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WoW VS RuneScape! (No offence to RuneScapers)

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Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Yeah I know a lot of people addicted to runescape... and WHAT'S THE BIG DEAL? You can't even COMPARE WoW and Runescape as runescape id a cheezy free online game played in your browser that sucks. WoW is Blizzards latest MMO that you pay good money for. As well, WoW is actually three dimensional.
Level 12
Jun 22, 2006

Ok, I got a worse example : My very dear lame cousin.

He thinks battleon is most pwnzors game in the world, it beats WoW, Warcraft etc.

When he saw me playing DotA with another team, he told me,
"who's that?"
"my friend."
"Wow so good? Can play with friends like that?"
I was like duh, since you think battleon that lame game is the best game in the world.

I told him battleon is a gay game, shouldn't waste your time and money playing this 'flash-made' game, its totally stupid. And I also told him if it was so great why didnt it make it to WCG?

He says its because the game is too nice and professional it doesnt need stupid competitons like WCG. =.=

And he thinks that 8000 people playing the same game online is great, what's the point when you can't see each other?
Level 7
Jul 14, 2006
When I saw this video I wrote that:

This is stupid...
It's like if you were putting a car near a F1 and ask wich is the fastest.
Runescape is like it is... It's an internet free game (or paying if you select the member option) wich is made with Java Script and that was not made to be better than WoW. It's like the difference between a Flash Game on the internet and Starcraft...
You are saying that runescape is GAY... What is the problem to be Gay? This is not an insult first! And secondly, it depend on the person choice!

This is a humman psychological effect that bring the person to down/insult other to make himself better! You know what? WORLD OF WARCRAFT IS NICE!

(In other word I don't loved that video very well...)

I play Runescape but not WoW. I'd like to play WoW but I have a bad connection that won't let me until I chage completely my computer... But I have Warcraft III so I don't care of not having WoW... I am learning a lot about WoW cause I love the hystory of Warcraft and I want to continu to learn the story.

And I think that Both game are nice to play... It's sure that Runescape don't have the graphic of WoW or the gameplay. But Runescape is still a good game.
Level 6
Dec 6, 2005
As brad said, most runescape players bring it on themselves because they keep saying RS is better than WoW. Runescape will never be better than any professionally made game in gameplay or graphics because of the fact it is free to play.

I also do believe the video is not saying RS is a crapt game and no-one should play it but actually comparing RS and WoW.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Okay you can't compare a professionally made game, by a professional big name studio of such high quality as Blizzard, that you pay 40 dollars for, maybe less now, to a free internet-browser-based flash game. There is no comparing. One is big budget the other is incredibly limited because it's free. It's like trying to compare a text based dungeon adventure of the early 90's to Oblivion. You can't compare them.
Level 9
Oct 2, 2005
You can more then enough compare WOW with runescape there is about 100x more stuff to do in runescape then there will ever be in Wow. grant it the graphics of Wow are way better but i prefer to play a MMO that has more content then something with less.

pros and cons of runescape


Alot more stuff to do
no class and race limitations
ability to move your char to any world
Be able to craft about any item yourself


Bad Graphics
People are like ghost they can walk threw each other
sounds and music is bad
very limited free account playing

WOW Pros and Cons


Good graphics
advanced pvp system
team speak and team questing!
good music


limited bonuses for higher level skills
no real punishment for dieing(I.E can't lose gear)
no free account avalibity
less amount of content(I.E Minigames,house owning stuff like that.

The only thing that vagly made me wan't to play Wow was the serenity incedent just becuase the movie was so well made. otherwise Ill stick with my able to build your own house runescape:p
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
HELLO? WoW PVP blows chunks out of whatever pissy fucking Runescape has. YOU CAN'T COMPARE A FLASH BASED PIECE OF FUCKING TRASH TO A PROFESSIONALLY MADE GAME BY A HUGE NAME DEVELOPER. Comparisons don't work that way. And WoW's graphics are kind of 3 Dimensional, unlike Runescape's...
1) Questing is better in WoW
2) More spells
3) Better spell graphics
4) Better professions and crafting in my opinion, you can craft useful things that have unique properties (Goblin jumper cables, gnomish death ray)
5) Way more and way better in game items
6) Raids
7) Instances over teamspeak are funner then Runescape will EVER be
8) Epic armour owns Runescape on its own
9) Mounts in WoW rock.
Level 9
Oct 2, 2005
mmm wow I guess you haven't seen runescape latly it is in 3d. maybe you shoulden't CAPS ALL YOUR STUFF tell you do your research lol.

trust me the crafting in runescape is dominate over Wow. Its not just a matter of killing the monster to get the right stuff its a aventure on its own. with making armor for instance you have to go down into the mines mine the amount of ore you need then go to a refinery and refine the ore then finly go to a anvil and forge it.

I mean you can build your OWN HOUSE complete with its own dungouns for you to let your friends mess around in and try to complete your own quest you make for them.

