• 🏆 Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Contestants must re-texture a SD unit model found in-game (Warcraft 3 Classic), recreating the unit into a peaceful NPC version. 🔗Click here to enter!
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Modelling Contest #25 - Ascension

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I also like doing 3d concepts. Here is a 3d concept sculpt of my character's head that I made in ZBrush. This will obviously not be used in the model because it is nearly 300,000 polys, but it helps me nail down the idea for the character.

Hmm. Well, since the contest was officially started, I began working. Hell, even managed to get me a decent WIP.

It's a reskinned Mountain Giant with an Orc head and an axe. Also, I know this isn't a "mage-y" kind of model.

But meh, I was a orc fan before I became a goblin fanatic. Besides, if I were to make a goblin, I wouldn't be able to finish on time.
I tend to work and rework those models for months. Gonna tweak this more and make a more threatening helmet.

Oh and I'll need to finish the texturing on the armor. Then the tedious fixing with anims begin.

that axe totally needs a better concept.. it looks so flimzy and out of place
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
that axe totally needs a better concept.. it looks so flimzy and out of place

I thought the same. So I redid it. Here's WIP version 2. Gave him a steel-ish armor. Just gonna work more on that helmet.

May I suggest a scepter and a crown, to indicate his status as King Crab?
Haha, crab king. Awesome. I second that suggestion.


  • ContestWIP2.png
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Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Nice, good job..
Thanks. I just realized that mdlvis and magos screens doesn't show it very well, so I made an ingame screenshot. Hell, I'm not even sure if I need to add the helmet idea I had in my head.
It's scaled down to 0.70 ingame. Don't really know how to scale it down outside of the editor without fucking up animations. So yeah.


I haven't added the hero aura yet though, but that's an easy fix.


  • ContestWIPIngame.png
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
Hmm not bad but i was looking more into this http://raxt0r.deviantart.com/art/Axemaster-30066067
Eh. Sure, it's cool art, and doing Trolls is always good & fun, but there are, like, a million "generic Troll axe-warrior" models. Might lose a few points on Creativity. Now, a "Tiki Torchmon" (flaming torches, grass skirt, protective mask) hasn't been done before. Or perhaps a "Ritual Warrior" (knives, scars, helps mages with magic). Or perhaps a "Jungle Dartmon" (lithe, agile, fires darts from massive blow-gun).

stonneash said:
Is it okay if model is an model edit to the original unit?
Artistic Rules said:
Mesh - Feel free to use either use/modify In-Game Geosets ("Geomerging") or create your own Custom models, as well as any mixture of the two.
Thanks. I just realized that mdlvis and magos screens doesn't show it very well, so I made an ingame screenshot. Hell, I'm not even sure if I need to add the helmet idea I had in my head.
It's scaled down to 0.70 ingame. Don't really know how to scale it down outside of the editor without fucking up animations. So yeah.


I haven't added the hero aura yet though, but that's an easy fix.

He is bulky and fierce , maybe you should add some unique touchs now...
Level 16
Dec 29, 2008
Hmm i reconsideded my decison and what mish said makes sense... Maybe it is time for something more original than the traditional troll way. Maybe a heavy armoured paladin?

Hmm what do you people think about such a shaman
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
I for one would like to see an 'evolved' ghoul
Yeah, that's actually a great place to start. A Heroic Ghoul could be everything from a giant, ravenous "Barrow Wight" (tomb dweller with nasty claws & nastier diseases & nastiest taste for human flesh), to a sort of "Grotesque" (big bulgy corpse-walker; throwback to the Beta Abomination-hero & the "combine 2+ Ghouls to create an Abomination" mechanic), to a stately "Ghoul Lord" (nobleman/necromancer halfway between life and undeath, able to control Ghouls but barely above one himself).

The question is what though. I added a glow to the axe and the default hero glow. Now I'm kinda stumped. What more? Got any ideas for me? XD
I was a little stumped as well... Seems like a great "T3 Heavy Melee", but something is missing to make it "heroic"... (not sure I'm feeling the all steel armor, to be honest)

For one, while I know it would be difficult, giving him a different face might help (since people will just recognize the stretched Fel Orc in the portrait). Perhaps some crazy puckered scar, and/or a Beard/Goatee/Mutton-Chops to set him off, make him look really burly & elder.

