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This is the Yoshi Model I made of course.

EGG SOLD SEPRATELY :) (Well free but different file)

Yoshi supports team colors as well as his egg. (Team colors do not effect yoshi's skin however. The horns saddle and mouth are effected.)

FIXED: Yoshi's eyes are now 3d Some animations were tweaked too, also Fixed Yoshi's jaw and mouth.

Remember to give me credit for my work please, all I ask.

Update:Fixed the Mouth area up and shortened the arms length.


Yoshi (Model)

14:33, 18th Oct 2009 General Frank: This not fix: - The mouth area - The animation need lot of work, because they are way too slow. - Attachment points and camera. You have 24 hours. DonDustin: the fixes seem to be made. A useful...




14:33, 18th Oct 2009
General Frank:

This not fix:
- The mouth area
- The animation need lot of work, because they are way too slow.
- Attachment points and camera.

You have 24 hours.

DonDustin: the fixes seem to be made.

A useful model for any mario themed map
Level 11
Aug 22, 2009
I was waiting this for so long, good work! :D

happy to please :) I'm going to do some more mario models.. even make some of my own.. (based on mario bad guys) this will allow me to be creative.

I appologize for the lack of icons, and will be making some custom art icons for my models when I get my intuos 4 tablet. (I hate texturing with the mouse, and doing concepts)
Level 11
Aug 22, 2009
Ok guys just incase you missed the UPDATE, Yoshi now has 3d eyes and I fixed the stand animation because his feet hopped too high , and I fixed some akward movements during his 2nd attack "Hand Shove"

War Preview mentioned no problems and I tested it... works great!

The 3d eyes raised the poly count a bit ... but it was worth it.
The mouth looks wide and is placed far from the nose, giving a very odd facial structure (not very Yoshi-like). The rest of the mesh looks fine.

Before I viewed it in the viewer and testswitching teamcolor, I actually thought that the teamcolor would be where the green skin is instead of the saddle, back spikes and mouth.

And the texture could use some improvements by giving proper shading and definition.
Level 26
Jun 15, 2006
The mouth looks wide and is placed far from the nose, giving a very odd facial structure (not very Yoshi-like). The rest of the mesh looks fine.

Before I viewed it in the viewer and testswitching teamcolor, I actually thought that the teamcolor would be where the green skin is instead of the saddle, back spikes and mouth.

And the texture could use some improvements by giving proper shading and definition.

pretty much this and the animations could need some additional work

but pretty good so far :)
Level 11
Aug 22, 2009
his mouth is a bit better now.. yea when you mentioned it, it did look wierd.

Trouble with modeling, you grow to get used to somethings and they blind you.

- as for the animations... yea the attacks need a bit of work and maybe the walk a bit... the stand is flawless to me...

I still have others im working on so I may fix up yoshi along with them.

Do you like the team color there better? I think its better then changing his skin.. :) however green looks dumb in the mouth :D
Level 11
Aug 22, 2009
Sorry guys it took so long to get yoshi up... I was tweaking animations and messed up the file... I was then unable to recover the file so I started over on all animations (they are better so it was worth it)

I was also working on other characters in the process so be patient and they will come when I deem them worthy. :)

EDIT: I will upload Icon again or update if I need to once model is Approved.
Last edited:
Level 11
Aug 22, 2009
I noticed the high demand for a yoshi in 2007... I wish I was around earlier on the modeling scene.. If I new it was as simple as this I may of started earlier.

I seen a lot of models here, and a good few are variations of the original blizzard models. I try to make my models 100% from scratch, started from a box in max and textured by me..

I did note what Dan said about thinking the team color was yoshi's skin and I may even make a version like that once this is approved... This yoshi is mostly for rpgs and to remain the consistant color of green.. But a multi-skined yoshi would be a good idea too for various types of yoshi's.
Level 1
Aug 3, 2009
Sorry guys, but I have to do this - Mario : "Mama...mama Luigi?! Bwuh-ha-ha-ha-hah!"
Oh yes, one of my favorite YouTube Poop characters, right here on the Hive...who would've guessed it?
- Rating 4/5
- Voting for Approval!

Can I tell Yoshi a bed-time story now? ^^
Level 3
Aug 21, 2009
Good idea but... who makes mario themed maps and the head need some work it's flat.... anyways keep the work up and you'll be better :)