I use a test run to find out if it would lagg. "Stress Test" in common language.
Make a trigger that runs every ... seconds of game time. (easy)
Make another trigger that adds the action to the first trigger every second. (The first second it will be called once, the second second it will be called twice, etc, etc, etc.)
Also increase an integer variable by 1 every second so you know how much actions it has and let the game display the integer.
Then just wait and see...
(you can ofcourse add more per second.)
I have added 250 per second and they will be called 10 times per second. Increasing the action by 2500 per second.
I've made an example (attached file) and you can see that after 100 seconds, the game will look a bit weird and after 350 seconds the lagg appears.
100 seconds = calling that trigger 250.000 times a second!
350 seconds = calling that trigger 875.000 times a second!
With your 0.1 seconds of game time, you will call it 10 times. so you need 874.990 more to get your so much desired lagg
have fun with the next one \o/
(It has to be in JASS though, but you wouldn't care about it.)