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World of Ancients Desert Winds v0.19

This bundle is marked as director's cut. It exceeds all expectations and excels in every regard.

To everyone testing this map!

This map is still in its beta phase, and I need your help!
Everytime you finish this map with your friends (a party greater than 3),
I need you to type “-dmg”, open the Multiboard and send me a PM or e-mail (serbianbeasthotmail.com) with the data you see there.
It needs to contain Class, Level, Build (Str/Agi/Int) and % damage done.

1. DK Level 10 Str 25%
2. ES Level 9 Agi 22%
3. CR Level 8 Int 20%
4. CH Level 7 Str 18%
5. ES Level 5 Str 15%

This will help me to balance the classes!

Thanks in advance,

World of Ancients – Desert Winds

Created by Serbianbeast

Map Info

Map Type: RPG-based Hack & Slash
Hero Level : 1 - 10
Recommended Players:

This is the first part of the epic World of Ancients saga and takes place in the deserts of Zulanni.
A group of heroes are sent out to eliminate the Trolls of Zul'Terrak and all of their leaders in order to prevent them from bringing havoc to the world.

Map site: www.worldofancientssaga.webs.com


Fully scripted Bosses and Encounters
World of Ancients has fully scripted Bosses and Encounters, so a full dungeon raid will be well worth your time as no encounter will be the same!
For more details go to this page.

Custom Combat and Stats System
World of Ancients features a brand new Combat System, based on a custom made Stats System; this allows players to play Warcraft in a way that’s never been possible before!

Talent Tree System
World of Ancients also features a Talent Tree, which allows you as a player to design your character into the hero you want to play.

Inventory System
Instead of using standard Warcraft 6-slot inventory, WoA uses inventory system that supports 11 slots for equipped items and 10 extra slots for carrying items, as well as standard 6 slots for potions and usable items.

Spell Packs
All heroes in World of Ancients are granted three Spell Packs from start. All these Spell Packs consists of four spells you can use at start and the player will unlock more spells as the game progresses.

Fast and Exiting Gameplay
- - - - -

Save/Load System
In World of Ancients, you’re able to Save and Load your hero and also able to Load them in the upcoming campaigns!


Name: Champion
Main Roles: Tanking and Damage
Spell Packs: Protection, Assassination and Destroyer

Brutal warrior, capable of taking great amounts of damage, rushing into combat and tearing his enemies apart.


Name: Protection
Function: Tank and Damage
Based on: Strength

Name: Thunder Clap

Spell damage

Slams the ground, dealing 150% weapon damage + your total strength to nearby enemy land units and slowing their movement by 45% and attack rate by 45% for 3 seconds.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by spell critical chance.

8 seconds cooldown.
Name: Taunt

Causes 10 closest enemies to attack the champion. In addition, your armor and spell resistance is increased by up to 50 (2 x hero level is max). Everytime you take damage this bonus is reduced by 2.

11 seconds cooldown.
Name: Retaliation

Physical Damage

Next 4 attacks or spells used against you within 4 seconds will deal as much damage to the attacker as they do to you.
This spell cannot crit.
This spell is not affected by armor, spell resistance or any other damage reducing property.

8 seconds cooldown.
Name: Living Fortress


Increases your strength by 35%. In addition, reduces damage taken by 15% - 60%, and gives a 10% chance on taking damage to increase damage done by next normal attack by amount equal to damage taken.
Name: Counter Attack

Spell damage

Every attack or spell made against you within 10 seconds has a 33% chance to cause you to deal 125% weapon damage + your total strength to enemies within 200 AOE. Cannot occur more than once every 0.25 seconds.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by spell critical chance.

30 seconds cooldown.


Name: Assassination
Function: Damage
Based on: Agility

Name: Mortal Strike

Physical Damage

Deals 150% weapon damage to the target and causes it to bleed for 15 seconds. Bleeding deals 75% of your total agility as damage per second, slows the target down by 15% and reduces healing on that target by 50%.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by physical critical chance.

10 seconds cooldown.
Name: Open Wound

Your next normal attack made within 4 seconds will deal 60% more damage. If the target is bleeding this effect will be increased by 50% and your attack will be a critical strike.

6 seconds cooldown.
Name: Rampage

Physical Damage

Increases your attack speed by 30% and weapon damage by 15%. In addition, if the target is bleeding your attacks will deal bonus damage per second for next 6 seconds. First attack will deal 50% of agility per second, second will deal 60%, third 70% etc. Duration of this effect will prevail even if the target is no longer affected by bleed. Lasts 16 seconds.

