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My nagamyrmidon texture which I made only with freehand strokes retaining only its weapon.

naga, myrmidon, wormage

Wormadon.blp (Texture)

16:03, 3rd Aug 2011 shiiK: This is a decent beginning, but I'd like you to work more on details and overal quality. Read some tutorials and work on your shading technique.




16:03, 3rd Aug 2011
shiiK: This is a decent beginning, but I'd like you to work more on details and overal quality. Read some tutorials and work on your shading technique.
looks cool, but could use more details, as in.. the skin texture.. right now it looks as a blob, having no real highlights nor shadows, as well as no definition

work on it lill more, will ya? I don't wanna see a good naga skin go to waste D:

EDIT: those tentacles or whatever they are on cheeks could use also texture, instead blunt TC