Zombie Hunter 3 v 4.1

Zombie Hunter 3

by Xthreo


What's new ?!:

Check ou the New Zombie Hunter 3 Reforged !

Version 4.1

  • Introducing.... SAVE/LOAD SYSTEM (obtain your save code after entering the second friendly village)
  • New Zombie Hunter model
  • Revamped cinematics and UI to fit widescreen
  • Fourth boss fight reworked
  • Knockback ability has now AoE
  • Poisonous bullet now actually slows movement speed
  • New enemies types to improve gameplay sensation
  • Lots of other tweeks

Map Description (for new players):

The game is based on Zombie hunter 1 and 2 (by Gravit)

It's a skill-based game (hit and run), and very challenging: You control one hero who is often one shot-killed.

After Jaeden's death, the story continues in this third episode of Zombie Hunter; a small group of reknowed hunters are heading to frozen lands where strange creatures were reported. Try to survive through this challenging adventure full of secrets, creatures and ruled by bosses worthy of their title. This third episode includes of new items, new upgrades, soundtracks and customized boss fights. A real challenge for ZH fans because of its difficulty, as the other Zombie Hunter games were. Thank you Gravit for your games!

I'll be grateful if you could tell me EVERY SINGLE mistakes you can observe (spelling mistakes too- my first language isn't english).
Comment it, rate it, I'd love to improve my skills in map making.







  • Introducing.... MASTERIES (10 new spells to choose from while upgrading your Hunter)
  • Also introducing Souls!
  • New side quests, mobs and items
  • Revamped storyline and cinematics
  • Third and final boss fight reworked
  • new randomized areas to increase replayability
  • More NPCs
  • More bugs fixed
  • The resurrection bug after a player leaves is fixed
  • Double Gold item now actually doubles the gold earned by coins
  • All souls can be targeted by siphon mana
  • Caring Spirit's ultimate is nerfed
  • Other minor bugs fixed

  • Added an after death system
  • Added a rage mode to the Third Boss
  • Balanced third boss fight (chain lightning aoe reduced, ect..)
  • Third Boss can no longer pass through fire.
  • Checkpoint after Cursed Lands added
  • Bounty of Tier 2 and 3 units increased.
  • Movement speed of tier 2 and 3 units decreased
  • Some hidden items displaced
  • Added alternative messages for single player mode
  • UI Fixed
  • Added "Player skipped the cinematic" message in multiplayer.
  • Fire traps fixed
  • Added new items and edited old ones to match the modern warfare theme
  • Added minor quests
  • Added names to NPCs
  • File size reduced
  • Terrain improved (number of destructibles reduced, some areas modified)
  • Other minors improvements

  • Fixed some typo
  • Replaced the ice wall of the second boss entrance with fire
  • Removed the cinematic of the Third Boss!!
  • Reversed the Flare's and Grenade's hotkeys
  • Fixed the non-looping music lag
  • Slightly reduced the AoE of Frost Revenant's Apparition
  • Slightly reduced the attack range of tier 2 and 3 melee units
  • Balanced Cold Shadow's stats
  • Added some Pathing Blockers

  • Added Gravit to the admin list
  • Fixed all bugs relative to cinematic (death and camera)
  • Reduced damage of wretched
  • Fixed the music and leveling-up lags
  • Moved some resurrection stones to avoid an inevitable death after respawn
  • Fix the Flare's and the lever's bug
  • Added a Tip to prevent players from leaving after dying 3 times
  • Fixed an issue where player 6 couldn't revive

  • Flare's cooldown now depends on number of players
  • Hotkeys of every abilities changed
  • Cooldown of every active abilities now mentioned in description
  • "Rifle" and "Vision" upgrades combinated
  • First and second boss cinematics polished
  • Fourth boss fight now depends on number of players
  • Sunwell's Animation fixed
  • One admin added to the admin list
  • Some leaks removed

  • Second boss fixed
  • Game over Camera fixed
  • Difficulty reduced
  • Multiboard added
  • The disappeared Initialization Trigger in v.2.0 is back

  • Every bugs reported since today are fixed (including the "picking item" bug)
  • 2 hidden items added
  • Difficulty System (based on number of players) added
  • Difficulty slightly reduced
  • Reputation system is effective
  • No more cheat detection system (way too laggy)