25 seconds cooldown.
Name: Hunger for Blood


Increases your strength by 40% of your total agility. In addition critical strikes made against a bleeding target have a 30% chance to cause it to bleed for 60% agility per second for 10 seconds. If this effect occurs within these 10 seconds it will renew the effect and deal additional damage on that attack equal to your total agility.
Name: Bloodthirst

Physical Damage

Deals 120% weapon damage + your total agility to target. Deals 30% bonus damage to bleeding units and restores hit points equal to 15% of damage done. In addition, next 18 damage over time ticks will deal 60% bonus damage on that target.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by physical critical chance.

6 seconds cooldown.


Name: Destroyer
Function: Damage
Based on: Strength or Agility

Name: Charge

Spell damage

Can't be cast if the target is within 200 AOE
Hero rushes towards the target dealing 150% weapon damage + his strength and agility to it and stunning it for 2 seconds.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by spell critical chance.

14 seconds cooldown.
Name: Crippling Strike

Spell damage

Hero crushes the target, dealing 150% weapon damage + total strength and agility and reducing it's movement and attack speed by 35% for 4 seconds.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by spell critical chance.

8 seconds cooldown.
Name: Exaust

Spell damage

A strike that cuts throught target and reaches it's soul, dealing 150% weapon damage + strength and agility and burns 30% of target's current mana. Mana burned combusts, dealing damage to the target. Critical strikes will burn double amount of mana.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by spell critical chance.

8 seconds cooldown.
Name: Endure Magic

While active, increases your spell resistance by 10x your level. In addition increases your attack rate and movement speed by 30% and causes your destroyer abilities to deal bonus damage equal to 10% of enemy's total mana.
Lasts 15 seconds.

30 seconds cooldown.
Name: Pummel

Spell damage

Hero slams the target, dealing 150% weapon damage + total strength and agility and making it unable to cast spells for 2.5 seconds.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by spell critical chance.

8 seconds cooldown.

Name: Earthshaker
Main Roles: Support and Damage
Spell Packs: Earth, Fire and Storm

Shamanistic hero, master of the elements. Can cause earthquakes, incinerate enemies and call upon thunderstorms.


Name: Earth
Function: Damage and Support
Based on: Strength

Name: Quake Strike

Spell damage

Deals 150% weapon damage + your total strength to enemy units in 245 AOE.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by spell critical chance.

4 seconds cooldown.
Name: Tectonic Strike

Spell damage

Deals 150% weapon damage + your total strength to units within 300 AOE around hero.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by spell critical chance.|

4 seconds cooldown.
Name: Seismic Slam

Spell damage

Deals 150% weapon damage + your total strength to enemy units in line.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by spell critical chance.

6 seconds cooldown.
Name: Earthen Power


Increases your weapon damage by 70% of your strength. In addition every enemy killed increases hit points regeneration of friendly units within 900 AOE by 8 for per second, and fades to 0 over 8 seconds (stackable).
Name: Focus Tremble

While active, your 3 next quake or tectonic strikes will deal 100% more damage if there is only one target in AOE, 50% more damage if there are 2 targets, 33.3% more damage for 3 targets, etc. In addition, increases your weapon damage by 20% and spell critical strike chance by 5% for 10 seconds.

9 seconds cooldown.


Name: Fire
Function: Damage
Based on: Agility

Name: Flame Strike

Spell damage

Deals 150% weapon damage + your total agility to the target, and additional 600% of your agility over 6 seconds. In addition, if the target is affected by soul burn, this spell will deal 50% more damage.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by physical critical chance.

6 seconds cooldown.
Name: Soul Burn

Spell damage

Deals 125% weapon damage + your agility to the target, silences it and slows its movement speed by 45% for 2 seconds.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by physical critical chance.

8 seconds cooldown.
Name: Infernal Rage

Spell damage

Hero deals 200% weapon damage + 2 x agility to all enemies within 350 AOE and additional 600% of agility over 6 seconds. In addition, for next 16 seconds your abilities will deal 200% damage (does not apply to duration damage) but your attack speed will be reduced by 40%.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by physical critical chance.

20 seconds cooldown.
Name: Firestorm

Spell damage

Renders earthshaker immune to spells and deals 75% weapon damage per 0.5 seconds to nearby enemy units for 6 seconds. In addition, every time this spell hits an enemy it causes him to burn for 18% agility damage per second for 6 seconds (stackable).
This spell cannot crit.

1 minute cooldown.
Name: Searing Weapons


Increases your weapon damage by 100% of your agility and your damage over time effects of your abilities by 40%. In addition, removes casting time on your Infernal Rage ability and causes it not to decrease your attack speed.