Also, don't forget to draw inspiration from other, excellent sources...


I think Giant Curly Ram's Horns would be really epic. And definitely some nurnies that set him apart as "not your average barbarian"; like stonneash said, a nice fancy warrior's belt, a rack of skulls, a sheathed dagger/sword... Basically something on his back.

JokeMaster said:
Hmm i reconsideded my decison and what mish said makes sense... Maybe it is time for something more original than the traditional troll way. Maybe a heavy armoured paladin?

Hmm what do you people think about such a shaman
The picture isn't working for me. :<

However, I don't know about what Misha said, but don't give up on Trolls so easily. There's still lots of new & uncharted ground to break for them. :p We've got tons of Paladins, and Shamans... Meh, they're alright.
Cool-io, is that one of them "Zandalar" Trolls? I've always liked the skin color on those dudes. Let me know if you need some thoughts; that Shaman looks neat.
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Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
@JokeMaster -->


Really like that concept <3

I'm doing a troll too, prepare people. It was a hard time to decide otherwise then the crab queen but I think it was good.

Edit: and another question. Are we allowed to switch genders? As for example a female troll hero? Would make everything a bit more interesting as there aren't many females anyway. If not it's also okay.

#female trolls anyone? ;_; femaletroll.PNG
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
@JokeMaster -->


Really like that concept <3
I was gonna complain I couldn't see your image either. I had to Quote your message and then drag out the URL.

PROXY said:
I'm doing a troll too, prepare people. It was a hard time to decide otherwise then the crab queen but I think it was good.

Edit: and another question. Are we allowed to switch genders? As for example a female troll hero? Would make everything a bit more interesting as there aren't many females anyway. If not it's also okay.

#female trolls anyone? ;_; View attachment 128062
Heck yeah! The more Trolls, the merrier.

And yes, didn't you read the first post? It's never specified that the Unit & Hero must be the same gender; in fact, one of the example pics indicates such a connection between the Dryad (Female) & the Keeper of the Grove (Male), while in the post below it... Well, there's tons. Jump all over it; there aren't nearly enough female models.


In fact, I could think of a few cool things to do with a female troll, especially when it comes to spiders... Let me know what you have in mind. :p
Well how about 3000 polies limit for explicit and 3700 for implicit? That should be enough. remember that wc3 is not as optimize as games now a days. It's also made for old instruction sets of open gl and direct 3d, so it doesn't have as much optimizations as Sc2 for instance. Plus sc2's units are between 1500 polies and 8k polies (thor being 7.5k pretty much).
Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
PROXY said:
Ah yes, I was not sure about that conversation of the dryad, thanks god the work is not wasted :p

Well, I was aiming for some sort of skull priestess :3 I guess I know what you think about of the spiders, but I'm not really into a mounted model :> Might make that as a next one after that :p
Oh pshaw, the work is never wasted. If it's a Troll, I'll find a place for it. :3

"Skull Priestess" sounds awful schweet. I'll admit, the spider-riding femme Troll "Hexxer" is really more of a project-related pipe-dream, so no worries.

I don't know if you've already seen this, but I found a neat pic that might serve as a good base for a female troll hero...

Well how about 3000 polies limit for explicit and 3700 for implicit? That should be enough. remember that wc3 is not as optimize as games now a days.
I dunno... It still seems like dictating a poly limit is unnecessary. People seem to have a good grasp on what is too high-poly, and if they're wrong, well, you've made your stance perfectly clear. If they are paying the least bit of attention, they'll steer clear of the poly limit and avoid your wrath. :p If not, well then your within all rights & privileges as Judge to dock some serious points.

What benefit do you propose would result from an explicit poly-count limit?
Oh pshaw, the work is never wasted. If it's a Troll, I'll find a place for it. :3

"Skull Priestess" sounds awful schweet. I'll admit, the spider-riding femme Troll "Hexxer" is really more of a project-related pipe-dream, so no worries.

