World of Azora - ORPG

Best Class Priest or Pirate

  • Priest

    Votes: 12 42.9%
  • Pirate

    Votes: 16 57.1%

  • Total voters
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Level 4
Jan 29, 2011

World of Azora is a Online RPG. It has custom systems, realistic battles. Go forth in war and choose either to be Bahlamians or the Ignacians and fight in a battle where the fate of the World of Azora lies in your hands! The ORPG Map features many system such as Custom Battle System, Realistic Battles, and much more. The map can sustain up to 8 players.

It has unique systems, awesome battles, many professions and interchangable classes. But those are only few of them!

Note: The Icons used here wont be used in the map.

The World of Azora is a mystical world filled with adventures, creatures and many legends. Azora was said to be made by the three brothers, Azora, the Supreme God and God of Life, Akneal, God of Power and Strength and lastly, Akama, the God of the Magic. Azora shaped the world with his bare hands and created life in that world. The people here honored him and named that world after its creator. He made a group of people blessed with craftmanship and power. These people made an Alliance which was later called the Bahlam. Akama, also made creatures in this world. These people were masters of magic, they lived in forests and honored Akama. These people also made an Alliance called the Ingacian Alliance. The words were said to mean "Magic" as Ignac and "User" as Ian in an ancient tongue. The two Alliances always fought in a battle of supremacy.

But, Akneal, became jealous of the two other gods and also made creatures of his own. But these creatures were unlike any of them. They were devilish creatures. These creatures wrecked havoc among both of the Alliance. These creatures were far too powerful for one Alliance to handle. So the two Alliance joined forces and placed a stop to the madness these beasts brought. Azora and Akama became furious at Akneal and removed his godly powers and banished him and locked him up on a stone which was said to never have been broken.

But now, Akneal has been freed from his chambers and now seeks to summon his creatures once more and make the people of Azora suffer for banishing him.


Warrior - Base Class




Priest - Base Class


In Progress


Mage - Base Class


In Progress


Brute - Advanced Class

- Warrior Level 5 or above


In Progress


Berserker - Hybrid Class

- Brute Class level 5 or above
- Warrior Class


In Progress


Current Professions



Description: Smith specialize in making weapons, armors and battle gear. They can create weapons without a fee. Good for those looking to save money.



Description: Herbalist specialize in making potions used for healing and repleneshing mana or other stats. They can create potions without a fee. Also good for those looking to save money.



Description: Alchemists mix flasks, potions, oils and other materials. The items which the Alchemist profession are used to power any attribute, temporarily or permanently, or other uses. The Alchemists are like Herbalists but collect rarer items.



Description: Miners are excellent combinations with Smiths. They collect ores. Although anyone can obtain ores, Miners also have a sub-profession which allows them to make the mined items into bars. These bars maybe be sold for a high price or can be used to upgrade/create weapons.



Description: Enchanters create enchantments. These enchantments can be used to power up or increase stats of the player or an ally. The Enchantments can also be used as auras, which give power to the wielder. If a player picks Enchantment as their profession, they do not have to buy Enchantments with their materials.



Description: Engineer's create mechanical units or items which aid you in battle. Their creations varies from rockets to golems. Engineer's are a must for those wanting to deal heavy damage to opponents. Engineer's focus on dealing damage to enemies. But they are very hard to use and most items requires a high skill of mastery.



Description: Mercenary is a profession which relies on ones ability to defeat other foes. Nearly all of the tasks in this Profession is about killing a specific unit. Mercenary class give you no special skills. But every task completed gives you large amounts of money. Also, Mercenaries are allowed to enter the Mercenary camp. If one becomes a Mercenary, they become hostile to any ally of a unit they kill in a task/quest. This Profession is very challenging.

1. Save - Load System
The Map would have a custom Save-Load System which is shown in the maps Pause Menu when they hit ESC Button.

2. Pause Menu
The Pause Menu is a system where you can easily view you heroes stats, your inventory, current quest, Save - Load, and much more!

3. Damage Display System
The Map has a Damage Display System which shows above the characters head the current damage they take. Green text will be shown if they are healed and red if they are damaged.

4. Custom Battles
Battling Creeps, Bosses and other hostile creatures engage you in a Custom Battle System. When you go nearby them, or they go nearby you, you automatically fight them.

5. Item Equipment System
Your Items give you bonuses and only one of each item may be carried. You may not carry two of the same weaopn unless the class requires you. All Classes have Special Items which they can only carry.

6. Item Drop System
Every item drop is randomized. Everytime you kill a monster or a hostile unit, they drop an item. These items can be used to make potions, weapons, etc.

7. Skilltree
When you level up, you obtain a Ability Point. These ability points are used to learn new skills. The Skilltree is visible via the Pause Menu.

