[Miscellanous / Other] WS2 - Rune Dream [Open-Source]

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Level 5
Mar 6, 2015
About a year ago I wanted to create a Warcraft3 map to show that WC3 was capable of so much more than people give it credit for. Something to really push WC3 to it's limits as a game-making system. I don't even remember what INSPIRED me to initially start this anymore.

A year, some severe psychological repairing, and a hell of a lot of work later. I have a release. A final one, sadly.

Warrior Souls II - Rune Dream

Don't let the word "DEMO" fool you. I am done with Warcraft3 permanently.
Working on this project for about a year, I FEEL like I have pushed WC3 to its limits.
The game was built on an i7 Computer. However, when I moved I lost my computer in an accident. So I had to get someone else to test the last few versions of the "Demo" I was working on, since this laptop couldn't handle it.
That was an eye-opener. My Tester had an i3 computer, and I had to REALLY redesign some parts of the core engine of the game so that it wouldn't lag for him. Even then, it has limits that I personally cannot get around.

So this is Rune Dream. It's done. I'm not making another warcraft3 version like I intended. I feel satisfied with this.
I hate to abandon Warcraft3, but it's time I moved on. And I'm moving to Unity. Starting probably with a Unity full version of Rune Dream.
This project has kind of turned into a show of what [I personally] could accomplish in such a limited game-designer. And I feel I have. For once in my life, I can look at a project and feel that I did everything I personally could to complete and perfect it.

So let's go over this real quick:

1. What even IS the map?
Well it's kind of a combination of Devil May Cry 3+4, Bayonetta, Soul Reaver(Or Castlevania LoS), and Soul Calibur.

2. What that actually means
It means you control your character with the arrow keys to move around. You can jump around. Jump on platforms. Walk on platforms. Beat up enemies. Knock them into the air. Jump up with them. And keep beating them up in the air.
And when you beat them up, devour their souls to refuel yourself. Or block properly so you don't have to worry about your health dropping too low.

Controls are simple and very straightforward:

{F1}, {F2}, {F3}, {F4}, {F5}
{Q}, {W}, {E}, {R}
{A}, {S}, {D}, {F}______^
{Z}, {X}, {C}, {V}_____<v>__[1]

So EVERYTHING is on your left hand except the arrows on your right hand and the Numpad1 key...Which you will NEVER NEED at the drop of a hat.

I know that sounds like a lot, so let's break it down:

Arrow Keys = Move you around in FPS style. Up is always forward from the character's PoV, back is always backwards, Left&Right always turn left&right. Left+UP walks while turning left, Left+Back walks backwards while turning Right.
So basically you're driving a human-shaped car.

{R} = Melee attack. Attacks with your weapon. the attack changes depending on what direction you're holding.
{E} = Special ability of your weapon
{W} = Magical ranged attacks. Changes based on direction just like {R}.
{S} = Dash. Dashes a short distance in whatever direction you're holding. Distance and speed depend on how long you wait to use it again. Max charge(LV3) gives invulnerability during.
{D} = Defensive Ability of your weapon.
{F} = Jump. It makes you...uh...Jump. Not that most melee moves can be cancelled with a Jump
{X} = Soul Draw. Pulls in nearby soul&health orbs to recharge your magic&health.
{C} = Rainbow Rune. It's a super mode. Has 3 levels. FEEL DA POWAH.

{Numpad1} = This is an EXTRA button you DO NOT need to worry about. All it does is reduce your turn speed to 100%->50%->25%->100%. This can make it EASIER to deal with platforming, and it will reset itself whenever you land on the ground again.
You can ignore it

{A} = Lock On. Automatically locks onto the nearest enemy to you. This will change your camera to focus between you&the target and direct all attacks toward them by default.
{Mouse Click} = Manual Lock On. Locks onto whatever unit you just clicked if possible. May be disorientating if used with {Q}or{Z}
{Q} = Previous Nearest Target. Cycles through nearby enemies based on their distance for a new lock-on target.
{Z} = Next Nearest Target. Same but in opposite order.

{V} = ALL CANCEL. This will use up 1 bar of your soul gauge to cancel EVERY move you are doing no matter WHAT it is. Costly, but it effective.

{F1} = Weapon swap. Swaps your Blade for Gauntletines and versa-vice. This also changes your {E} and {D} moves.
{F2 & F3} = Next&Previous Magic Element. Cycles through the three magic elements of the game (Water/Fire/Wind). Changing most of your {W} moves for different ones.
{F4} = Taunt. Adds some style if you complete the animation. ALSO makes the boss INSTANTLY face you if it's not doing an attack.

{F5} = FreeCameraMode. Disables movement and allows you to move the camera&Rotate it using the arrow keys. Note that changes to the Up/Down of the camera can make platforming MUCH easier on small platforms and will NOT be reset by cancelling the mode.
However using {A}Lock-On will cancel all changes by {F5}

[D] Parry = Stops any physical attack from damaging you and stuns the attacker for quite a bit.
Guard lasts for 0.7 seconds and has a 3 second downtime after each use.