Special thanks to:
-CRAZYRUSSIAN!!!! For its awesome Freezing title
-The Reaper, for its Bloodmage skin
-Gar'nogal, for its Rifleman skin
-Afronight_76, for its Dreadlord skin AND for its Lich skin
-Dionesiist, for its Ghoul skin
-Hueter, for its Abomination skin
-Just_Spectating, for its faceless skin which perfectly fits with General Frank's model :p
-13lur, for its Footman skin
-ANdROnIQ, for its Grenade icon
-FrIkY, for its Rifleman icon
-tee.dubs, for its Chainsaw icon AND super model
-The_Silent, for its Rifle icon
-Illidan(Evil)X, for its Grenade model
-Peekay, for its Volcano Ashes model
-MeteORA, for its Hat model (that I edited)
-DonDustin, for its Icecrown Revenant model
-Inico, for its Shimmering Portal model
-Ket, for its Potion model
-General Frank, for its 4-legged Faceless model
-WILL THE ALMIGHTY, for its Explosion model
-Kitabatake, for its Light Orb model
-And of course, Konstrukt, our modern warfare expert, for its Sniper and Shotgun Missile model

-map protected-


zombie, zombies, hunter, survival, hit and run, ice, nothren, dark, magic, storyline, gun, guns, modern warfare, shooter, rpg, multiplayer

Zombie Hunter 3 v4.1 (Map)

23:40, 25th Jun 2011 -Kobas-: Status: Approved Comment
Level 3
Mar 9, 2008
Everything seems nice and its obvious you put a lot of effort into this. I love zombie maps which have effort put into them. Since you asked 'us' to find every single mistake, here I go:
>item scepter of vampires has typo in its description.
>gorrila quest name should begin with capital T.
>for some reason gorrila boss didnt attack for a while. I suspect that might be because I put some gold into 'increase attack range' ability.
Right after gorrila new type of creeps appears, they seem to kill me almost instantly. Only way to kill them is to use nades. Although I tested in single player, it may be easier to kill them in multiplayer.

I'll play some more when I have spare time and post anything that might need fixing :) Cheers :goblin_yeah:
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Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
Flamethrower can break items on the floor I think cause for some reason when I dropped saw while flamethrower was on it disappeared.

Chainsaw can only be used once.

I got to the lich + seth cinematic then wc3 errored ><..
Level 10
May 8, 2009
Everything seems nice and its obvious you put a lot of effort into this. I love zombie maps which have effort put into them. Since you asked 'us' to find every single mistake, here I go:
>item scepter of vampires has typo in its description.
>gorrila quest name should begin with capital T.
>for some reason gorrila boss didnt attack for a while. I suspect that might be because I put some gold into 'increase attack range' ability.
Right after gorrila new type of creeps appears, they seem to kill me almost instantly. Only way to kill them is to use nades. Although I tested in single player, it may be easier to kill them in multiplayer.

I'll play some more when I have spare time and post anything that might need fixing :) Cheers :goblin_yeah:

These are exactly the constructive critics I was waiting for :p
I fixed all the bugs you reported and I also edited the new creep you're talking about cause they were actually quite hard to kill even in multiplayer mode. (Note that more players are in game, less gold they will receive. I tried to balance the gameplay this way)

Flamethrower can break items on the floor I think cause for some reason when I dropped saw while flamethrower was on it disappeared.

Chainsaw can only be used once.

I got to the lich + seth cinematic then wc3 errored ><..

The crash bug is fixed, also the flamethrower but I'm still working on the chainsaw......
I also fixed the second boss bug... you'll discover soon what I'm talking about :p, and I know it's quite harder with this new update.

Could I also have your opinions on the soundtracks plz??
I consider music as a cricial part of any video game!!!

And remember you can skip all cinematics, useful when you're testing a map over and over :p
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Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
Soundtrack is awesome I love the resident evil music.
I can't figure out how to email you for the reputation system, my account name is xzerozal on azeroth.
Level 7
Aug 21, 2010
Map looks pretty interesting from the outside, downloading it now. Would you like me to make you an improved description? I can also fix any grammar/spelling errors in your map if you send me the all of the text in it (like in a PM or something).
Level 5
Feb 9, 2009
For some odd reason it ended the game when my friend died after having no lives left, they did die a lot however but I still had 2 lives left.

When I downloaded it, its still v1.09 and not v1.09b like the title says.
Edit: Nevermind it says it.
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Level 2
Apr 1, 2009
While playing with my friend on LAN, twice within the first few minutes it told us greedisgood was detected and ended the game.

Tell me, exactly, how one of us would have used greedisgood if the game is LAN? :|
Level 2
Apr 1, 2009
Well, even though you seem to be ignoring your own map thread, I've got a little constructive criticism.

First, Piercing damage + unarmored = extra damage. 3 base damage = 4 damage, 4 base = 6 damage.
Second, Crits are very broken. At least for me. I have no idea what's going on there. They only ever manage to do 2 damage and they're not actually applied to the shots that I fire, they occur slightly before my base damage applies.