8. Realistic Battles
Every battle in the map will made as realistic as possible. Your weapon becomes damage depending on its material, all missiles are fired straight and can be evaded. Every slash, attack, kick can be evaded by simply by moving to a different direction. Any unit can also be grounded when hit with massive force. If a units hp is low, they will flee until they reach a nearby ally.

9. Arrow Movement System
A player may be moved by using the mouse or the arrow keys. The usage of arrow keys are to make dodging attacks easier and to easily flee.

10. Guilds
Guilds are buildings which can only be enterable with specific classes. They feature quests which are suitable for these classes.

11. Smithing
Only weak weapons are available for purchase! All other weapons are obtained by smithing them either by being a Blacksmith as you Profession or just ask a Blacksmith to do it!

11. Visual Bag System
All items obtained will be shown in a visual bag in the Pause Menu. All items there are arranged, from weapons to materials.

12. Your Choices Matter!
Everything you do plays a role in the story. If you keep on killing hostile units, then hunting quests shall be asked from you. Other choices you make which will have an impact are when people ask you questions, your Profession, your Class, etc.

13. Enterable/Exitable Buildings
To save some map space, all buildings consist of doodads placed together to form them!
Screenshots here.
Jones080/Empire JackalLead Terrain and Recruiter
jxtrangheroTerrain, Coder, Second Recruiter
Drunken_JackalCoder and Idealist
Last edited:
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
New Description

Hey, I made a better thread for you maybe, i would attract more people.
Also, what map is this, ORPG, SPRPG, etc.?

World of Azora is a Online RPG. It has custom systems, realistic battles. Go forth in war and choose either to be Bahlamians or the Ignacians and fight in a battle where the fate of the World of Azora lies in your hands! The ORPG Map features many system such as Custom Battle System, Realistic Battles, and much more. The map can sustain up to 8 players.

It has unique systems, awesome battles, many professions and interchangable classes. But those are only few of them!

Note: The Icons used here wont be used in the map.

The World of Azora is a mystical world filled with adventures, creatures and many legends. Azora was said to be made by the three brothers, Azora, the Supreme God and God of Life, Akneal, God of Power and Strength and lastly, Akama, the God of the Magic. Azora shaped the world with his bare hands and created life in that world. The people here honored him and named that world after its creator. He made a group of people blessed with craftmanship and power. These people made an Alliance which was later called the Bahlam. Akama, also made creatures in this world. These people were masters of magic, they lived in forests and honored Akama. These people also made an Alliance called the Ingacian Alliance. The words were said to mean "Magic" as Ignac and "User" as Ian in an ancient tongue. The two Alliances always fought in a battle of supremacy.

But, Akneal, became jealous of the two other gods and also made creatures of his own. But these creatures were unlike any of them. They were devilish creatures. These creatures wrecked havoc among both of the Alliance. These creatures were far too powerful for one Alliance to handle. So the two Alliance joined forces and placed a stop to the madness these beasts brought. Azora and Akama became furious at Akneal and removed his godly powers and banished him and locked him up on a stone which was said to never have been broken.

But now, Akneal has been freed from his chambers and now seeks to summon his creatures once more and make the people of Azora suffer for banishing him.


Warrior - Base Class




Priest - Base Class


In Progress


Mage - Base Class


In Progress


Brute - Advanced Class

- Warrior Level 5 or above


In Progress


Berserker - Hybrid Class

- Brute Class level 5 or above
- Warrior Class


In Progress


Current Professions



Description: Smith specialize in making weapons, armors and battle gear. They can create weapons without a fee. Good for those looking to save money.



Description: Herbalist specialize in making potions used for healing and repleneshing mana or other stats. They can create potions without a fee. Also good for those looking to save money.



Description: Alchemists mix flasks, potions, oils and other materials. The items which the Alchemist profession are used to power any attribute, temporarily or permanently, or other uses. The Alchemists are like Herbalists but collect rarer items.



Description: Miners are excellent combinations with Smiths. They collect ores. Although anyone can obtain ores, Miners also have a sub-profession which allows them to make the mined items into bars. These bars maybe be sold for a high price or can be used to upgrade/create weapons.



Description: Enchanters create enchantments. These enchantments can be used to power up or increase stats of the player or an ally. The Enchantments can also be used as auras, which give power to the wielder. If a player picks Enchantment as their profession, they do not have to buy Enchantments with their materials.



Description: Engineer's create mechanical units or items which aid you in battle. Their creations varies from rockets to golems. Engineer's are a must for those wanting to deal heavy damage to opponents. Engineer's focus on dealing damage to enemies. But they are very hard to use and most items requires a high skill of mastery.



Description: Mercenary is a profession which relies on ones ability to defeat other foes. Nearly all of the tasks in this Profession is about killing a specific unit. Mercenary class give you no special skills. But every task completed gives you large amounts of money. Also, Mercenaries are allowed to enter the Mercenary camp. If one becomes a Mercenary, they become hostile to any ally of a unit they kill in a task/quest. This Profession is very challenging.