Name: Storm
Function: Damage
Based on: Intelligence

Name: Primal Strike

Extra attack

Instantly strikes the enemies in front of Earthshaker, hitting each of them with a single normal attack. In addition, your spell critical strike chance is increased by 9% on this attack.

3.75 seconds cooldown.
Name: Stormseeker

Increases your movement speed by 15%, your attack rate by 25% for 60 seconds and adds 33% of your spell critical strike chance to critical strike chance. In addition, your normal attacks have a 33% chance to deal bonus damage equal to 40% weapon damage + your total intelligence and increase attack speed of friendly units within 900 AOE by 20% for 6 seconds.

5 seconds cooldown.
Name: Maelstrom Aura


Increases weapon damage of friendly units within 900 AOE by 15% and spell critical strike chance by 5%.
Name: Tornado of Strikes


Increases your weapon damage by 70% of your intelligence. In addition every attack has a chance equal to half of spell critical strike chance to gain an extra attack. This spell can proc itself.

2.5 seconds cooldown.
Name: Wind Shear

Healing spell

Heals target friendly unit for 300% weapon damage + 3x total intelligence over 20 seconds. In addition, your normal attacks heal the target for 10% of damage done, and critical strikes heal the target for 50% damage done and increase duration of this spell by 1 second (maximum is 120 seconds).

20 seconds cooldown.

Name: Cleric
Main Roles: Tanking, Support and Healing
Spell Packs: Protection, Divine and Holy

Noble fighter, capable of taking great amounts of damage, healing and aiding friendly units.


Name: Protection
Function: Tanking
Based on: Strength

Name: Heroic Strike

Spell damage

Deals 150% weapon damage + your total strength to the target, and increases your armor and spell resistance by 2. Stacks up to 15 times. In addition this spell has a 20% chance of healing you by 10 + your total strength. Bonus armor and spell resistance will rapidly decay after 12 seconds.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by spell critical chance.

4 seconds cooldown.
Name: Revenge

Spell damage

Whenever Cleric dodges/parries or completely blocks an incoming attack, he gains 50% of his total strength as heal, and he can deal 100% of his weapon damage + 0.8 x strength to that target.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by spell critical chance.

1 second cooldown.
Name: Divine Vengeance

Increases your next attack or spell by 170% of your strength + 60% weapon damage and causes it to heal you for the 40% of damage it deals.

4.25 seconds cooldown.
Name: Divine Shield

Creates inpenetrable shield around the Cleric that absorbs damage 70% of incoming damage. Absorbs damage equal to 80% of Cleric's total hit points. Casting shield again will renew the effect.

18 seconds cooldown.
Name: Beacon of Light

Spell damage

Causes 10 closest enemies to attack the cleric. In addition, next 10 times you take damage, you deal your weapon damage to the attacker.

11 seconds cooldown.


Name: Divine
Function: Damage and Support
Based on: Agility

Name: Divine Strikes

While active increases your weapon damage by 20%, your chance to score a critical hit by 10% and reduces chance your attacks will be dodged or parried by 5%. In addition your critical strikes deal 10% more damage and increase your attack speed by 30% for 5 seconds.
Name: Spiritual Weapon

Increases your weapon damage by 75% of your agility and causes your critical strikes to restore mana to friendly units within 900 AOE equal to 4% of damage done. In addition, your normal attacks have a chance equal to half of your physical critical strike chance to deal bonus damage equal to your total agility.
Lasts 60 seconds.

5 seconds cooldown.
Name: Bless Weapon

Decreases chance your attacks will be dodged or parried by 15%, increases your physical critical strike chance by 15% and your critical strike multiplier by 0.5. In addition, your attacks have a 15% chance to deal bonus damage equal to 30% of your weapon damage + 110% of your total agility.
Lasts 60 seconds.

5 seconds cooldown.
Name: Devotion Aura


Slightly increases mana regeneration of friendly units within 900 AOE, increases their physical critical strike chance by 3% and reduces chance their attacks will be dodged or parried by 3%. In addition, your critical strikes restore 25% more percent mana while spritiual weapons is active.
Name: Divine Judgement

Your next normal attack made within 3 seconds deals bonus damage equal to your total agility + 105% weapon damage, and has it's critical strike chance increased by 35%. In addition, next 6 attacks or spells made against that target will have their critical strike chance increased by 30% on first attack, 25% on second, etc. Only critical strikes will decrease this effect.

12 seconds cooldown.


Name: Holy
Function: Healing
Based on: Intelligence

Name: Holy Light

Healing spell

Heals target for 150% weapon damage + your total intelligence. In addition, if this spell scores a critical healing, it will heal the target for as much over 9 seconds.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by spell critical chance.