Playing with my friend, I still get dropped because it detects greedisgood on lan, but we're both able to play by ourselves on lan just fine.

I'll re-rate when the bug is fixed, if you get around to it.
Level 10
May 8, 2009
Well, even though you seem to be ignoring your own map thread, I've got a little constructive criticism.

First, Piercing damage + unarmored = extra damage. 3 base damage = 4 damage, 4 base = 6 damage.
Second, Crits are very broken. At least for me. I have no idea what's going on there. They only ever manage to do 2 damage and they're not actually applied to the shots that I fire, they occur slightly before my base damage applies.

Playing with my friend, I still get dropped because it detects greedisgood on lan, but we're both able to play by ourselves on lan just fine.

I'll re-rate when the bug is fixed, if you get around to it.

I'm really sorry if I've made myself not really clear : I did consider your post (see last updates in description) and the greedisgood bug should be fixed in this latest version (1.09c).
Now if it's not I would need to know if the game detects only one player when you're playing LAN with your friend (a red message should appear to say so).
The critical strike is trigger-based to avoid a whosyourdaddy cheat dectection, this is why it could be broken, but again, this should be fixed it the lastest version...
I fixed the armor thing (ready for a new version I am working on).

I would aslo say that your rating isn't really objective since you base it only on a personnal frustation...
However, I am doing my very best to solve your problem, so you can have a good time playing LAN with your friend
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Level 2
Apr 1, 2009
You're right, I'm sorry for an unfair rating, but it's difficult to rate a map when you can't play it properly in the first place. I'll re-rate it given the experience of the gameplay I've gone through thus far by myself, at least. I hadn't realized that you saw my post, I was only checking for a reply to my comment.

To answer your question, we did not get the "anti-cheat system activated" message during our games.

The gameplay itself is solid and you've done a great job with the Zombie Hunter gameplay, though I still can't give it a 5 because I can't play the map as it's intended, even if only with one other person instead of a full house.

He's not online right now otherwise I would test to see if we still get dropped.
Level 2
Apr 1, 2009
Great! On one hand, you've fixed the armor issue, and I'm no longer doing 2 damage when I crit. Just one little problem. Now I'm not critting at all! Aside from that, we're no longer getting booted due to greedisgood, however I've noticed a few more problems. Most notably you heal when you pick items up. Any item, as a matter of fact. You can drop your shotgun, pick it back up, and get a full heal. The two bosses we fought so far were both great and the terrain seems good looking enough for me.
Level 6
Nov 16, 2007
I really liked the map even more than the original ones, but one thing! after killing the zombie gorilla and clearing up the icy zone, I got stucked, there is nowhere to go, escept for the door that is closed near the beginning and I didn't found a way for openinig it, there are no tips or clues about what else to do. Can you tell me if I'm missing something or if its a bug, fix it please. You should also check for spelling mistakes in the cinematics, english is not my native language but I thinK I saw a few ones in there.
Level 2
Apr 1, 2009
I really liked the map even more than the original ones, but one thing! after killing the zombie gorilla and clearing up the icy zone, I got stucked, there is nowhere to go, escept for the door that is closed near the beginning and I didn't found a way for openinig it, there are no tips or clues about what else to do. Can you tell me if I'm missing something or if its a bug, fix it please. You should also check for spelling mistakes in the cinematics, english is not my native language but I thinK I saw a few ones in there.

There's a closed icy door you have to walk into, at least I did.
Level 6
Nov 16, 2007
Thanks Somagu for the tip. I passed in front of it but I didn't notice it was a door, it looked like rocks to me. Well I think I've found a bug, in the fight against the Corrupted One (the lich), after five or seven minutes of fighting against it, the game crashes, I guess the triggers are bugged, and I think it has to do something with the lightning attack of the lich, because sometimes one of lightnings it throws, still remains after the attack and it doesn't disappear. This most be solved otherwise the map is as good as incomplete.
Level 10
May 8, 2009
Thx guys for reporting all these bugs and for your encouraging comments. Remember I can add you as an admin since you've been helpful. I'm always looking for new ideas and suggestions, don't be afraid to post them. I will definitivly consider them.
I am presently working on the version 1.1 which should represent the first non-beta version, including new areas, spell, items, etc....
Normaly, this version will be bug-free!!!
I am working hard on spelling mistakes -.- ....

I would also like to know:
-does anyone actually killed the final boss, and which alternative ending you saw?
-How can my map be approved by moderators?
-How can I improve my map?

