Favourite AoS Hero of all time?

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Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
There have been many debates & discussions on the AoS genre and AoS maps themselves. Id like to make a little thread to see which Heroes are considered the best out of all the Aos maps that exist.
So please list your favourite Hero, or perhaps a few.

Things to consider:
  • How fun is the Hero?
  • How well is the Hero designed?
  • How well does the Hero fit into the AoS map?
  • How good is overall theme of the Hero?

Cosmos - Astral Mage - Age of Myths

A great theme, skin & many awesome special effects to accompy him, that really makes him really stand out.
Well thought & planned out, with great synergies on all his abilities. Many potential builds and strategies.
Hes a Hero that I love playing over and over.
Abaddon - Lord of Avernus - DOTA

He has one of the coolest spells, being his Aphotic Shield as well as other abilities that compliment each other. Overall very well designed.
If only his coil & shield werent so weak late game and perhaps a skin to go with him, hed be even more awesome.
Pudge - Butcher - DOTA

An old favourite, liked by many. One of the best ability synergies I've ever come across in an AoS Hero.
I just tend to get a bit bored of him, as theres only really one method of playing him.

PLEASE dont go off topic debating AoS's
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Level 17
Jun 17, 2007
Hero Name: Yurnero/Juggernaut

From: DotA(let's not start a flame war).

Reasons: Bladefury can almost kill any hero at low levels. Omnislash is probably the best ultimate in a 1 on 1 situation(except maybe eclipse) and blade dance gives him enough dps to fight 1 on 1 with almost any hero early-mid game.
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Yea Juggernaught is a fun Hero to play, especially if you have a stunner helping you in your lane.
Omnislash is a super ultimate, its a shame he has healing ward thou, a second active combat skill would really put him forward, as bladefury becomes obsolete mid/late game.
Level 7
Apr 26, 2007
Really hard choice. I decided to make it like this- one hero per each of my 3 favourite AoS maps.

Cosmos - Astral Mage - Age of Myths

He's awesome, I agree with Fulla. Similiar feelings. The only con is that he's totally imba, but we're talking about fun factor here, right? :p
Genobee - Gravemind Blootletter - Desert of Exile

Hardest choice here, all heroes in DoE are so polished and synergised with the map, other heroes and themselves, they all have their own stories(I don't care about this, but some ppl do), theme... I decided on Genobee because of:

1) Visual impressions- his model is amazing(Krewl_Rain), spell effects are beautiful. Sry for small icon, I made a screen >_>

2) Spells- it's not a synergised set. Full synergy is Atrius. Here we have a set of skills which shape his role in the game, though they don't make a combo together, they are to be used in specific situations- Sunder is a weapon of mass destruction. Bloodletter is for tanking, holding off amassed armies hired by the opposing team. Beetles deal big damage while spawning and have multiple use when you have a full 11 of them- surrounding, sieging... Ultimate is good when you have allies nearby.

3) General feeling- playing him is pure fun. When you see him coming, you think- "shit, I gotta run away!". Along with Janise, my favourite DoE hero.
The Tomb Hunter - Rakh-Ghoul - Legends of Eternity

Awesome light-melee hero. He owns creeps(lifesteal spell), you can get ridiculous amounts of gold with him. Stun and small ghouls can be used for surrounding. He has no big damage spells, you kill with your attack. Plus all those LoE-style, puny, little details which make the map great- level-dependent ultimate, critical strike, well-picked and used SFX, etc.
Like most LoE heroes, he uses the model's(ghoul) and creature's theme, and adds some new stuff making a great hero. Another good example of such combination in LoE is Medusa.
Level 27
Sep 24, 2006
I guess the 'Moon Asailant' from euhm... somekind of AoS i cant remember the name of ... dammit =/


* How fun is the Hero?
- Very fun spells! =D
* How well is the Hero designed?
- I think he is quite ok, i just like the model very much and also the element.
* How well does the Hero fit into the AoS map?
- I think quite good.
* How good is overall theme of the Hero?
- Its pretty an unique theme.
Level 12
Aug 3, 2005
Pudge should have his spells based on his stats, then he'd be great all the way through :)

A few other Heroes I thought that are worth mentioning for good concepts and themes:

Mogul Kahn - Axe
Magina - Anti Mage
Barathrum - Spiritbreaker
Kardel Sharpeye - Dwarven Marksman
Level 7
Apr 26, 2007
Deep story >_>

I don't really care about deep story, but don't tell me DotA heroes have story. Time-spider, big, white copy-ape... Where's story?

The only AoS-maker that really cares about story and managed to make a good one is Rising_Dusk. But as I said- real story doesn't bother me in AoS maps, I need a story in a campaign, in a game overally(Warcraft 3 as a whole), in a book or a film. Multiplayer maps/games usually don't need a great story layout, they need a good climate.
Level 2
Jun 18, 2007
in the oldschool roc days, eul created his second map after roc dota. it was an icy terrain and it was a one team defends a mountain, the other team attacks type-map. i'm pretty sure on the defending team there was a treant. he could summon towers (that's right, summons towers)

i lol'd when playing him. he gets my vote for favourite hero
Level 7
Apr 26, 2007
Oh, Fulla, I totally forgot. Samurai Legends has average gameplay, but awesome heroes. My favourite is Shinobi, I'd put him in my top 3 best heroes.

So, an updated list:

SL: Shinobi, Ronin, Yari Samurai, Omninoy(100% sure I wrote it badly), Yumi (archer hero).
AoM: Cosmos, Ninja, Jade, Frost Fiend.
DoE: Genobee, Caliga, Stille, Rikter.
LoE: Rakh-Ghoul.
DotA: Death Knight hero.
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