[E] Enchant = Enhances the next blade attack if timed correctly. If performed JUST before the attack animation hits, it will deal MORE damage with a LARGER stun while giving MORE Style&Souls and the attack will finish MUCH MUCH faster than normal.
Note that only [R] and [RR] are currently programmed to do this. All other moves just gain a +50% damage boost if they deal damage while the buff is up(lasts 0.2 seconds).

[R] = Melee attack with a sword.
[RR] = 2nd attack has a larger width hitbox than length.
[RRR] = 3rd attack flinches the enemy longer.
[RRpauseR] = 3rd attack knocks the enemy away from you extensively.
[->R] Stinger = Dashes forward and smashes into the enemy.
[<-R] LiftOff = Launches the enemy into the air with a spinflip.
[Air R]&[Air RR] = Same as ground versions.
[Air RRR]&[Air ->R] Breakdown = Smashes the target into the ground dealing extensive damage.
[Air <-R] Kick Off = Kicks off an enemy and spins backwards in the air to escape.
[Air <-->R] Pinwheel = Spins mid-air into the target dealing extensive damage if you can land it. Will also spin THROUGH enemies to get through them.
[D] Barrier = Blocks all magical attacks that will hit you from ANY direction but does nothing to the attacker.

[E] Excite = Slows down time. Enemies are slowed down to 40%, Kellette is slowed down to 60% making her faster than them in comparison.

[R] Melee = Sadly Gauntletine moves have yet to be created aside from Blade's [RRR] and [RRpauseR]. So Gauntletine [R] moves are just Blade [R] moves atm.
[W] = A spammy magic missile dealing tiny damage. Effective at pinning down a single enemy or dealing with small fry like Lizards/Birds.

[<-W] = Creates a bomb. Once it reaches full size it will detonate if an enemy comes near, dealing large damage and lifting them into the air. Note that this bomb has a slightly higher lifting power than Kellette, it can lift enemies unlike Blade[<-R] or Wind[->W]
[-><-W] = Creates a block of ice that melts overtime. Hitting the ice with [R] or [RR] will send it hurling forward. If it collides into an enemy it will deal impressive damage depending on how large it still is when it hits.
[<-->W] = Creates a water beam that will hit up to 5 enemies in a straight line once each.

Sadly no fire moves exist yet.

[->W] Launches all units it hits but does no damage.
[<-W] Knocks away all enemies from Kellette.
[<-->W] Increases Kellette's walk speed for a short time.
Effectively the Devil Trigger of Rune Dream, the Rainbow Rune constantly drains your soul gauge(used by [W], [E], and [V]) for various boosts.

[c] LV1 = Costs 1Gauge to activate. Drains 1 gauge every 3 seconds or so.
Bonus: Automatically draw in souls nearby and Regain health every second.

[c] LV2 = Increases drain to 2 gauges per 3 seconds.
Bonus: Increases damage by 50%

[c] LV3 =Increases drain to 4 gauges per 3 seconds.
Bonus: Increases movespeed and prevents Kellette from flinching due to enemy attacks.

[c] 4th =The 4th/5th/6th activations of Rainbow Rune(While LV3 is active) will create Rainbow Bombs around Kellette. When Rainbow Rune ends(cancelled or you run out of Soulgauge), the bombs will detonate dealing MASSIVE damage to nearby enemies and launching them into the air.
Damage goes up proportionately based on how many orbs there are(max of 3).

I created Rune Dream on WarCraft3 to show off what WarCraft3 was capable of. That if people were willing to push themselves to achieve more, they could do anything. I made Rune Dream on WC3 to prove that I could do it.

And I've done that as far as I'm concerned. On my own without help I BUILT this thing from the ground up. I figured it all out and I fixed each and every absurd impossible thing that went wrong with it.

Along with the compressed&optimized map I'm also releasing the open source version of the map. Use it freely at your leisure. Just give credit where credit is due if you use it.

Optimized/Protected Version
Unprotected/OpenSource Version

I'm not familiar with uploading to HIVE before. So sorry if I've done something abnormal.

Once again: This is the [Final] version. I will [NOT] be making another version on Warcraft3.
Hopefully though, some of you will see the Unity version when it comes out.
Until then, enjoy the Rune Dream engine and see if you can't make something better in your map by looking at it.
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Level 4
Feb 24, 2015
You could've pushed the terrain to its limits =]

But otherwise, this looks awesome. The combat is really fluid and definitely nothing like Warcraft. You've truly pushed the limits there.
Level 5
Mar 6, 2015
Links are supposed to be the other way around. Atm you have the link as the name and the name as the link, making people have to copy it as text, instead of clicking.
Alright thanks. I fixed it.

You could've pushed the terrain to its limits =]

But otherwise, this looks awesome. The combat is really fluid and definitely nothing like Warcraft. You've truly pushed the limits there.
If you check the Stage 1 tutorial, you'd know how right you are. I DID want to really improve the terrain. Jumping from WC3 terrain to WC3 terrain is very clunky and actually messes up the the camera's smoothness.

Unfortunately, Tiny laptop couldn't actually handle editing terrain or object editor without crashing. Which is why a lot of content had to be cancelled like the Alternate Dress and other things.

I was in the process of redesigning Stage 1 when I lost my i7 Comp. So the two points where you see ACTUAL floating platforms&rails in that stage are both trigger-created to fill in the gaps there.
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