THANKS AGAIN! I really appreciate your help
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Level 5
Dec 7, 2009
I'm not sure about anyone else, but the time it takes to download this map is incredibly slow. I have a good fast paced internet connection, and I tried on 2 different computers, and the same thing happened. I hosted it on Battle.net, and it took around 10 minutes for at least one person to finish downloading the map. Some saw that the downloading was so slow, that they left.
-How can my map be approved by moderators?
Your map must have few things:
- Nice Map Description
- Bug Free
- Average or above terrain
- Average or above gameplay
- Credit list (map description as well as ingame)
- Explained Author name (if author and uploader name is different)
- Overall look (No missing DISBTN icons, working multiboard/leaderboard, cool ability/quest/hero descriptions, unit names and so on)
- Oh 1 more thing, map must be on English!

-How can I improve my map?
For start check this tutorial:
Polishing Your Game [24 May 2010 15:55]N1ghthawk
Level 10
May 8, 2009
I'm not sure about anyone else, but the time it takes to download this map is incredibly slow. I have a good fast paced internet connection, and I tried on 2 different computers, and the same thing happened. I hosted it on Battle.net, and it took around 10 minutes for at least one person to finish downloading the map. Some saw that the downloading was so slow, that they left.

Since the map is 7.7 mb, I understand downloading it via Bnet is slow. Otherwise, the download via THW shouldn't be that slow...
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Level 22
Feb 3, 2009
Review by Ironside

Positive features:

- Acceptable terrain
- Has quest menu
- Interesting gameplay

Negative features:

- Could use some sort of multiboard
- It's a little too hard in my opinion

Additional Information / Conclusion:

The map is quite good, just think about the multiboard and the difficulty.

Rating: 4/5
Vote for:

Level 1
Jul 31, 2011
I am stuck after killing the demon in the ice field. Is it that I cannot kill the dark portal? Or what? After I kill Satanick, I wait for the portal to spawn another and repeat, and then I impatiently kill the portal.

I don't know what the heck but what's the proper way to end that fight?
Level 1
Sep 16, 2010
i am abit new to the hive work shop...
and this is my first comment...
this is not the full rate but i see you and your team did a grate job at zombie hunter3 ... :goblin_yeah:
CRAZYRUSSIAN did make an amazing title but it does need a bit more work... in my title it shows a black bar over the inventory and under the game time... and it's hard to see my hunter's H.P. cuz there is no H.P. or mana/energy bar...
the the music is better than the old one but it will be nice if you add more sound tracks while fighting the basic zombies...
the extra items, upgrades, and bonuses are amazingly awesome... :goblin_yeah:
keep up the good work... :goblin_good_job:
Level 10
May 8, 2009
Review by Ironside

Positive features:

- Acceptable terrain
- Has quest menu
- Interesting gameplay

Negative features:

- Could use some sort of multiboard
- It's a little too hard in my opinion

Additional Information / Conclusion:

The map is quite good, just think about the multiboard and the difficulty.

Rating: 4/5
Vote for:

First of all, thanks for your approbation.
I’ve been thinking about the multiboard, but beside showing players’ score (kills, gold, lives left, etc...) it is useless. Since this game is fully oriented to cooperation, the multiboard will create an atmosphere of competition which is incompatible whith teamwork, and so has to be avoided.
I reduced the difficulty in version 2.0 : zombies and creatures are slower, corrupted lands are dealing less damage.

Edit: Here's version 2.1, featuring a multiboard, a difficulty system, enhanced terrain!! Am I approaching the 5/5 xD ?

I am stuck after killing the demon in the ice field. Is it that I cannot kill the dark portal? Or what? After I kill Satanick, I wait for the portal to spawn another and repeat, and then I impatiently kill the portal.

I don't know what the heck but what's the proper way to end that fight?

You have to kill the portal and the first spawned boss.

i am abit new to the hive work shop...
and this is my first comment...
this is not the full rate but i see you and your team did a grate job at zombie hunter3 ... :goblin_yeah:
CRAZYRUSSIAN did make an amazing title but it does need a bit more work... in my title it shows a black bar over the inventory and under the game time... and it's hard to see my hunter's H.P. cuz there is no H.P. or mana/energy bar...
the the music is better than the old one but it will be nice if you add more sound tracks while fighting the basic zombies...
the extra items, upgrades, and bonuses are amazingly awesome... :goblin_yeah:
keep up the good work... :goblin_good_job:

Unfortunately, the size of the map is already high (because of soundtracks) and it is impossible for me to add another music, even if I’d love to. The title of CRAZYRUSSIAN has black spots, but you mana and health bars should be visible.. (Note that your health is 1hp without upgrades and your mana is completly useless)
Anyway, thanks goliath764, I really appreciate encouragements, and I might need your help sometimes for a new beta testing map. (Bye the way, I work alone, I don’t have a team xD)

soon 5000 downloads and only 2 rates...

