A Maze related map of the Deadmines from World of Warcraft. Many updaets are needed to be done to make this better and helpers are also needed. If you want to help update the map please comment or send a Private message. Those who help must be able to host.
Choose 1 of 6 characters to get through the Deadmines, run by Edward Vancleef. The recommended players is 5 but more or less are allowed. The wizards in the beginning and when you enter the Instance can cast Flame Strike, so be careful(They used to cast heal and it took too long to defeat so I changed that)
Here are 10 things that you should be aware of before playing this map:
1. This map is UNPROTECTED
2. Some things are not accurate, so find them, and report them to me
3. All the shops can sometimes get a little annoying
4. There are harder bosses than before, making the game quite difficult to beat
5. The Hall of Fame is USUALLY updated but sometimes can be forgotten
6. There can only be 1 Death Knight
7. After defeating Edward Vancleef , enter the circle to get to the Hall of Fame
8. If you edit this map without permission then you will face numerous consequences
9. There is a hidden trap in the map that some can not get out without dying
10. Summoned units are unable to enter the Circles of Power
WoW Dungeons - Deadmines By Drhunter + Bobman321
US East: Drhunter
US West: Syythe2
Europe: Syythe2
Deadmines, World of Warcraft, Maze