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Woods Lore - mini RPG

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Woods Lore - mini RPG (Map)

Level 8
Apr 3, 2004

I assembled the basic mechanics of this map to test a simple flexible hero-ability system, and eventually expanded the map into a miniature (roughly 30-minute) RPG set in the Night Elf forests of Kalimdor with multiple difficulty levels using roughly the same system.

You control one hero throughout the map, and occasionally a few other non-hero units. The hero has a choice between different disciplines of skills which she can switch between by speaking to priests of the appropriate discipline in the starting area.

The rough system relies on using 4 hero abilities with no icon, based off of Channel with different Data - order strings. These serve as dummy abilities that are only used for levelling. The actual skills are multi-level unit abilities which are managed via trigger.

The triggers are set up to only handle one player and one hero, but it wouldn't be terribly difficult to arrange it to handle a full complement of players if you so chose. Multiple players with multiple heroes would be more difficult, but not entirely unwieldly.

Since I assembled this map over about a week, the triggers are in GUI and are leaky, but since it's a small one-player short map, it isn't really a concern. It's unprotected and I'm entirely available to talk about it if you're interested in details.

Please feel free to give commentary.

Also view the thread for this map on wc3campaigns:
Level 1
Apr 24, 2004
Wow, for a test map I'd have to say you did a pretty good job. While I was playing I forgot I was testing the ability system and got cought up trying to beat the map. Then of course when you do beat it you want to go back and beat it again on a harder setting.

The ability system it'self, I must admit, is really cool. Beeing able to swap abilities and try different combinations was rather unique. Overall I'd have to say good job on the ability system and excellent job on presenting it.
Level 1
Oct 31, 2004
good map man, very fun, couldnt you make it playable on bnet with more players maybe, little bit larger map, still a good map anyway. 5/5
Level 1
Aug 27, 2004
A very nice map I truly enjoyed playing it, it was as they say "short but sweet" I beleive it is safe to say that your' abillity system test is a success I can't wait to see more of your' work thanks for sharing this map woth others. @ FootSouljah his' quetion was valid if a bit misinformed and technically he's been here longer then you so your' a "fucking noob" don't flame randomly because other people actually have things to say and I saw your' anti-Jewish comment on the Tides Of Blood re-submision don't say things that make no sence and piss of people... that is if you dont wont to die a violent and bloody death. and one last PS: map gets a modest 5/5 from me keep it up

Edit: Sorry for any spelling or grammer errors english isn't my "strong suite".

Edit #2: WOW 6-hour time discrepancy between Swedan and here same as with the UK
Level 22
May 11, 2004
Pretty nice map, very straighforward and the triggers were done well, as I`d expect from you. I was wondering when we were going to see another map from you. My suggestions with this one would to maybe make a short starting intro cinimatic to help form the stroyline before the player takes to action.

But now that it seems that you know how to make a decent RPG, maybe now you will work on something of the same quality, only bigger.
Level 8
Apr 3, 2004
It's true, the story isn't particularly compelling.

And, actually, the project that I'm really working on may come out some time eventually one day... ahem, uh, soon. And if it does, I'll be relatively available to pick up work on ma' single-player campaign, or possibly an online multiplayer RPG. But I gotta say, if you want to play a multiplayer RPG, it'd be hard to beat CastleOrange's Exploring the Ruins. Give that a try.
Level 6
Sep 13, 2004
man very good work!but the map is too small(for me) and the ability system is very good!man, do other works of RPG Maps!!!You do soo well, and i willdo one RPG Map, and i want to you test,can? :?:
Level 8
Apr 3, 2004
The map has been re-released!

Bugs in the advanced difficulty modes that were introduced by 1.18 have been resolved. Finessed some terrain. Spent some time on cameras and changed the storyline from narration to character-stated goals.

Play, enjoy.