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Wicked Ways

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Level 4
May 16, 2004
Wicked Ways
A 10 Player Map Created By ColdRocker
The Plot

After a nearby active volcano unleashes a cocktail of ash and molten rock, a sacred monastery is burnt to the ground, leaving Deadwood Village to plummet into spiritual chaos. As the inhabitants of the town start to become more restless, their sinful instincts emerge. Being one of the surviving villagers, your only hope for redemption is to leave the corrupted town and begin a new life out in the wilderness. Beware though, one of the other fleeing townsfolk is not pure of heart and upon nightfall their wicked ways will be rewarded.....

Wicked Ways is an alternative mystery/strategy game. Based on the popular ‘Dark Deeds’ gameplay, each player is in control of a farmer and is forced to leave the town. They are then to travel to a secluded place out in the wilderness to start to build their estates. At the first nightfall, one of the players will become an evil force, unbeknownst to the other farmers. Using their wit and cunning, the evil player will try to hide his dark secret for as long as he can, while at the same time spreading his sinister influence by the means of slaughtering the other farmers. In the end if all the farmers are slaughtered, the evil player wins, or if the evil is slaughtered, the farmers win.
Types of Evil
So far there are 3 different types of evil that a player will transform into.

The Lycanthrope

-The Lycanthrope or Werewolf is a slave to the moon, transforming at night into an uncontrollable beast. His special resource is a Killing Frenzy Combo System. The way it works as for every enemy killed, the attack speed, movement and size of the wolf increase with a maximum of 10 levels. Upon human transformation, his frenzy is calmed. Certain abilities require a specific level of frenzy to execute, so the killing of weaker targets is the Lycanthrope’s first priority when hunting at night.

The Prince of Darkness

-The Prince of Darkness, also known as Dracula, is a night dweller, due to having extremely an extremely pale dermis. Dracula requires blood to survive and this is used as his special resource. Every kill Dracula makes, he gains a few droplets of blood, both restoring his life and his blood supply. If the prince’s blood supply is extinguished, so is his life, so it is imperative for him to be constantly stalking the living.

The Harbinger of Doom

-The Harbinger of Doom or High Cultist is a secretive, shadowy figure that worships the dark gods. The cultist’s abilities work by using a percentage of his dark faith. At 100% dark faith, it means he is in great standing with the Dark Gods, while a negative percentage will signify certain death. In order to return to a high standing with the gods, the cultist must begin a ritual, in which he is in an entranced state, to boost his faith. A lot of preplanning is required for attacks on the moral farmers, as beginning a fight with a lack of faith will most likely always lead to failure.

In order to make the game just as exciting for the farmers, as it is for the evil player, a morality system has been integrated. At certain points within the farmer’s life, he will have to make decisions that will effect him for the rest of the game. To every choice there is a noble and wicked decision, and it is upon the players mind to choose the path in which their farmer will take. For Example, The first choice the farmer will make is after he has upgraded to his farmhouse. He is presented with an offer from a concubine, or sexual mistress, to engage in intercourse, or he can choose to instead go out and present his wife with a lavish wedding ring. Choosing the concubine, will greatly decrease the times in which his children take to mature into adults, while presenting his wife with a ring will increase her hitpoints and movement speed slightly. But for what cost is the player willing to pay in order to choose a path of adultery? Is he willing to possibly contract the harmful diseases Herpes and A.I.D.S? For every decision there is a consequence.
The Farmer's Construction Projects
The farmer has an array of options to build his estate. Each of the types of buildings he can make fall under 4 different catagories:

-Economy Buildings, which are used to upgrade and enhance the whole farming community

-Agricultural Buildings, which are used in the production of livestock and crops to create food and income.

-Military Buildings, which are used to defend the settlement against unwanted intruders as well as to specialize in hunting the evil.

-Storage/Misc Buildings, which are other contraptions like campfires, cooking pots and warehouses.


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Level 9
Oct 24, 2007
I like the sound of the morality system, and this type of game is always great fun with lots of players, but you should try to use raising and lowering terrain tools to shape the terrian better than it is. Also are there enough secluded spots for 10 players? I'd think there'd need to be at least 20 to spread everyone out...
Level 4
May 16, 2004
Yeah i will be working on the terrain to make it look more flashy. There eventually should be enough spots, in the minimap preview i have shown, the bottom left area is really messy, with no clear secluded areas to build in but i am fixing that as we speak. Also if it becomes to crowded, some of the land ravaged by the volcano can be removed. Ill update my Post With more details about the farmer.
Level 4
Jul 19, 2005
This looks really nice, I'll definitely play this once it's released.

EDIT: What are the map dimensions?
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