Known Error...
To all who got problems with WinMPQ error and Vista:
I know this error well.
You might have noticed the name of the missing file : VB40032.DLL
VB4... any idea of that?
It is the Virtual Basic 4 Library which is missing i think. This happen when you don't install VB4 (it is included in the .zip).
You might think you've installed VB4 because you ran setup.exe but theres one mistake i have done very often by myself
There are 2 Setup.exe files. One is in the, the other one is included in the
If you choose multiple folders to unzip, the one setup.exe gets overwritten and you think nothing is missing.
Unzip first, run setup.exe.
Now it is better to take all extracted files into an subdirectory and unzip now. There you have to run setup.exe again. Do the same as before ( putting in subdirectory) and now unzip, run WinMPQ.exe
Now it should work!
For Vista you might have to change the rights of the directory. Rightclick on it, settings, safety/security, at the bottom of the window click change
and click the required settings there, you should choose allow all!
Im sorry for the bad explanation of the last part but i am German so i just got the German names. In german it is Rightclick-> Eigenschaften -> Sicherheit -> at the bottom of the window Ändern -> Vollzugriff.
Maybe that help understanding
For Neyatu:
No, this is not used to make models. You can open the .w3m (RoC) and .w3x (Tft) warcraft map files like .zip or .rar archives. MPQ is just a file archive like the ones i have mentioned before. .w3m and .w3x are just other names, in real they are .mpq files.
WinMPW allow you to open these files and export/import data out of/into it and change them. Yes, that might be a model file but you cant create new models or else with WinMPQ, just view the files and change them.
Often MPQ-managers are also used to gain World of Warcraft Interface data, which is hidden in WoWs MPQ files.
As far as i know just blizzard games use MPQ archives.
Starcraft + Expansion,
Warcraft III + Warcraft III: Tft (unsure about Warcraft I and Warcraft II)
World of Warcraft