Workers Won't Build in Custom Campaign

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Level 2
Jun 22, 2015
Hello all.

I've been editing a campaign for a while to add some personal preferences to it and I have run into a large problem.

My custom workers won't build.

Specifically, only Peasants trained from the Town Hall will not build. All of the custom Peasants that I place on the map to start the mission will build, but any Peasant that I train and then order to build a building (e.g. a Farm) will put that building's incomplete frame down on the ground with 20 HP and then won't do anything. He won't hammer away building it, the building won't build itself, and the Peasant is free to receive orders.

Anyone have any idea what's going on here? I've been at this for hours and can't find a fix.
Level 2
Jun 22, 2015
Yes and yes.

I was finally able to fix it by going to the "units produced" line on my Town Hall and deleting/re-selecting the Peasant. Apparently something got messed up with some changes I made to the units.
Level 2
Jun 22, 2015

So, for a little more background, I'm editing a campaign that's a remake of the WC 1 Human missions. When I initially posted this, my Peasants would act as I described on all maps. Then I did what I mentioned and it worked on the first couple missions.

After further testing (I've been playing through the campaign to test changes), for some reason, I am having this problem on specific maps only. On maps 5, 7, 11, and 12 of the campaign, the Peasants will plop down the frame of the building but won't actually build it. This is ALL Peasants, not just the ones built from the Town Hall. Furthermore, they don't have the ability to repair buildings (no button on their command frame), despite having the "Repair (Human)" ability in the map editor. Not only this, but the Peasant that I'm using on each of these maps is completely identical to all of the other maps, where they can build; I'm using a custom data Peasant from the campaign editor for each map, and all values for these Peasants are exactly the same. I even re-placed all Peasants on the map and in the Town Hall's "units produced" line just for good measure, and it did nothing. The Peasants still won't build, but only on these particular missions.

I've also checked for triggers that are messing things up (didn't find any) and I deleted and re-selected the "Repair (Human)" ability for these Peasants (didn't work). I can't find a single difference between (e.g.) the Peasants or Town Halls on maps 3 and 5, and yet the ones on map 3 will build and the ones on map 5 won't.
Level 25
May 11, 2007
Check the NORMAL object editor in the maps and see if you've edited any of the peasants there, right click on them and do "Reset to default". This will reset it to the default in the CAMPAIGN object editor.
Level 2
Jun 22, 2015
Check the NORMAL object editor in the maps and see if you've edited any of the peasants there, right click on them and do "Reset to default". This will reset it to the default in the CAMPAIGN object editor.

When I open up the object editor on Map 5 and right-click on the custom Peasant on the left-hand side, the "Reset to Default" button is grayed out.
Level 2
Jun 22, 2015
Workers won't build invulnerable buildings, check that.

That's not it. The building frames that are made can be attacked and destroyed, and they aren't on that setting in the editor.

It seems tied directly to the fact that my Peasants on these particular missions don't have the Repair skill (there is no Repair button and they can't even repair existing buildings that are damaged), even though they have it under the "Abilities" section in the map editor.
Level 2
Jun 22, 2015
Fixed it.

For some ridiculous reason, "Repair (Human)" was turned off under TechTree Properties in the Abilities tab. I've never even touched that tab and yet it was turned off. Bizarre.
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