9 seconds cooldown.
Name: Holy Shock

Spell damage/Healing spell

Heals target for 110% weapon damage + 80% of your total intelligence or deals 45% more damage to targeted enemy unit. In addition, if this spell scores a critical healing on friendly unit, it will heall all friendly units with Divine Power buff for 25% of healing done, and if it scores a critical strike on enemy unit it will deal 90% of the damage done to nearby enemy units.

This spell's chance to crit is determined by spell critical chance.

4 seconds cooldown.
Name: Inner Fire

Increases a target friendly unit's weapon damage by 20% and armor by 15 for 60 seconds. In additon every holy light or holy shock cast on that target will cause 80% healing as damage to units surrounding the target.

0.5 seconds cooldown.
Name: Divine Power


Increases armor of friendly units within 900 AOE by 3, spell critical strike chance by 6% and causes your heals to heal those units by 10% of your weapon damage + 20% of your intelligence. In addition, this aura increases your weapon damage by 30% of your intelligence, and every heal cast will increase your attack speed by 4% and weapon damage by 5% of your total intelligence for 60 seconds. Stacks up to 20 times.
Name: Holy Storm

Spell damage/Healing spell

Causes 150% weapon damage + your total intelligence spell damage to enemies within 300 AOE, and heals allied units within 300 AOE for same amount. In addition, increases attack speed by 20% and causes normal attacks to deal bonus spell damage equal to 80% of total intelligence.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by spell critical chance.

10 seconds cooldown.

Name: Dreadknight
Main Roles: Support and Damage
Spell Packs: Frost, Blood and Death

Demonic magic user, adept at frost, dark and unholy magic. Can freeze enemies, make them take more damage and can summon minions.


Name: Frost
Function: Damage and Support
Based on: Strength

Name: Frost Strike

Spell damage

Deals 150% weapon damage to the target and slows its movement speed by 40% and attack speed by 20% for 4 seconds (Frost debuff).
This spell's chance to crit is determined by spell critical chance.

2.5 seconds cooldown.
Name:Icy Touch

Spell damage

Deals 150% weapon damage to the target. If the target is effected by Frost, Icy Touch will deal 20% more damage and stun the target for 1 second.
his spell's chance to crit is determined by spell critical chance.

9 seconds cooldown.
Name: Frost Rage

Spell damage

While active increases your attack speed by 45% for 12 seconds and causes your attacks to restore mana based on your total strength. Every frost strike cast within these 12 seconds will, after this buff expires, incrase damage of friendly units within 500 AOE by 4%, deal spell damage equal to 25% of weapon damage to enemy units within 500 AOE and stun all enemy units currently affected by Frost for 1 second.
This spell cannot crit.

25 seconds cooldown.
Name: Icy Weapons


Increases your weapon damage by 20% of your strength and gives your normal attacks a 20% chance to deal 30% bonus damage, stun the target for 1 second and slow target for 4 seconds (Frost debuff). In addition your Frost Strike and Icy Touch deal 20% more damage to units affected by frost.
Name: Frost Armor

Spell damage

Increases target's armor by 10 and spell resistance by 50 for 60 seconds. In addition, everytime target takes damage your hero deals 50% weapon damage as spell damage to the attacker and slows them for 2.5 seconds (Frost debuff).
This spell's chance to crit is determined by spell critical chance.

0.5 seconds cooldown.


Name: Blood
Function: Damage
Based on: Agility

Name: Blood Strike

Spell damage

Deals 150% weapon damage + your total agility to the target and causes critical strikes against that target to deal 25% more damage.
Lasts 12 seconds.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by physical critical chance.

5 seconds cooldown.
Name: Demonic Blood

Increases attack rate of a target unit by 60% and causes the target to heal itself by 3% damage it deals, but at a cost of 2% life per second.Lasts 18 seconds.
0.5 seconds cooldown.
Name: Blood Frenzy

Increases your attack speed by 45%, your weapon damage by 30% and your chance to score a critical strike by 15% for 12 seconds.

25 seconds cooldown.
Name: Boiling Blood


Increases your weapon damage by 70% of your agility. In addition your critical strikes deal 15% more damage and have a chance to increase your next blood strike damage by 115%.
Name: Blood Craze

Increases your movement speed by 15%, weapon damage by 30% of your agility and gives your normal critical strikes a 20% chance to deal bonus damage equal to your agility. In addition, increases damage of your blood strike by 10% + your total agility and increases your healthsteal provided by demonic blood by 5%.
Lasts 60 seconds.

5 seconds cooldown.


