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Any known Custom Campaigns that follow Dwarf race?

Level 4
Nov 29, 2015
I've played a lot of custom campaigns in the last few years, and loved them all! The passion that people contribute to creation of this beautiful works of art, starting from terrain to story writing, custom models and everything. Truly thankful for it!

So my question is, is there another custom campaign that uses Dwarf race like : The Dwarf Campaign & The Violet Gate?
Those are my absolutely favourites since i love Dwarf and Human races deeply in Wc3!

Any hidden gems, maps or other things you would recommend to play that has heavy/exclusively Dwarf race elements?

Thank you in advance!
Level 4
Nov 29, 2015
Thanks for the answers, but was considering, is there only 1 custom campaign in thousands of custom campaigns that has Dwarfs in it?
I've played Arkain series and loved the elf-dward -human-dwarf alliances n stuff but I thought I've missed out on a only Dwarf campaign that isn't "The Dwarf Campaign"