I don't know if you've already seen this, but I found a neat pic that might serve as a good base for a female troll hero...

I dunno... It still seems like dictating a poly limit is unnecessary. People seem to have a good grasp on what is too high-poly, and if they're wrong, well, you've made your stance perfectly clear. If they are paying the least bit of attention, they'll steer clear of the poly limit and avoid your wrath. :p If not, well then your within all rights & privileges as Judge to dock some serious points.

What benefit do you propose would result from an explicit poly-count limit?

Well ok, no poly limit then. However I'll be strict on good poly usage. I would hate to see a lot of polies wasted on small details. It's important that polies be used correctly, no matter the circunstances are. If the idea is to avoid boxy looking models, it's okay, but wasting 100 polies per eye when the eyes are barely seen in-game would be to go overboard. That's why in old contests we used poly limits, to force contestants to use their resources correctly.
I've made some progress. The head of the character is pretty much finished and the body is done with the head stitched on to it but isn't ready yet to be shown because I haven't added the clothes and fungus and boils and general dilapidation to it yet.
Here is the head though.

The first image is the high resolution sculpt of the head right after I finished it in Zbrush. It is about 128,000 polygons.


The second image is the low poly mesh I created from the high poly mesh using Zbrush's topology brush which basically allowed me to draw out the low poly mesh on top of the high res sculpt.
It is about 900 polygons and went down to about 750 once I brought it in to 3ds Max and did some work on it there.


Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
I've made some progress. The head of the character is pretty much finished and the body is done with the head stitched on to it but isn't ready yet to be shown because I haven't added the clothes and fungus and boils and general dilapidation to it yet.
Here is the head though.

The first image is the high resolution sculpt of the head right after I finished it in Zbrush. It is about 128,000 polygons.


The second image is the low poly mesh I created from the high poly mesh using Zbrush's topology brush which basically allowed me to draw out the low poly mesh on top of the high res sculpt.
It is about 900 polygons and went down to about 750 once I brought it in to 3ds Max and did some work on it there.


Woah. That's pretty gnarly (in every sense of the word). I look forward to seeing what kind of textures you throw on that.

The only problem I see is how high-definition it looks; I know you've stated how many polies it is, but I am horribly out-of-touch (so I have no idea whether that's a lot or a little, compared to a regular Portrait-type hero-head model). Just saying; BlinkBoy will crack down. You've all been warned. :p

That being said, I can definitely see all the cool fungus-like growths on the head, and is that stitches on the mouth? Again, gnarly.
I actually made sure that it doesn't look too overly detailed from a warcraft 3 like view. I make regular silhouette checks and camera view checks. The fungus on his head and the way that it is sort of blocky really helps with the warcraft look when viewed from a warcraft like camera.
Compared to a regular warcraft head, it probably has quadruple the polygons, but that still isn't very much at all.
Texturing should be a challenge. I don't have very much experiance with texturing asymmetrical characters, but I'll figure something out.
Also, thanks!



Level 41
Jan 7, 2005
Dreadlords, much like Death Knights, are unique heroes on their own =P it's hard to find a corresponding unit. Same goes for lots of others. Gargoyle isn't really the corresponding unit as they're completely different.

It'd be interesting if you could do the inverse process. As in, convert hero to unit, IMO there are enough heroes.

You could have used "Deadeye" as an example of a hero version corresponding to the skeletal archer.

Anyhow, I look forward to seeing more troll females =)
Level 52
Dec 8, 2008
Minimage, the wrap on the arms and feet aswell on the axe is really messy, look for other textures or fix the wrap.

And you... somehow failed at the point of creating a hero. Kyrbi0 once made a few comments about that in one of my model threads, I think it was my Orc-Marauder.

Your model looks not bad, bulky, strong. BUT. It misses that one thing, that let it stand out. A "special" thing.

Well, what it boils down to is "what is he"? What exactly do you mean by "Marauder", what does he do, what role does he fill in combat? Is there any particular thing (real-life or otherwise) upon which you drew inspiration in designing & creating him?

i.e. My Jungle Troll "Headshrinker" hero is sort of like a hero-tier Witch Doctor, so I wanted him with a bubbling cauldron on his back & a shrunken head in hand.
The Orcish Blademaster, being heavily inspired by the real-world "Samurai" concept, has the beard, the baubled-necklace, the super-long sword, the neat flag-banner, the sandals & lack of shirt... Etc.