Name: Death
Function: Damage and Support
Based on: Intelligence

Name: Death Strike

Spell damage

Deals 150% weapon damage + your total intelligence and increases your attack damage by 15% of your intelligence that fades away over 15 seconds (stackable). If the target is affected by Death Mark, this ability will heal friendly units within 900 AOE by 40% of the damage done.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by spell critical chance.

3 seconds cooldown.
Name: Dark Pulse

Spell damage

Sends out a wave of dark energy that shatters on nearby enemies, creating other waves that deal 40% of your weapon damage + 55% of your intelligence.

7 seconds cooldown.
Name: Dark Shadows

Summoning spell

Summons 3 shadows to fight for you for 60 seconds. Each shadow deals 10 - 15 + 8% of your weapon damage as spell damage on each attack. Shadows recieve 50 hit points for every 200 Dreadknight's hit points and gain 50% of your dodge, parry, resilience, precision, expertize, spell resistance, spell penetration and spell critical strike chance. Upon death, dark shadows return to the master and restore 4 mana for each hit they had made.

45 seconds cooldown.
Name: Death Mark

Spell damage

Deals 600% weapon damage + 6 x Dreadknight's intelligence over 30 seconds. In addition target will take 10% - 30% bonus damage.
This spell cannot crit.

9 seconds cooldown.
Name: Sacrifice

Spell damage

Sacrifices a dark shadow, dealing 200% weapon damage + 2x of your total intelligence to nearby enemy units within 250 AOE of the dark shadow, and applies frost debuff to them for 8 seconds. In addition, you gain shield that absorbs 70% of incoming damage, up to equal to sacrificed dark shadow's maximum hit points + your total intelligence points of damage.
This spell's chance to crit is determined by spell critical chance.

20 seconds cooldown.






Change Log

Version 0.19 (0714201114)
Bug fixes:
-Quest requirement that concerns killing Hakrash will be marked as completed after you killed him instead of at the begininning of the fight (lol @ me).
-Fixed a bug which caused a player to pass on an item he has recently needed or greeded on if that player pressed ESC afterwards.
-Pressing ESC while watching at some item's stats will properly show current multiboard.
-Cooldown on Mortal Strike reduced to 10 seconds (as it was intented before).
-Improved item system so that it support item sets.
-Changed blue items with "wind", "desert" and "scorcher" attributes to sets of 7 items (head, neck, chest, belt, charm, boots and gloves).
-Improved how Dreadknight holds shields.
-Dropped items that are same as your currently equipped items will be marked as "same as currently equipped".
-Bosses cannot be stunned anymore.
-Zul'terrak Executors gained "Berserk" ability which increases their attack speed by 50% for 12 seconds (30 seconds cooldown).
-Slightly increased weapon damage of Hakrash, Desert Scorcher, Zul'kis and Zul'rajas.
-Changed damage increase of mobs per player from 0/30/60/90/120/150% to 0/30/50/65/80%.
-Damage bonus to mobs in heroic mode increased from 130% to 180%.
-Zul'rajas' spells stolen from players now deal damage based on his weapon damage, and 500% damage/healing if used in blue phase.
-Reduced maximum mana of Zul'rajas from 1100 to 600, but increased mana regeneration rate to 4/sec (each of his spells costs 30 mana).
-Lengthened evocation timer from first to second boss by 20 seconds.
-Heroes and mobs will lose benefits of Out of combat and Out of casting states instantly when entering combat/casting instead of after 2 seconds.

The full change log can be found here.


Special Thanks:

Models: WoW, WILL THE ALMIGHTY, General Frank, republicola, shamanyouranus, Misha.
Skins: /
Icons: WoW, CRAZYRUSSIAN, ajoj11, Deon.
Tutorials/Systems: /
Loading Screen/Map Preview Image: /
Other: Arowanna92 (base of this map introduction), Beli Zeka, Kole, boki90, Bl@ckbolt, Freelancah, -Kobas- (testers, ideas, improvements).

Author’s Notes

I made this map from scratch. Everything you see is made by me, except for icons (thanks to CRAZYRUSSIAN) and models (Blizzard Entertainment).
If you are not in credits list and you recognize a model or icon of yours, please let me know.
Map is still in beta phase and everything you see can be changed.
Map is protected.
Tactics for bosses can be found here: Desert Winds: Tactics

This, Is, Still, A, Beta, So, Don't, Expect, Too, Much, rpg, serbianbeast, horde, wow, diablo, warcraft, dungeon, trolls, orcs.

