Your Favourite Custom Hero

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Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

Hi guys !
I want to know what is your favourite custom hero of all the custom maps / campaigns / games made for warcraft 3...

Mine is Fei Serumen , the ancient vampire lord from "To The Bitter End" by Soul Reaver.

Heres a screenshot :


I really like his Celerity spells as its one of the best spells I'll ever see.
The terrain of the campaign may look outdated but actually it was created by an older version of the editor. It has great cinematics where Fei Serumen has been centered the point of attention. (Especially during a boss fight in Chapter 2 where you control Soul Reaver and have to beat Fei Serumen in the battle.

Share your favourite character / hero with everyone in this thread ! and be sure to add screenshots !


Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

Hmm... I like that TCO guy too, but I like galeoth more...or maybe phodom... :as:
1. Prince of the End from Memories of Time Campaign (by Daffa the Mage)
2. LegendzKing from Memories of Time Campaign (by Daffa the Mage)
3. Fallen Mage from Fallen Mage's Revenge Campaign (by Daffa the Mage)
4. General Gardon Bloodclaw from Legends of Arkain Campaign (by Shar Dundred)
5. Daffa the Mage from United Campaign (by Daffa the Mage)
6. Unknown Hero from United Campaign (by Daffa the Mage)
7. Rowan the Wise from Adventure of Rowan the Wise Campaign (by Turnro)
8. Bevan the Swift from Adventure of Rowan the Wise Campaign (by Turnro)
9. Logan the Mysterious from Adventure of Rowan the Wise Campaign (by Turnro)
10. Kathranis Remar from Malfurion's Quest (by Turnro)
11. Iranus Holyhand from <Forgot Name> (by LegendzKing)
12. Kardel Sharpeye from DotA (Icefrog)
13. Infiltrator from Eve of the Apocalypse (DarnYak)
14. Kazzok from Fallen Mage's Revenge (Daffa the Mage)

Yeah, pretty much mostly heroes that I made and some of the most enjoyed campaigns and maps I've played.
The () denotes the creator of the map/campaign where the hero is found.
The list isn't from my most favorite though, it's quite random.
Level 24
May 15, 2013
These are all from Turnro's great campaigns except for some

1. Rowan the Wise, protagonist of Adventures of Rowan the Wise
2. Logan the Mysterious, a hero of "

3. Araj the Summoner, a lich in Resurrection of the Scourge

4. Malfurion (good), in Malfurion's Quest

these heroes are so enjoyable and strong that when they pair up with others and are at strong levels can take down an army, specially from Rowan the Wise, the 5 heroes can take out an entire undead base. ^^

5. Icarus, the Phoenix in Dota/Dota 2
6. Edge, the Swordsmaster, in one of my maps that I didn't finish

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

@Daffa, You have many heroes as favourites... I dont know anything about your campaigns... Have you been working on them ? Can u add a screenshot of any of those heroes ?

BTW, Fei serumen can take all of those heroes together for sure.
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
Grand Warlock from My alterned melee map
Game Ranger from the District99
General Blen Greymoore from Legends of arkain
Magician of the Deeps from Gateway to Hell

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

@Leo, I never used any of em except the arkain human hero...

I also like Arkiezel from my campaign but Ive not started working on that particular hero yet so no screens I can add....
To be honest, they all uses default blizzard models. It's their characteristic I gave to them which made me enjoys them. Some of them are very mysterious and tricky, which makes them interesting. The spell set is quite interesting. They're based on Blizzard ones mostly though.
If you ask how many campaigns I made, I made a lot. Finished? NONE.

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

@Daffa, Same blizzard models..... :(

Interseting skillsets !!!! :D

So I hope you complete anyone of them soon enough and upload on the hive.

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

I may not slap but the other hivers surely will

@Edge 45, I also like Araj the summoner and phoenix but my favourites are :
1. Fei Serumen, Ancient vampire lord from To the bitter end

2. Soul Reaver, Immortal Death Knight from to the bitter end.
Level 9
Nov 27, 2014
I had one hero planned with my own modified skin, but issues arise and I am too busy.
Don't slap me if it's the old boring spells with modified eye candies :p

Hopefully, at least one of them.

I wont...


Holy Ranger from Legends of Elders
Nigerian Beetle Pimp(im not kidding..) from District99
North Korean(literally!!) From District99
Champion Braii Knight from District99
Techanician of Telkom from District99
Level 11
Mar 28, 2015
You mean "Yurgimar"?

Zylcious Was supposed to be hardest boss ever. And, Did you have any chance on killing his Dragon form ??
It was as hard as...

Nothing is harder than that.

I wasn't aware that you could kill his dragon form, I played this awhile back and all I remember was that there were 3 stages to the battle, first you gotta destroy his main form and make sure his mana is at 0 when you do this, next you gotta battle his death knights, and lastly there's his demon form which was really hard and took a lot of tries to defeat....where do you battle his dragon form?

Deleted member 242951


Deleted member 242951

My another favourite hero is Khieron FlameBlade the Flame knight hero from Requiem of the Gods. (Its a great Hero Arena you must try)

So...any other favourites you all guys have ???
Level 11
Mar 28, 2015
I think there was a Dragon form, (I defeated the Demon) But I don't think it ended, We fought a Dragon and then Ask him questions and Then bye.

Well he does transform into his dragon form, however since the other two dragons come and and intended to crystallize him you just get to ask him a few questions before he uses Uuumuutt (or however you spell that) to escape...

at least that's what I recall
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