1. Save - Load System
The Map would have a custom Save-Load System which is shown in the maps Pause Menu when they hit ESC Button.

2. Pause Menu
The Pause Menu is a system where you can easily view you heroes stats, your inventory, current quest, Save - Load, and much more!

3. Damage Display System
The Map has a Damage Display System which shows above the characters head the current damage they take. Green text will be shown if they are healed and red if they are damaged.

4. Custom Battles
Battling Creeps, Bosses and other hostile creatures engage you in a Custom Battle System. When you go nearby them, or they go nearby you, you automatically fight them.

5. Item Equipment System
Your Items give you bonuses and only one of each item may be carried. You may not carry two of the same weaopn unless the class requires you. All Classes have Special Items which they can only carry.

6. Item Drop System
Every item drop is randomized. Everytime you kill a monster or a hostile unit, they drop an item. These items can be used to make potions, weapons, etc.

7. Skilltree
When you level up, you obtain a Ability Point. These ability points are used to learn new skills. The Skilltree is visible via the Pause Menu.

8. Realistic Battles
Every battle in the map will made as realistic as possible. Your weapon becomes damage depending on its material, all missiles are fired straight and can be evaded. Every slash, attack, kick can be evaded by simply by moving to a different direction. Any unit can also be grounded when hit with massive force. If a units hp is low, they will flee until they reach a nearby ally.

9. Arrow Movement System
A player may be moved by using the mouse or the arrow keys. The usage of arrow keys are to make dodging attacks easier and to easily flee.

10. Guilds
Guilds are buildings which can only be enterable with specific classes. They feature quests which are suitable for these classes.

11. Smithing
Only weak weapons are available for purchase! All other weapons are obtained by smithing them either by being a Blacksmith as you Profession or just ask a Blacksmith to do it!

11. Visual Bag System
All items obtained will be shown in a visual bag in the Pause Menu. All items there are arranged, from weapons to materials.

12. Your Choices Matter!
Everything you do plays a role in the story. If you keep on killing hostile units, then hunting quests shall be asked from you. Other choices you make which will have an impact are when people ask you questions, your Profession, your Class, etc.

13. Enterable/Exitable Buildings
To save some map space, all buildings consist of doodads placed together to form them!
Screenshots here.
Jones080Lead Terrain and Recruiter
jxtrangheroTerrain, Coder, Second Recruiter
SkipperTerrain, Trigger, 3D Artist and 2D Artist
Drunken_JackalCoder and Idealist

Also, im in as Coder, Idealist and Writer. I already placed my place there. I wanna just see what kind of map this is.
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Level 4
Jan 29, 2011
here : Azora Is the keeper of the light and he is the savior of all humans and else but darkness stop him he died to a war ... but 5 heroes will help him !!! :vw_wtf: :vw_wtf: WTF !!! And There is a 3 Gods all gods are lightkeepers there names are ...... AZORA -story ----- .......... AKAMA - is the most powerfull of all gods and he help AZORA To the War but azora died and now he have the most powerfull soldiers of all ....... Mezak - is the first girl god of the lightkeepers and he died to war with AZORA .......... !!!! Now Akama still a live and 5 heroes help AKAMA ........DARKNESS GODS 4 ... w8 ... !!!
Level 13
Dec 13, 2008
Do you have any source of this script, please give us the full details. If there none existed I suggest to build the source of script first such story line, better to use some time-line to build more concrete story. Well this is for preparing, get ready to criticize by others too.
why is that description here? and not on the first post? haha...

11. Visual Bag System
All items obtained will be shown in a visual bag in the Pause Menu. All items there are arranged, from weapons to materials.
-->I don't understand what you mean by Visual bag in Pause Menu

Item Drop System
Every item drop is randomized. Everytime you kill a monster or a hostile unit, they drop an item. These items can be used to make potions, weapons, etc.
-->So each killed monster will surely drop something? isn't that a bit not too good?

anyway, will watch this...
Level 2
May 25, 2011
by seeing the intro and all it's seems interesting :eek:
any estimated time of launching beta? :D
Level 11
Jul 9, 2009
The 1st Post made me go "WTF! Such an incredible idea"
good luck on your map hoping to be one of the players who
will test it and help each other so that the map would be a success
hoping a lot :)
Level 19
Apr 10, 2010
why is that description here? and not on the first post? haha...
Well im the one who makes the thread look pretty...

So each killed monster will surely drop something? isn't that a bit not too good?
Well imagine it kinda like Monster hunter, if you played it. Not all monsters also would drop something nice. Some maybe junk.

any progress how about the spawn and combat system are already have a code?
Well im not so active since school starts this monday, GMT +8. But ill try to do my best helping.
Spawn system would be like your average spawn system and combat system would be when you click/go within 100 of a unit. Other than that I havent made it.
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