Well i didn't really get far into the game, after the first sequence i move on a bit more to that faster zombies and then i pass an area where i instantly get killed by the big big boss hanging around at some portal. Since he aint neutral he can just pwn me with his 2 k range attacks and 10 damage.

It's an aweful bug, justed fixed
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Level 2
Dec 6, 2010
Well i didn't really get far into the game, after the first sequence i move on a bit more to that faster zombies and then i pass an area where i instantly get killed by the big big boss hanging around at some portal. Since he aint neutral he can just pwn me with his 2 k range attacks and 10 damage.
Level 2
Oct 16, 2011
I am stuck after killing the demon in the ice field. Is it that I cannot kill the dark portal? Or what? After I kill Satanick, I wait for the portal to spawn another and repeat, and then I impatiently kill the portal.

I don't know what the heck but what's the proper way to end that fight?

This is the best mini game ever! However like goliath said, the game will not move on after killing the boss and the portal. My friend and I even killed the igloo to make sure. Please fix the bug soon, I can't wait to introduce this to more friends :) I think the difficulty of the v2.1.2 is just right, lowering it further may make the game a little boring. Definitely deserve a 5/5!
Level 2
Oct 16, 2011
Btw, I jus registered my account today due to this game. So I'm not allowed to rate the game yet. Will definitely come back to give the 5/5 :)
Level 10
May 8, 2009
This is the best mini game ever! However like goliath said, the game will not move on after killing the boss and the portal. My friend and I even killed the igloo to make sure. Please fix the bug soon, I can't wait to introduce this to more friends :) I think the difficulty of the v2.1.2 is just right, lowering it further may make the game a little boring. Definitely deserve a 5/5!

I have to apoligize, I thought, this problem was fixed in previous version, but I was totaly wrong. I was planning on publishing a new version only next week end (v2.2.0), but since this bug is horrible, here's version 2.1.3. And thx, I appreciate your enthousiasm!
Level 2
Oct 16, 2011
You're welcome, however the bug is still present. This time there are 3 players and 1 of us has lost all his lives at the ice field fight against boss. We killed 2 bosses before destroying the portal. I'm not sure what triggered the game to be stuck again. Thank you for your prompt reply!
Level 10
May 8, 2009
You're welcome, however the bug is still present. This time there are 3 players and 1 of us has lost all his lives at the ice field fight against boss. We killed 2 bosses before destroying the portal. I'm not sure what triggered the game to be stuck again. Thank you for your prompt reply!

This time, it's the good one!
Thx for feedback
Level 10
May 8, 2009
one player couldn't resurect while he had 2 lives left
one other got killed during the runner cinematic because some zombies were pulled to him during the cinematic, it ended then he got hit by a zombie he had no chances to react !!

Well that's strange...
The player who had 2 lives left, was he the 6th player (orange)?
And during the runner cinematic, was it the banished hero that got killed?
If not, then I didn't find the bug yet, otherwise i'll update to v2.2.1
Level 9
May 14, 2008
yes the orange one i remember that lol

You should add a tooltip telling us people can resurect later even with no lives left.

the banished hero ??? dunno what it is if you mean the hero who talks to the mage in the cinematic no it's not him but the others humans were getting attacked by zombies when the cinematic ended so i was like "OMFG" and i tried to help them (i was the cinematic hero) but the runner got me, T_T
Then (i was host too) i couldn't watch my allies playing, i had only vision of my fuckin grave so i couldn't see them play i wanted to leave but since i was host i was stuck here, this sucked hard
Level 10
May 8, 2009
yes the orange one i remember that lol

You should add a tooltip telling us people can resurect later even with no lives left.

the banished hero ??? dunno what it is if you mean the hero who talks to the mage in the cinematic no it's not him but the others humans were getting attacked by zombies when the cinematic ended so i was like "OMFG" and i tried to help them (i was the cinematic hero) but the runner got me, T_T
Then (i was host too) i couldn't watch my allies playing, i had only vision of my fuckin grave so i couldn't see them play i wanted to leave but since i was host i was stuck here, this sucked hard

I meant the talking hero, this should be fixed now, and I'll add the tooltip, it's a good idea and it will prevent from players leaving. The vision thing is also a bug, I'm working on it. Thx for feedback Tanasren.

Good and pretty maps i love killing zombies :)

Then you'll love end-game part, there's a lot of Zombies waiting for ya!

The last map u posted have only 1 slot... please fix it

Thanks for the notification! It's done..