious business a little bit.

Did I 'nail it'?
I just spoke out of experience there, because it happened to me some times - with bad and good consequences, well actually bad most of the time.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
those who had last-minute converting/transferring/finalizing/submitting/etc issues

I worked all day for the past two days on finishing my entry, and in the end ran into some very unexpected trouble. So I think I fit into that category.

Either way, I thought the extension was already accepted? Wasn't it agreed to extend it 'till Sunday? I've worked some more on my model today(managed to fix the Barkskin problem, it's only a matter of finalizing the animations and adding particles now) and would love to use that extra time to bring it to a contest-worthy level of finalization(because frankly, I think my entry right now doesn't quite cut it).
I know I'm might get a shitstorm for this, but let this contest end.
i agree. i just didn't say so because everybody was ok with a small extension and i didn't even submit an entry to create a worthy shitstorm.

not very long ago contests would only admit extensions for these cases:
I worked all day for the past two days on finishing my entry, and in the end ran into some very unexpected trouble.

and they were a few hours of extension, or at most 1 day.

now that we have more people displeased with it, i say we admit only those "last-adjustment" entries as deolrin and whoever is at that stage, and shortly. this contest had more than a month of duration, and we raised the contests durations some time ago to avoid giving extensions.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
I'm still working on my model, so I'm kind of hoping the extension is still there. I kind of thought it was agreed on.
I think it's up to how many other people are using this extension. If I'm literally the only one, well... Awkward, but it does mean the extension is useless and shouldn't exist in the first place. But if there's some other people who are almost done and would like to use those last few days to improve their submissions and such, I believe they should be doing that. Then the extension would be legitimized.
i agree. i just didn't say so because everybody was ok with a small extension and i didn't even submit an entry to create a worthy shitstorm.

not very long ago contests would only admit extensions for these cases:

and they were a few hours of extension, or at most 1 day.

now that we have more people displeased with it, i say we admit only those "last-adjustment" entries as deolrin and whoever is at that stage, and shortly. this contest had more than a month of duration, and we raised the contests durations some time ago to avoid giving extensions.

I agree on that. So let's give deolrin and other almost finished guys until today 11:59:59 west usa time? Sounds good?
I agree on that. So let's give deolrin and other almost finished guys until today 11:59:59 west usa time? Sounds good?

I totally agree on that too. One day won't hurt.
Although, I still feel Chen is trolling us, since he has always changed his concept and did not even dare to post something useful.

So yes, one day for people who are 95% done, no for people who just want to extend the duration for having more time doing nothing or trolling.
Level 49
Apr 18, 2008
Can I have until tomorrow 11PM or so...?
I don't have the means to finish everything today. I was kind of building on the assumption that I have until Sunday and yes, I did kind of slack off for much of the day. I still have to make a few particle emitters, finish copying and re-doing the animations for 3 bones in Notepad and overall fixing some of the normals and other things on my model, as well as figuring out what to do with the Barkskin so it'll look a bit more smooth. Then testing it all in-game, making the appropriate changes, taking screenshots and submitting it. And I only have 3-4 hours left to do it(sleep time, and I have to do some other crap today that's getting in the way).
Can I have until tomorrow 11PM or so...?
I don't have the means to finish everything today. I was kind of building on the assumption that I have until Sunday and yes, I did kind of slack off for much of the day. I still have to make a few particle emitters, finish copying and re-doing the animations for 3 bones in Notepad and overall fixing some of the normals and other things on my model, as well as figuring out what to do with the Barkskin so it'll look a bit more smooth. Then testing it all in-game, making the appropriate changes, taking screenshots and submitting it. And I only have 3-4 hours left to do it(sleep time, and I have to do some other crap today that's getting in the way).

For me it's okay. Since, as I said before in week-days people are busy, so atleast a weekend day should be covered.

Franky and jappycocky what do you think?
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