Zombie Survival Z v4.4 [SM]

The map was edited from ZSZ v3.0, and contains the next changes:

-Map is protected (kind of... just checked the box "remove as much WE data as possible" in wc3mapoptimizer to reduce size, but it makes the map crash when openning).
-Map size strongly reduced, better load speed.
-Cleaned the triggers (removed unnasasary things, removed some memory leaks, reworked).
-Added tips about the game.
-Fixed some bugs (ghost upgrade effects, breakdown parts no longer uses storm bolt effect, and others).
-Mana cost is written in numbers, instead of letters ("2" instead of "medium").
-Bare player regenerates mana (0.1 mana per second).
-Some balance changes (increased charges on repair kit and ammo by 1).
-Made it possible to drop the current proffesion item, if you got a spare.
-Reviver now has unlimited charges, but a 15 mana cost and a 300 second cooldown + cannot be dropped. > Reworked to 180 second cooldown, after what it respawns.
-A text is written when someone dies.
-A text is written when a building appears.
-Increase the maximum player count by 2 (from 8 to 10).

Well, that's pretty much everything. Good luck playing ;)

Changes from 4.3 to 4.4:
-Fixed random bugs (hotkeys, bugs with item sells).
-Reworked reviver to be removed, and respawned after 180 seconds after usage.
-Reworked Dark Wand skill.
-Breakdown cooldown now allways triggers (reduced it to 3).
-Changed the icon on Hammer and Axe from passive to active version.
-Breakdown now works on weapons (sword/rifle, etc.) right from your inventory + supports if you have a spare one.
-When selling weapons, it now supports situations when you have a spare.
-Reworked Ying/Yang halls' skills a bit.

Changes from 4.4 to 4.5:
-The reviver is no longer sold (only found).
-The maximum zombie ammount that can be owned by a player is now limited to 6 (from no limiting). <<Using the necromancer.
-Fixed some building texts.
-Plasma ammo is no longer based off the same spell as ghostly hold.
-Z experiment doesn't sleep now.
-Fixed GPS.
-Genetic rebuilder respawn text is now red.
-Improved player-owned zombies (faster turn rate/different armor type).
-Absorb plasma now shows how much plasma you have gained till the next level.
-Zombies are now stronger late-game (more hp).
-Zombies revive longer late-game.
-Reduced the maximum zombie ammount to prevent them from lagging.
-Improved book texts.

Changes from 4.5 to 4.5b:
-Fixed a bug that caused host's hero to dissappear when kicking someone.
-Fixed a bug that permanently stunned units when ghosts used plasma ammo on them.

Zombie Survival Z v4.5b [SM] (Map)

VGsatomi: Approved. Lots of different abilities and features on this map. Uncluttered terrain, good amount of innovation.




VGsatomi: Approved. Lots of different abilities and features on this map. Uncluttered terrain, good amount of innovation.
Level 1
Jun 1, 2008
dude i love your map :thumbs_up: but i found 2 major problems 1 is when you use give plasma ammo and it stuns the person you use it on forever and 2 i have not tried this my self but i hear from a player that you can sell your equipped item for all the cash you want all i would like is your thought on plasma ammo is it suppose to do that ? and if not can you fix it
Level 7
Sep 6, 2007
Please describe the first problem a bit better.

And the second problem is false. You can sell the item for ever, and it will show you the gold appearing as if it was sold, but you will never gain anything as the gold/lumber is immediately removed.
Level 1
Jun 1, 2008
ok the problem is when a ghost player uses plasma ammo skill yes it give 2 ammo like the discription says but it also stuns the unit it's used on forever they can not move drop items or do any thing at all they are trapped in place till they either leave or die.

also i can not be sure why but when ever a host kicks a player the host's unit dissapears ive had this happen twice to me i believe i was stunned both times when it happend.
Level 7
Sep 6, 2007
Thank you for reporting both problems! They have been fixed in the latest v4.5b.

The kick command removed the wrong units (nothing to do with the perma stun), but now it's fixed. I simply missed it...

And the perma stun is also fixed now.