The Zora Sapphire is originally kept by Ruto the princess of the zoras who lives with her father in Zora's Domain. After Link rescues her from inside Lord Jabu Jabu's belly Ruto, offers the Zora Sapphire to Link but she first explains that for a Zora the Zora Sapphire is used as an engagement ring. Link accepts it anyway not knowing what he's getting into by agreeing to take it. The Zora Sapphire is 1 of 3 spiritual stones needed to open the door to the Master Sword in the Temple of Time.
Pretty basic model. Modeled in Milkshape 3D and then geomerged onto the lumber model which I modified very slightly. Uses all in game textures. Enjoy.
Zelda, Ocarina, Time, Link, Spiritual, Stone, Ganondorf, Zora, Sapphire, Item, Gem, Video, Game, Legend, Zerox, Ruto