World of Ancients Desert Winds v0.19 (Map)

Date: 22:41:51 28-Sep-11 Map Moderator: -Kobas- Map Status: Approved 6/5 Contact map moderator: Visitor Message / Private Message!
Level 2
Apr 6, 2010
Haha, sorry that we're making your work harder, but It's for the good of the map XD! You're a really nice guy - You take in moderation what the public says and suggests :)

Also - Hive has a problem with WoW imports that are given as MODELS in the MODEL sectino not as models used in game.Besides, WoW models are fucking win XD

Also - At least one Pure mage class would be cool - Not like I need it but my friends are like "Amg the map is so win but i want a magezors made by you cos he will prolly kick ass" - So that's in name of my friends :D

Keep up the good work :)
Also - Hive has a problem with WoW imports that are given as MODELS in the MODEL sectino not as models used in game.Besides, WoW models are fucking win XD

The Hive Workshop does not condone, nor will it support, the use of World of Warcraft models because:
  • Models included in World of Warcraft are the exclusive property of Blizzard Entertainment.
  • Blizzard has never released the World of Warcraft models for public use.
  • Consumers are therefore required to purchase World of Warcraft and maintain valid game accounts in order to use those models.
Level 2
Apr 6, 2010
Check out Serbian's profile - former WoW player it says.

That explains everything my friend :)

Besides - If that'd be such a great problem, I think the mod's / admins would do something already wouldn't they? This map has gained a lot of attention of players, I wonder why it wasn't checked YET?
Level 16
Sep 26, 2005
Well, wow playstyle inspired me to make this map, and I've always loved wow models, so that's mainly why I used them. I made this map for my own entertainment, and I'm glad some other people like it. :)

Speaking of wow, ye, I've played wow. I've played it a lot, and it's influence can be clearly seen in all my work...

Oh and one more thing: I'm considering including a new class: hellcaller, purely ranged class, but that's still depends of public opinion. Besides, If I make that one, I might probably need to make another 2 or 3 ranged classes to make it balanced, and that will require a lot of work, again... :/
Level 2
Apr 6, 2010
Oh well, if I'd be a good map maker i'd help you ASAP but all I can is give suggestions.
Tell me more about the Hellcaller.
Also I think that ppl would be happy if you'd have any mage class :p
Level 16
Sep 26, 2005
hellcaller: ranged class, strength build - not so high damage outcome, has helguard summon and good for pvp and survival.
intelligence build 1 - high burst spell damage, depends of critical strike chance, intelligence and weapon damage
intelligence build 2 - high spell damage over time build, depends from weapon damage and intelligence. more potent at survival than build n0 1
basically first int build is something like wow mage/destro lock, and second int build is more like affliction warlock. But as I said, that's still to be considered...
Level 2
Apr 6, 2010
That's a very good idea - why?
Each build has a enormous variety making it like it'd be 3 classes.Yes, all classes have 3 spell packs but eg. the Champion's spell packs make you still feel like you play a warrior, while the Hellcaller's spell packs are like One is a mage, 2nd warlock.. That'd do the deal for a long time and people would stop whining that there are no mages.

Very good idea.

Also, the Champion's charge spell still happens to teleport you near the chamber of the last boss in some games. In the game before, it never happened, but now I play another one and it happens a lot :O
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Level 2
Apr 6, 2010
Cool :) From now on I think i will stop with those suggestions a bit as I'm making you have hell of work XD I'll wait patiently for another version :D

That new mage if you'll make him will be an orc / Draenei / other race?
I think that people want more other races as it's all orcs here XD
Level 2
Apr 6, 2010
Yeah, me too, but there are 3 orcs 1 draenei :D Sounds fun as in WoW lore they used to be friends, now they're great enemies XD
Level 2
Apr 6, 2010
That's nice.

By the way - is the Salamander supposed to deal 3.8k dmg party wide at the frist try and at the second try be ultra easy:p?

{EDIT 1}
Oh, just one thing - The load codes - I noticed how to change exp amount by 1
-load 8B0 @1G 1T0 o2C 380 040 0@ - 1st code at level 9(every code = more exp)
-load 8B0 @1G 1W0 o2C 380 040 0@ - 2nd code at level 9
-load 8B0 @1G 1Z0 o2C 380 040 0@ - 3rd code at level 9
What changes the exp ammount? I think everyone can see that only one letter changes between those codes. You just swap it to the next one in the alphabet and you get more exp XD!

I didn't get any new items between any of these saves only bigger exp amount.

{EDIT 2}
OMG! New version rocks my socks off! Good job :)Now waiting patiently for Ogre maul I guess :D?

Keep up the good work mate :D!