So is this Marauder like a literal "marauding Orc", as in a brutish, ravaging warrior? Alright, then spikes, flags, skulls, (perhaps a bit overused) might fit. Is he instead a "marauder" in the sense of a (real-life) Pirate? Then perhaps hint at it (not too overt) with a firearm/holster, a peg-leg, ship's rigging wrapped across shoulders, gold tooth, unique hat, back-barrel of rum... (making this all up).

Sounded better in my head. But thoughts?

Let me quote Kyrbi0 here. AND there's team colour missing all over.


Anyway, here's a very early WIP of the body. body.PNG

Other animations and minor modifciations to be done.
Level 26
Jun 5, 2008
Fel Orcs usually wear those golden-colored armors or just go on boobs, that full plate doesn't seem to fit him so much. The greataxe also looks excessively big =P even the one that the Tauren Chieftain carries isn't that large.
Well, Idonno. I could make it smaller. As for armor, I don't care. I've seen many fullbody armors in WOW, so why not here? As for his skin color. I thought the red skin looked more menacing and evil. This is intended to be an Orc Overlord. A badass that rules the lower standing orcs. Because reasons.

Minimage, the wrap on the arms and feet aswell on the axe is really messy, look for other textures or fix the wrap.

The wrap isn't that bad, it's generally because of the stone giant animations.

Your model looks not bad, bulky, strong. BUT. It misses that one thing, that let it stand out. A "special" thing.
I always found this response so very vague. I try to add as much detail I can without it looking messy.

There's team colour missing all over.
Actually, the armor is teamcolor less, but hands and legs have teamcolor. It's just hard to see the difference of the red teamcolor and red skin.

I'm not sure if this showcases the skinning well or not, but here is a screeny in magos. The view is of it unanimated, so not to distort anything.

Then again, I could probably reskin the arms. Donno about the legs tho.


  • ContestWIP3.png
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
eubz said:
Bandits should have their own hero and he should be powerful enough to rule the Bandit World
Very good! However, be aware that you're up against Garithos in this arena; he's a pretty solid tie-in as "Bandit Hero". I'm interested to see what you have in mind. :p

However, your images don't seem to work for me. :<

Rui said:
Dreadlords, much like Death Knights, are unique heroes on their own =P it's hard to find a corresponding unit. Same goes for lots of others. Gargoyle isn't really the corresponding unit as they're completely different.
For the most part, that's true. In fact, that's why the "Undead Examples" pic is so sparse; there really weren't many examples to draw from. :< As the Death Knights were originally the Orcish Liches/Necrolytes & are still-living with the powers of Undeath, it's not too much of a jump to link them the Necromancers. However, they are more properly "Anti-Paladin's" (quite literally, from Beta-onwards, and still seen in their ability mechanics). That's a whole 'nother contest. :p

The Dreadlord, same deal. Technically they are Demons, and the Gargoyles are... Well, they are "creatures of the North". I don't recall it being exactly clear as to what they are. It's a stretch, sure, but I wanted to make a statement about how it doesn't have to be "Footman + Hero Glow, Longer Sword, Cool Shield = Hero Footman!". I'd love to see some serious creativity when it comes to stretching boundaries and trying out new things.
Thus the Gargoyle -> Dreadlord deal. If you think about it, the Gargoyles are a little questionable in terms of lore; creatures natural or demonic? Well, it's not *too* much a stretch to say their demonic, and given their nature (giant bats) and the obvious inspiration for the Dreadlord (vampire, which turns into Bats when he dies), well...