Like I said instead of flaming do a bit of reasearch before you make a statment people will respect you better :)
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
umm..you do know that you can get a mining profession in wow and go mining(near mine areas or find rock chunks to mine) then smelt that and craft weapons and other stuff?(i havnt done mining before but im aware its there).

You can also go fishing, make clothes, armour, potions,first aid...etc

and if you want Estate in WoW then you can go play some private Wow servers which have been customised to do that.

and id prefer to choose a race rather than crappy boring Humans which are really that exciting to learn about through a game...

id hate to stick to a human and just look cool or noticable by name or armour.

Wow carries a form of uniques, each race has its own style,history,lore and you can customise your character with masks,clothes,weapons a whole lot more than runescape can do, specially when the colours are so solid and pixelated you can barely tell armours apart.

and in Wow you can get pets, you can jump, explore climb mountains and for that you get rewarded with experience ingame.

and mounts give the game style, the abitity to feel free formed and jump and run at fast paces throguh forests and deserts.

in runescape, all you do is click a button as your unrealistic little man slowly and unatrually walks to that spot.. i mean, god.. Wow is more real-time based than Runescape.

and opinions dont need research, they only support it, and Xlightscreen i suggest YOU do research on both sides before comparing at all.

EDIT: and no..this isnt an attack at all..so dont get offended please.
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Level 9
Oct 2, 2005
you get pets in Runescape as well. I haven't acutly tested them myself but i know they have them. Many people haven't acutly gone back to runescape and see how much it changed. You can even own your own country in the game now lol. WoW also is about the same with the Real-time part you still have your paced out attacks but your still able to move around as you please. As for the professon i knew you could go mining in Wow but its just one the examples. Another I can think of is fletching to fletch your own bows, Rune crafting to make diffrent runes, herboligy where you can mix and make your own potions, masonry which you need to level up to build diffrent types of walls and such for your houses. Even after that you have to work all your skills together to really perfect them for example you need to get your mining,crafting, and smithing skill up there if you wan't to make the good armors. Even after you forged the armor if you got a good crafting skill you can add decorations such as diffrent dyes or gold,silver, or bronze trimmings. Hell you can even make your own capes :p.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
mmm wow I guess you haven't seen runescape latly it is in 3d. maybe you shoulden't CAPS ALL YOUR STUFF tell you do your research lol.

Hahahahaha, poor ignorant noob. That is faux-3D. It's just a shitty overhead world that gives the illusion of the 3D. It has absolutely no distance or perspective and uses shittty sprites to make it look 3D. Compared to that WoW must have 6 or 7 dimensions.

trust me the crafting in runescape is dominate over Wow. Its not just a matter of killing the monster to get the right stuff its a aventure on its own. with making armor for instance you have to go down into the mines mine the amount of ore you need then go to a refinery and refine the ore then finly go to a anvil and forge it.

Monsters don't always drop everything, and often times you have to craft most of the parts yourself. You have to do the exact same. Go mine copper ore, refine and smelt the ore into bars, get to an anvil, get the other materials, make your product. WoW's is bigger and better.
I mean you can build your OWN HOUSE complete with its own dungouns for you to let your friends mess around in and try to complete your own quest you make for them.
I don't want to. I don't care about player housing as it doesn't match a game like WoW. As well, I'd rather have a pro made dungeon by Blizzard with a story, great bosses and cool custom effects and models skins all of the rest to go along with it.

Like I said instead of flaming do a bit of reasearch before you make a statment people will respect you better :)

I don't want your respect. You are blinded because you can't afford to play WoW and are stuck with shitty Runescape. As well, you mentioned nothing about how superior WoW's pvp is and the fact that Runescape has nothing even comparable to raids or instances. Runescape= suck, you can't even compare it so STOP FUCKING TRYING.
Level 9
Oct 2, 2005
Hahahahaha, poor ignorant noob. That is faux-3D. It's just a shitty overhead world that gives the illusion of the 3D. It has absolutely no distance or perspective and uses shittty sprites to make it look 3D. Compared to that WoW must have 6 or 7 dimensions.

You Retard its called 3D for a reason...3 Demensions. lol sorry to say.

Monsters don't always drop everything, and often times you have to craft most of the parts yourself. You have to do the exact same. Go mine copper ore, refine and smelt the ore into bars, get to an anvil, get the other materials, make your product. WoW's is bigger and better.

That your best argument?

I don't want to. I don't care about player housing as it doesn't match a game like WoW. As well, I'd rather have a pro made dungeon by Blizzard with a story, great bosses and cool custom effects and models skins all of the rest to go along with it.

Thats your personal thought and believe me there are plenty of other dungouns made by runescapes company. And ounce again ill admit it has better graphics so might as well stop repeating what I said about twice and what you said about 4 times.

