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XP vs Vista: A LAN Connection

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Level 7
Mar 9, 2008
So, I've finally convinced my brother to install Warcraft III on his laptop. We don't have a physical network over here, so we plug our computers together with an ether-net cable. Our firewalls are off, and... Nothing. Its status on my end is "Connected", 100.0 Mbps, 177 sent (at time of post), 0 received (ever).

Is there any way to connect my XP desktop to his Vista laptop?

EDIT: We've hooked our computers up to a switch. Still nothing.

EDIT2: He's changed his workgroup to be the same as mine. I guess it should come as not surprise that nothing happened, and he's having trouble connecting to the internet. His computer does not show up on my list of computers, and vice versa. Still no packets received.

EDIT3: Gosh darnit. It's no use trying to troubleshoot a connection when the other side has apparently given up and unplugged the cable without saying so. No wonder I'm not receiving anything. What am I saying, we weren't receiving packets when it was connected. Now my bro can't connect to the internet, and, and, and... :goblin_boom:

EDIT4: We've given up. My bro restored his internet connection by disabling file sharing (which, to me, seems a bit odd). We were both looking forward to it, but... neither of us know what we're doing. If we try to continue on our own, it won't end well.
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Level 7
Mar 9, 2008
Thanks for the help, but... It's not going to do me a darn bit of good. My bro's convinced himself that it's impossible to do unless either our dad or our uncle is there to walk us through it. I'll keep those in mind for later though.

On an unrelated note, anyone know of any good and/or fun maps to play?
Level 11
Feb 14, 2009
Thanks for the help, but... It's not going to do me a darn bit of good. My bro's convinced himself that it's impossible to do unless either our dad or our uncle is there to walk us through it. I'll keep those in mind for later though.

On an unrelated note, anyone know of any good and/or fun maps to play?

I'd suggest DotA, but I'd get neg-repped if I did :p
The 2-player campaigns is an excellent collection of maps for two players, give it a try :)
Level 7
Mar 9, 2008
Maps for solo play... :'(

Thanks for the suggestions guys, but... As I said, my bro convinced himself that any tutorial on the internet is written by a machine, and cannot be trusted. Also, he's over at Dad's (hiding) place, so... I'm on my own again!


Also, just because I'm posting now, does NOT mean I have a strong enough connection to play B.net. Any recommendations for Single Player? Please don't suggest anything that requires 3rd party tools (i.e. a host-bot) if you can help it.

EDIT: Almost forgot. This thread seems to have served its purpose, could someone please move it out of the way? I'd hate to clutter up Computer Tech, especially if I'm changing the topic. Thanks.
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Level 11
Feb 14, 2009
my bro convinced himself that any tutorial on the internet is written by a machine, and cannot be trusted.
Sorry for being rude, but how old are your brother?
18. High School Grad.

You serious? :goblin_wtf:

Any recommendations for Single Player?

Here's a map that I played quite some time ago. It takes several hours to complete (which is unusual for any single-player map). Legend of Magnador
As for myself, I really enjoy TD maps. DSG has released an excellent version of the popular Green TD, which you can find here.
Level 11
Feb 14, 2009
I do not think it is very ballenced, or for that mater exelent. It probably is the least demanding though. A bit sad no one bothered to try and improve it further.

Trust me mate; I've played at least 7 different variations of Green TD, and it's obvious that you've put a lot more effort than any other guy releasing Green TDs.
Level 6
May 5, 2008
If u ever want to try again, i give you two little Tips:
-Vista sucks
-do not believe you PC, start W3 and host a game never check packages or which Computers you can find, they are usually wrong
-Some antivir Programms block LAN-COnnections, for me it was McAfee(i blieve) and some1 other i can't remember the name

I learned this from multiple LAN-Parties my friends and my made, luckily everyone got win7 or xp now.
Level 7
Mar 9, 2008

If u ever want to try again, i give you two little Tips:
-Vista sucks
-do not believe you PC, start W3 and host a game never check packages or which Computers you can find, they are usually wrong
-Some antivir Programms block LAN-COnnections, for me it was McAfee(i blieve) and some1 other i can't remember the name

I learned this from multiple LAN-Parties my friends and my made, luckily everyone got win7 or xp now.
I'll keep that in mind. We actually did test in-game, but neither of our maps showed. Even after I moved Warcraft III back to the C drive... We both use Avast!, could that be it?
Btw, why only play singleplayer maps?
Get in on Battle.net!
Because, the internet connection here is not reliable. Sometimes the internet appears strong, other times I get the "Unable to connect" messages. Heck, sometimes, F5 does nothing. Also, for comparison, I can only download/buffer a YouTube video on 240p. Anything else kinda, "times out". (It'll think it has all the information, but it really stops X minutes in.)

For this, I need maps/games that can be played without the requirement of B.Net. (It's also one of the reasons I won't get Starcraft II, the other being that I can't afford it right now.)

I hope I explained that well enough.
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