Rui said:
It'd be interesting if you could do the inverse process. As in, convert hero to unit, IMO there are enough heroes.
Absolutely! That's the next contest ("Demotion: Take an in-game Hero and turn it into a Unit") :p

Rui said:
You could have used "Deadeye" as an example of a hero version corresponding to the skeletal archer.
I... Did? I finished updating the Second Post recently with most of the best examples of this contest that I could find. The "Deadeye" was at the top of my (mental) list. :p

Rui said:
Anyhow, I look forward to seeing more troll females =)
Oh, you and me both, sir. If you've seen the second post, right now there are only 2 major custom "troll female" models. And I think it's high-time the Python Warrioress & Dark Totemic have some companionship. :p

WhiteDeath said:
Posting WIP of Grand Shaman/Wolf Lord.
Alright! I'm glad you are joining, man; I'll have you know, you're at least part of the inspiration for this contest in the first place. You kinda inspired me with your Werewolf & Revenant models to realize what a good idea "Ascension" is artistically as well as in design.

For this, I'm interested. Definite tie-in to the Beta "Spirit Walker" Shaman hero, but also sort of extending that "animalistic" side the in-game Shaman has with the Wolf bit... Pretty cool. I look forward to more.

PROXY said:
Attachment 128077

The texture on the robe is still WIP I guess, as well as the positioning/animation/rigging of the bowl. More accessories to make her more "Skull-Priestess" like, are to come.
Interesting additions. Obligatory skull-rack... I like the bowl. Remember the comments you quoted me on in terms of "Heroic-ness".

More later; I'll respond to you, MiniMage, when I get back.


Hey everyone. Please keep in mind "Heroic-ness". It may be difficult to define, but try lining your hero up against the in-game heroes. Does s/he fit? Does s/he look like they could fight and win? Does s/he have a character all their own? Etc.

Keep it up!
Well, I just don't understand how that's supposed to be a necromancer. Is he gonna be covered in robes or something, like the Abominations in Dragon Age?

It's sort of a twist on the concept. A crotchety old man with a book isn't exactly original and neither is a grim reaper. The idea with this hero is that he caught the plague really, really, really bad. He will have a sort of staff and some tattered remnants of clothing, but mostly he'll be a disgusting mess.
That abomination picture is pretty close to what I'm going for, though maybe less clothes and more of a fungal look.

Also, who is responsible for coming up with the puns on the participant statuses? Don't worry I won't do anything bad to you.*
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Level 18
Feb 13, 2011
Basically, it's a Turtle with Sunken Ruins' Props build onto its shell, and a Murloc Shaman(?) riding/occupying the seat on it...
Still many things to be done, but the concept is there...

Really nice concept.
My personal suggestion is to add sunken ruins armour to the turtle, like a helmet and some leg armor, and for the Murlok maybe add some kind of reef crown or alike. Also when animating, I suggest to add attack animations for both the turtle and the murloc on top. (maybe attack 1 for the murloc "magic from staff", and attack 2 for the turtle "its bites")
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008
MM said:
Rui said:
Fel Orcs usually wear those golden-colored armors or just go on boobs, that full plate doesn't seem to fit him so much. The greataxe also looks excessively big even the one that the Tauren Chieftain carries isn't that large.
Well, Idonno. I could make it smaller. As for armor, I don't care. I've seen many fullbody armors in WOW, so why not here? As for his skin color. I thought the red skin looked more menacing and evil. This is intended to be an Orc Overlord. A badass that rules the lower standing orcs. Because reasons.
The red skin is fine.

Overlord is 'fine' (more below)

However, I think the point he's making is that while it's certainly possible, it doesn't look good. Doesn't look cohesive. It's weird to see just straight, steely-gray armor on a Fel Orc; it's almost like he dipped his torso into a vat of grey paint. :p Instead, Blizzard tended to use blacks & golds in their Fel Orc armor, since it set off the red-skin well & made them look more diabolical.

Now, like my "Heart of Storms: Slayer" art shows, you can pull off steely gray... But that was a Greenskin, and most importantly, it has definition. Rivets, folds, buckles, etc.

MM said:
PROXY said:
There's team colour missing all over.
Actually, the armor is teamcolor less, but hands and legs have teamcolor. It's just hard to see the difference of the red teamcolor and red skin.