Besides the name-bound, the codes didn't add any security:( You can easily swap letters and get +800 Agi o_O
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  • Angry
Reactions: Rui
Level 1
Aug 3, 2009
~ Let me get straight to the points since last time my browser failed :

* Things I personally found interesting and over-all good features :

- Incredible Custom Hero Models
- Custom Mini-map
- Beautiful Terrain
- Great PvP Combat System
- Complex but user-friendly Stat System
- Interesting Tech Tree
- Weapons / Items Equipped Show On Model.
- Nice Custom Unit Skins / Models
- Flawless Custom Spells / Abilities (no bugs found)
- Challenging Boss Fights (keeps adrenaline active)
- Many Custom Items
- Wonderful Atmosphere and Good game-play
- Very High Replay Value
- Seems like a cross-over from Warcraft III to Diablo III
- And Many More ( I'm a bit in a hurry)

* Well, enough with the "fuzzy" niceness :

- No custom hero icons
- No custom item icons
- No custom skill icons
- Absence of a difficulty system
- Some minor description flaws (grammar mistakes or strange sentences)
- No obvious victory goal
- Low item drop rate ( played for 68 full minutes and found around 15 items, 7 were same as equipped ones, but this can be over-looked)
- Had difficulty actually USING my talent points. ( please explain how it works, I might be thick)
- It's a Beta, so I'll stop here.

~ Over-all, I see no reason why this wouldn't be approved and have a lower rating than 4/5. But personally, I got a real kick out of it, so to any Diablo III (and why not) WoW enthusiasts , I highly recommend this map!

- Rating : 5/5 (I kept in mind this is just a Beta)

- Voting for : Approval!

Edit : I've just read the rather moronic comments on this thread stating that you should "change the talent" tree. I highly disagree. Furthermore, every skill I saw and used worked perfectly and I'd rather see these abilities in future versions, rather than new, probably bugged ones (not saying you wouldn't do a good job creating them). And to whom it may concern :
No custom skill icons? You played the wrong class o_O! Maybe you didn't play 0.9? Cleric, Earthshaker, they've got shit loads of skin icons.
. My answer to your post : Go hide in the kitchen!
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Level 2
Apr 6, 2010
No custom skill icons? You played the wrong class o_O! Maybe you didn't play 0.9? Cleric, Earthshaker, they've got shit loads of skin icons.

Talent points - you add them by double right-clicking.

Game difficulty - more players, higher difficulty.

Summary - If you wouldn't check it by playing once, alone, and with one class, you'd find less "problems"

Besides, I think I can agree with everything else :p

Talking about English - maybe when I write some posts etc, you can surelly notice some mistakes although, I write the posts ultra fast and that's why.

If you'd like, I could try to help you with the Grammar mistakes, I think that's the only way I could help somehow!

Also - I think the charge spell is fixed :)
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Level 3
Jan 8, 2010
i dont know if it is intended that the absorb area of forcebender is so big. its impossible for only one tank to cut off all healing spheres.
btw all status improvements of cleric are deleted when changig spellpack except for holy fire (can be abused to buff group and then change spellpack)

item: forceful decapitator (firelord) the chance is missing in description, it only says chance on attack
are multiple fire explosions intended? he stood there doing nothing after awhile of fighting so i ran away, nothing happened for some seconds so i ran to him and hit, the text was show and while running away two explosions occured (one under him one under me)
in addition the little rings of fire didnt damage me for remarkable amounts (perhabs because of 1-player-scaling)

2 visiual things: standing in the left upper corner of the last boss area (the little room near him) u can see a part of the talent trees ;)
standing in the right room, right upper corner there is a wall that flickers while walking with hero ;)
typo when defeated by forcebender: you are not match for me -> you are no match for me.

please add something to swap mutliboard back from dmg-multiboard

holy cleric should be fixed a bit. spells are too mana intense but do too much damge because of holy fire. to increase healing property and reduce damage property a bit manacosts could be decreased by 15-20% but inner fire reflect reduced to 50-60% (i think u really get mana problems while buffing group and healing if its necessary) this is just a suggestion :)
was a bit depressed when standing in last area and nuking one group after the other while being focused on str not int >.< and not getting hurt cause of heals
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Level 2
Apr 6, 2010
Definitely not agreed about the clerics.Our cleric had no problems with mana at all during any boss encounter!

The forcebender - Are you kidding me? You were grabbing the balls on solo? Besides, the map is not supposed for single player.

And yes, the axe is supposed to say "Chance on attack" it's the same as in WoW.But if you want to know it so much it's about 10-25%.

The fire boss is quite hard, although he doesn't need to be changed - you just have to run away when he begins to stop auto-attacking, also the small explosions deal 700-800 dmg on 4 player mode and the big one deals much more.

