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Will "unit"'s variable leaking?

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Level 11
Oct 20, 2007
udg_Temp_unit = unit

trigger 1
set Temp_unit = Triggering Unit
- then do some action -

should is clear the Temp_unit like:
"Temp_unit = No unit "??

assuming i have 100 unit in a unit variable with array
like :
for loop integer A 1 to 100
set Temp_unit[integer A] = random unit in unit group

will this have a huge leak??? because i'm set the variable into many of unit.
Level 8
Dec 8, 2007
is there a wait command between your action?
If you don't plan to use wait you can make a TEMP_GROUP variable and use
pick random N units from OTHER_GROUP
do all action to picked unit and remove both unit groups.
Level 8
Dec 8, 2007
you mean like this?
action with 100 units
action with another 100 unit
... so on

Then you can still do the trigger with 2 groups
Make ALL_UNITS group and TEMP_UNITS group
in ALL_UNITS place all possible units that can be later placed in Temp group.
Pick 100 random units from ALL_UNITS and place them in TEMP_UNITS. then do you actions. destroy the groups before wait action.
After the wait pick another 100 units from ALL to TEMP and do action then destroy the temp group.
ALL_UNITS group must be destroyed only at the end of the trigger
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