I'm not sure if this showcases the skinning well or not, but here is a screeny in magos. The view is of it unanimated, so not to distort anything.
I think that's the problem he's pointing out; the armor is one of the best places for Team Color (in general), and is the biggest most noticeable part of your model (in specific). But it has 0% TC.

The Magos helps (all of your in-game screenshots were really skewed). However, it looks like his back is really craggy and pointy; might want to throw something back there to cover that. A rack of skulls? A fiendish banner? A basket of snakes? lol, something.

MM said:
PROXY said:
Your model looks not bad, bulky, strong. BUT. It misses that one thing, that let it stand out. A "special" thing.
I always found this response so very vague. I try to add as much detail I can without it looking messy.
I think this is the biggest issue, and perhaps the hardest to relate. Believe me/us, if there were a way to explain it better, we would. It's incredibly "subjective", which means it's experienced & can't really be "proven", per-say. But I'll try again. : )

Basically, your model is cool. Bulky, strong, not bad, like he said. However, there's something missing. Something "special". Because right now, he looks like a Unit. A powerful unit, certainly the "Tier 3 Ownage Device" of whatever race he's in (like the Tauren or Frost Wyrm), but... just not a Champion, a Hero. He is missing something to make him "Heroic".

Some of the issue is uniqueness. If you can use the same icon as a Hero that he used as a Unit (Fel Orc Grunt, let's say), then he could use some changes. I made some suggestions about this.
Kyrbi0 said:
I was a little stumped as well... Seems like a great "T3 Heavy Melee", but something is missing to make it "heroic"... (not sure I'm feeling the all steel armor, to be honest)

For one, while I know it would be difficult, giving him a different face might help (since people will just recognize the stretched Fel Orc in the portrait). Perhaps some crazy puckered scar, and/or a Beard/Goatee/Mutton-Chops to set him off, make him look really burly & elder.

Also, don't forget to draw inspiration from other, excellent sources...

[[Picture of "HoS Slayer". Look at this again!!! :p It's just so cool.]]

I think Giant Curly Ram's Horns would be really epic. And definitely some nurnies that set him apart as "not your average barbarian"; like stonneash said, a nice fancy warrior's belt, a rack of skulls, a sheathed dagger/sword... Basically something on his back.

(Case in point: I knew you were likely to put simple spiky viking horns on his helmet the moment I saw him horn-less. So I suggested curvy Ram's horns, to make things interesting (or, like the picture I linked, branching Antlers).)

Another aspect is the "over-the-top-ness". You've got it down when it comes to the axe & armor (big, bulky, Warcraft-y). However, he's really lacking in anything else, any other details.

Heroes tell a story. Imagine the Paladin... His flowing robes which have flown over many a stark battlefield. His book which chronicle his life, detail his spells, and provide him strength. His golden lion-buckle, indicating his ties & loyalty to the throne & crown, as well as the Light. His massive warhammer, pitted & worn from use in smiting evil. His handsome beard, flecked with grey through age and stress.

I could do that for almost any Hero. Your model needs something, needs a story that is told. Who is he? What is he? What does he do, what role does he fulfill? He's not just an underling; he da boss! :p

Now, here are some thoughts. Just throwing things off the top of my head. One thought is that "Overlord", while cool, is a bit over-done. Everywhere you see "Overlord". It's a great term, but doesn't mean a whole lot.

Take a look at that picture I linked, the "Slayer" from Heart of Storms. He's a true & serious "warlord" of the the Orcish Horde. He's a "Slayer", though, a dude who SLAYS. Rack of skulls (crowned with an Azerothian Knight's helmet), giant horned helmet, cool belt & loincloth & boots, MASSSSSIVE pitted rough-steel Sword, huge flaming torch (why? Looks cool. Because reasons. :p). His abilities involve Screaming and Raging and Flailing around.

Or instead... Perhaps going with the unit/hero in the very beginning of the Human campaign of RoC; the Orcish "Slave Master". He rides a horse & uses a club, but he's a villainous foe. Maybe this guy is sort of a "Taskmaster/Overlord". Give him a crazy spiked whip (doesn't have to use it if you can't animate that; just have it coiled by his side/back). Give him the heads of rebel slaves on a rack on his back. Give him a giant jangly set of keys around his belt/neck. Give him a belt!! Give him a quiver of slow-poison darts to stop insurrection. Maybe replace the axe with a super-Truncheon (like the police). His abilities involve Crushing and Punishing and Torturing and Incarcerating.