I don't want your respect. You are blinded because you can't afford to play WoW and are stuck with shitty Runescape. As well, you mentioned nothing about how superior WoW's pvp is and the fact that Runescape has nothing even comparable to raids or instances. Runescape= suck, you can't even compare it so STOP FUCKING TRYING.

raids are a old idea brought by other MMO's in ruinscape you get random events which is more personal but just as good as any raid or instance. Matter of fact I can afford WoW but I rather spend my money on Runescape your blinded by the fact you haven't even done your research and maybe checked out the new content that runescape has to offer after so many years. If I even wan't to play WoW I just go to the arcade where they got a computer setup with it but as for paying that money on monthly not even worth it.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
I totally agree. Listen, your arguements suck, but I wont go there. The fact remains that you can't compare a FLASH-BASED GAME (No matter how good) to a professionally developed big name game, with over 7 million subscribers, written in the C++ coding language. They are completely different on so many levels it isn't funny.

P.S Runescape has faux 3D. It isn't true 3 Dimensional where you can rotate the camera in every direction and see full 3D models, it uses sprites to give the illusion, and an overhead camera to make the illusion better. Honestly, do you know how bad it would be if you tried to play Runescape with a WoW-like camera view? It wouldn't work. It's similar to that of peasents quest on homestar runner, where your character getting smaller means you're moving off into the distance XD
Level 45
Jun 3, 2005
this thread should be closed becouse some people are dumbass (quoted from warewulf)

eeek, i said dumbass? eek, maybe you mean dumbass's..hmm...dam... :S

anyway, i think this is getting tooooo muuuch of a..argument.

its like comparing an camel to a moose, (and not many people own both.....)

But its true though, it is a matter of opinion but there is no way runescape can be better, its like your comparing a DOS game to a XP game. or a ps1 game to a xbox360 game.

Iv had my say on my opinion..and ill just leave it at that, i don't think there is a need to chomp over such things like this...
Level 9
Oct 2, 2005
Well you guys asked for it when you made this post don't threaten to close it just becuase somone that knows what there talking about starts defending runescape XD. But I agree with werewolf its a matter of taist.

but just to get a few facts strait

1. runescape made with javascript programming not flash.

2. it runs in a 3d envoroment and if that is sprites they look pretty 3dish espicly when you can move the camera around them with ease. and for those who haven't seen the new version just go to http://www.runescape.com/

3. I was doing my comparing soly on game content alone becuase ounce again ill say the graphics on Wow are far superor to Runescape's
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
WoW's entire depth is mucho beyond that of Runescape's, which is why Runescape isn't made by a real developer, isdn't sold in stores, and doesn't have over 7 million people playing it. It's not comparable at all whatsoever. The video was posted because it's funny, and the video was made in response to all of the Runescape noobs saying that their game was better then WoW, when it clearly isn't as the video demonstrates. As well, Java is even worse then Flash as it is often times buggy and it's just a crappy applet oriented language. C++ is kind of a real language that real developers use...
Level 9
Oct 2, 2005
Lol ok well then go post on the runescape website and you get the exact opposite rection lol. But ounce again....you speak without thinking...both flash and java can easly implement C++ and vice versa. I took a entire collage course on java and matter of fact you can abuse it quiet well with no problems why C++ is the better of the 3 but the syntax is so picky that if you just forget to add a . then the entire script fails to work. And yes sorry to say Jagex the maker of runescape is a real developer. Just becuase they don't sell there games in stores dosen't make them a real developer or not there game is browser based so what they going to put on a cd? a html link? Matter of fact for my final post next ill do a Side by Side comparuson of all the stats,spells,skills,people playing,monsters all that good stuff side by side and will let that settle this despute.
Level 9
Oct 2, 2005
Well if you compare WoW soly on graphics then yea its better. And alot of people will play WoW just becuase of graphics and the fact it has the theme WARCRAFT in it. Runescape is all about finding a crap load of stuff to do rather its trying to get your getting your demon slaying skill up to 30 so you can kill that werewolf. Or dodging fire giants to collect those rare herbs for your potions. Jagex is alwase constitly updating there game not just simple stuff like diffrent graphics but entire new skills to learn and weapons to wield. hell you can even do combo power charges lol.
Level 3
Oct 11, 2004
To the people that say they can't afford WoW:

WoW is a $40 CD (cheaper if you're resourceful), and $15 bucks a month. If you can't afford $15 per month, then get off the couch and get a job. Deliver papers; mow lawns - just don't moan about money that can easily be made with a couple hours of work.

Moral of the story: don't be a whiny lazy brat. If you don't have such a minimal amount of money in your pocket it's your own damn fault.

Runescape is all about finding a crap load of stuff to do rather its trying to get your getting your demon slaying skill up to 30 so you can kill that werewolf. Or dodging fire giants to collect those rare herbs for your potions.

It's obvious you know nothing about WoW gameplay. Stop looking like an idiot.
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