Worse the Windows Optamizer 2008

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Level 3
Apr 17, 2008
So I think I may have found something worse then WO 2008 for a laptop

I was leaving my friends house today after seeing Transformers (great movie by the way) and I stopped to take a leak, when I cam back to my car it seems I left my computer next to the tire and just kinda pulled away. I realized I had left it when I got home and went back to get it and as it turns out I managed to run over it while leaving.
Still functions so I suppose WO08 would have done more then that but the screen is straight recked, my friend spilled some coke on hers and it just flat broke so Im wondering what tech we are putting out there that can take a Honda Civic, but a bit of coke, forget about it.

Any other humorouse tales about breaking computers recently guys?
Level 16
Jun 25, 2008
I ignored the constant error that I kept getting on my old hdds:
"Error: Raid Access failure on sata blablablabla"

I just restarted the computer when I got that shit, I didn't even think of backing anything up.

One time when I restarted.. It wouldn't start any more. The 2 hdd's that I had were fully corrupt and I couldn't get anything from them. My prize for this:
500 gb of stuff permanently gone. :3

Well.. I didn't actually brake my computer, but almost x)
Level 21
Aug 21, 2005
Got a vista laptop since yesterday and random exceptions start popping up already. It ain't broke yet, but it's not fun either...

Other than that I broke my pc once by renaming a harddrive letter (from E to D). Formatting solved it, and ofcourse I had backups of everything.

Then there's also the annoying "dlink dll could not be loaded, entry point missing" error on my wireless receiver, which doesn't seem to cause any trouble anyway.

That's about all trouble I've ever had. I never understood how people can be so stupid to lose all their data, nor do I understand how people really screw up like that, unintended...

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Using raid0 is pretty much a fuck up, as it over doubles your chance of datalose while not boosting performance that much.
If you really want performance raid1 is probably the best to go, or if you have many HDDs then raid 3 or 5 as they do not double data as much.
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