Think about that, too: This may be just a model contest, but sometimes it can help to treat it like a Hero contest. Think about what kind of hero your model is making, and that can help you flesh out what makes him Unique. Epic. Heroic.

Hope that helped. Boy are my wrists tired... :p


Wrathion said:
WIP #1 - Hmm.. What should I do next?
Hmm... Well to be honest, it looks like all you've done is turn the Alpha channels into TeamColor (a little weird) and heightened the mane. I'm not sure what you were going for, or how far you meant to edit it. As it stands, though, this really isn't even much a creep, much less a Hero. What are you going for, ultimately?

PROXY said:
The texture on the robe is still WIP I guess, as well as the positioning/animation/rigging of the bowl. More accecsoirces to make her more "Skull-Priestess" like, are to come.
Alright, like I said, definitely coming along. However, I'll warn you about what you quoted me saying in your Orcish Marauder; hopefully you have some plans as to how to set this lady apart as a Hero (because right now she's little more than a Unit with hero-glow). Some big swarthy robes across the shoulders might be nice. Not sure; will have to see more of what you're going for.

You definitely have it in you; I've seen it. :p

eubz said:
Just reload the page. IDK what's going on with the images. This also happens to me, but when I reload the page the images show up.
Yeah, that's still not working. Nor is going straight to the link (extracting the URL by Quoting you); says "it takes too long". Is this on an album or something?

BallisticTerrain said:
It's sort of a twist on the concept. A crotchety old man with a book isn't exactly original and neither is a grim reaper. The idea with this hero is that he caught the plague really, really, really bad...
EXCELLENT! You guys are starting to get it. This is what I'm talking about; even if I don't love your end-product, BT, I'm glad you are getting the idea.

This contest is all about creative combinations & twists on concepts. If we all just take/make unit models & stick hero-glow, we've missed the point. But taking the Necromancer and going "Plague Doctor", then amping up the "plague" aspect with a fungal bent... I'm intrigued. :p

Not sure what texture to use, though, unless you can split the head & the fungus into different textures. I mean, you could use the actual Blizzard mushroom-trees from Draenor, I s'pose...

BT said:
Also, who is responsible for coming up with the puns on the participant statuses? Don't worry I won't do anything bad to you.*
I don't like that *asterisk*... But yeah, it's all me, man. I've always had a soft spot for word-play. :p And 'punmanship' is one of my few talents. xD

Wandering Soul said:
Basically, it's a Turtle with Sunken Ruins' Props build onto its shell, and a Murloc Shaman(?) riding/occupying the seat on it...
Still many things to be done, but the concept is there...
Alright! This is pretty neat. Done before, but not too much in regular War3. (I've always marveled at the dearth of "royalty riding big animal/throne/palanquin" models).

I know this is an early WIP, so I'll just echo Astaroth to say that crazy plate-armor & more Royal-ish features (reef crown!) will be awexome. Maybe a little tent over his head, or a magicky 'orb of depths' floating in front of him.

Just as a side-thought, try to differentiate the Turtle a bit from the existing in-game Turtle? Not sure how, probably through changing proportions (thinner, longer neck, etc?).

Looking forward to more.
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Level 46
Jul 29, 2008

Please check out the Second Post everyone; I have pretty much finished updating it.

(The reason I say that is because it contains many examples that should answer your mechanical questions ("can I do male <-> female", "can I do different race", etc), as well as your thematic questions ("how different can I make it", "what makes a hero Heroic", etc).)

Also, be sure to read the First Post, as it contains not only the Rules & Guidelines to model by, and the Criteria you'll be judged by, but also includes extensive Examples & Explanations that should help.


If anyone is at a lack for ideas, bring it up here! I know me personally, I can probably come up with at least 2-3 ideas for any given unit you can pick. Pick a favorite unit(s) and have at it! Don't let anyone stall for lack of ideas.

That is all.
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