WoW Raidmasters - Confrontation

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Level 2
Sep 17, 2007

WoW Raidmasters - Confrontation Features
Youtube Designer Walkthrough

This is a game where you control a raid of five heroes as they battle their way through a lane of NPC mobs. You can choose from the 9 different classes of WoW to create your raid, and each class has 4 abilities as well as customizable weapons allowing you to develop and tune the best possible build for your raid.

The game is played head-to-head with another player running his team through a separate but identical lane of mobs. Along the way to the final boss are three towns, each of which contains a shop with equipments you can spend your gold on, as well as a waygate which takes you to one of three dungeons.

Each dungeon is a separate area with monster generators that continually pump out mobs giving you a chance to grind up your gold and experience. What is interesting is that both players use the same dungeons, so there is an opportunity for player vs player combat.

The final waygate takes you to the boss, a Greater Pit Lord and his Hellgate which continually spawns minions. When the demon boss is slain, each player's Demon Kill Points which are kept hidden are tallied and whoever scored the most wins. You score DKP by hitting the boss, striking the killing blow, by showing up to his dungeon area first and by slaying his minions.

WoW Raidmasters confrontation features a rich trigger system bringing this new gameplay into effect as well as a lushly terrained map and 44 custom icons. Of course the point of the game was not to have triggers or custom icons, but to best express the game design concept. Overall, Raidmasters is a new and exciting competitive hero RPG map experience.
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Level 2
Sep 17, 2007
its technically multiplayer, but due to the design of the game it is still pretty fun to run it singleplayer and try to clock the fastest time possible. I believe this map can be done in 15 minutes, but the fastest ive ever run it is 30.
Level 8
Jun 23, 2007
I was kind of dissapointed i was expecting a really good wow map like a wow bgs. I hosted it on bnet and the other player left after playhing for about 8 mins it was an ok map i didn't really understand it but goodjob its pretty hard to make a good map.
Level 2
Sep 17, 2007
its not a BG, although you can run into your opponent in the Dungeons.

the map is meant to simulate a 5 man raid in WOW. Most people on bnet expect it to be a hero arena, so they are dissapointed and leave, but i have played with a few people who get it and play thru to the end.

its more hardcore, demands a little more of a gamer to play it. thanks for hosting it though.
Level 2
Sep 17, 2007
*bump* fixed links. they broke when my old site went down. overall, I agree with Yabooer, for a new player the game is sort of not what anyone would expect or play through, but, if you give the game a chance and find someone who really wants to play its quite fun. Thanks.
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