[Defense / Survival] Worldtreedefence

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Level 4
Jul 18, 2014
Hey Guys,
I uploaded a new version of my Worldtreedefence project. This is just a beta version so i think some of you will play the Beta and say if there are any bugs.
Here are the new thinks in this map:

Spells changed:
  1. Suicide (Tinker) damage increased
  2. Grenadeluncher (Tinker) icon changed
  3. Help! (Paladin) damage, cooldown increased
  4. Deathstrike (Ghost) grafik changed
  5. Treant Power (Archer) big treants autocast entangle
  6. Pillage (Warrior) bug changed
  7. Magical circle of Light (Paladin) kills counted now
  8. Bash of units dont work against heroes
Item changed:
  1. All recipes with orbs tooltip changed
Bugs changed
  1. Fatal error on level up
  2. Hero image bug fixed (should work perfect now)
  3. Terrorlord (Firerain-event) cinematic changed
  4. Ghost-event bug fixed
  5. All timer stop when end cinematic starts
Gamplay changed:
  1. Teacher heal now your hero
  2. In arena you cant build tower.
  3. Survival-event has now AI sniper
  4. Rune spawn now better
  5. Corpse spawn in arena,hero image and duel
  6. Hero image enemy glow like a hero
  7. Event timer appears when start

If someone find a bug pls send me a message or write a comment:)
Hope some of you can help me.
Here are the link to the map
Worldtreedefence v4.6 Beta
Epicwar (Direct Download Link)


some screenshots:

Image Description:
  1. Hero taverns
  2. Hero Camp
  3. Worldtree
  4. Enemy Base
  5. Demon Event
  6. Hero Image / Arena / Duel / Bonus Event
  7. Firerain Event
  8. Survival Event
  9. Treant Event
  10. Portal

Image Description:
Every group of heros have their own teacher, the teacher sell spells for heropoints. You can’t buy spells from other teachers.

Image Description:
Hero Image.
You fight against a copy of your hero. The copy has 3x of your stats and only get 25% of spell damage.

Image Description:
Every 14 seconds enemy units spawn from the north and the east side of the map.



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