Is the champion supposed to be able to block the whirlwind and the poison when he has the polearm from the last boss? It kinda makes me imba, I don't have to move away from whirlwind or poison as I block all damage :O
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Level 2
Apr 6, 2010
By the way - There's that counter at the top - I never noticed what it does even though my games reached up to 1-2 hours. Is it finished already:p?
Level 16
Sep 26, 2005
Lumber - minutes, Food - seconds. That's made just so players could see how long they have been playing, but as for the evocation timers - if you manage to kill bosses before they expire, in correct order (Hakrash > Jin'do > Desert Scorcher > Nalorakk > Zul'kis > Zul'rajas) you will get epic items, way better than any other items you can normally get.
Level 3
Jan 8, 2010
i know that its not for singleplayer, but the little circles did 5-7 dmg to me (with clerics shield)

sry but could only test on singleplayer... friends are buys with wow...
and guessing the chance is something even i am able to do ;) but it would be nice to have the real chance there (e.g. if u are thinking if u should change weapon or not)

fire boss: i killed him so i know his phases :p the thing is that he stopped autoattacking but nothing happend for a while so i ran towards him and when hitting him the text appears (his "you will burn message") and he double-exploded could be a bug, thats why i asked, i dont think it is intended
Level 2
Apr 6, 2010
No, when he stops auto-attacking run away from him for like 15 seconds:p? maybe bit less.

Also - If you play on Northrend, pm Freelancah when I'm online and I can organise us a game - I have a great team from Poland, all epic geared etc. and we're eager to get more and more players :D!

Also - Big problem for Polish ppl - the R shortcut for the 4th spell R equals MOVE (Ruch) and it makes us unable to quickly cast spells like death mark, if there'd be any button to swap it into like G maybe?
Level 8
Nov 20, 2008
No, when he stops auto-attacking run away from him for like 15 seconds:p? maybe bit less.

Also - If you play on Northrend, pm Freelancah when I'm online and I can organise us a game - I have a great team from Poland, all epic geared etc. and we're eager to get more and more players :D!

Also - Big problem for Polish ppl - the R shortcut for the 4th spell R equals MOVE (Ruch) and it makes us unable to quickly cast spells like death mark, if there'd be any button to swap it into like G maybe?

Try the program called Warkeys. Lets you easyly remap every key you have.
Level 2
Jun 11, 2010
When i've defeated all boss, i was at level 8, and have 1 talent point :|, why don't you give 1 talent point every 1 level instead of 5 levels?

In addition, make the first talent rank less effective and more effect to the higher rank, more talent choice, that will make more diversity in the game, then you can add more mobs to make the battle more epic :D

More phases for boss, such as crowd control spell, addition minions,... that will require more tactics

Add more option on the weapon, such as swing speed, damage type...

And the last: more xp and item drop from killing boss
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Level 2
Jun 11, 2010
The only talent point that player get in the game will make the rest of talent tree become 'just for reading' thing, i agree that it's not wow, but i think you shoud make player pay more attention to the talent tree by some way
Level 4
Apr 28, 2009
Rating changed

l changed rating from 4/5 to 5/5 and this are my reasons:
-changed everything what l complained like the terrain issue
You made the enemys drop more items what l really like
-the map has a more epic feeling
-the new class is great and add a new variation to play this game

well l can't say more because everythings looks fine and works great.

l have only 2 suggestions left:

Correct me if l'm wrong: Is there any way to look for the hero attackspeed? Would be great to add it into the multiboard something like Attack Cooldown: 1.5 sec or something. l hope its possible if not it doesn't matter because its great even without it.

And my last Suggestion: Don't Stop Map Making. You are really creative and you make very well maps that keep people playing warcraft 3. l hope for you that you will never loose fun at making good maps like this one.

Thank your for reading,
Best regards

~~ selffire ~~
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Level 4
Jul 29, 2010
Awesome map thx Serbianbeast
waiting next patch, 0.10 true?
Plz add more drop items) and fix buggs, coz sometimes bosses kill all groups, 1200-2700 dmg.
and 2boss very easy, tornado master ^_^
Yeah, I know, but I don't have any proper icons at the moment. :/

Edit: selffire gave me an idea. I'll try to integrate attack speed in multiboard.

Edit: Confirmed! Multiboard will now show attack speed cooldown. :)

You used JASS or GUI?
Did you really show attack speed or average damage per second?
Level 16
Nov 30, 2009
You mispelled Destroyer in Map Description. :p
Anyways, I'm going to have Singleplayer Review up in probably some hours. :)

Just a question though: Did you use WoW Models? Or are they somehow looked similar?
Level 4
Jul 29, 2010
awesome load screen add to feature?:)
w8 next version
play friends (6-7) in 0.09 but not new items, is bored :(