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Wich war3 unit represnts u the best?

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Level 5
Dec 19, 2004
Eusira said:
Probably the Alchemist: Innovative, skilled, kinda slow, but can be fast (Posting)

You're more like a Goblin Zeppelin: You're fast, very fast at posting anc commenting, but you are weak and not harmful.
Level 5
Oct 5, 2004

stormrider said:
Eusira said:
Probably the Alchemist: Innovative, skilled, kinda slow, but can be fast (Posting)

You're more like a Goblin Zeppelin: You're fast, very fast at posting anc commenting, but you are weak and not harmful.

not very nice indeed :?

well I think you be more of a centaur khan stormhammer

very hostile and such not and he has recarnate.
Level 5
Dec 19, 2004
Taroshu said:
You're a Centaur Khan..you're agressive and you have reincarnation
Indeed, but i think that im more of a Chieftan beceause:
*I can stomp some lower class monsters.(Stomp)
*I revive shortly after death. (Reincarnation)
*I can take a lot of hits before meeting death. (High HP)
*I can take a lot of hate ( Hero armor class and High HP )
*I can scatter ( Shockwave and high damage )

You have chosen quite a simple unit to represent yourself, wich is noble.

@Insame Llama:
You would be a Villager. You don't have thirst for battle, you're happy with your own square of territory, you don't bother other and you don't get bothered.
Level 5
Aug 10, 2004
easy choice, Druid Of the Talon.
* Cyclone - can sweep people away so they do no harm
* Stormcrow form - is trusted among birds as one of their own kind
* Fairie Fire - can reduce another's ability to damage with just one touch.

and i'm friendly. just like a druid, i do not seek battle.
Level 8
Oct 2, 2004
stormrider, are you implying that you're Wormskull? You reincarnate after death? Wormskull was banned and created new accounts, as if reincarnating...
also that *wink wink* was fairly suspicious.

I dunno what I'd be...
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
Tari, you and your birds. :roll: :wink:

Spellbreaker for me, as he is immune to enemy magic(flames), and can turn his enemies magic(flames) against them.

And PsychoMagnataur....lets see...you would be a skink. I think it goes very well with your name. :p
Level 5
Oct 5, 2004

I would be a lil gnoll :p

Penguins I reallized dont have thumbs and cant make stuff out of mud or ice :shock:
Level 5
Oct 5, 2004

Kil'Jaden sucks :D

Hes currently hiding in the Netherlands lol*demon world not european nation*
Level 5
Oct 5, 2004

Well he is actuelly sorta dead, Kil'Jaeden ripped is body up and froze his soul in Nether Ice and threw him at Northrend through a portal :?
Level 8
Oct 2, 2004
I wish I could say I was a Magnataur, massive, strong, fast, spell-immune, able to Slam my foes and blast them with a flurry of Ice Bolt mayhem and chaos...

...but I'm not really any of those things...

So I am a Druid of the Claw, normally fair, peaceful, docile, but able to transform into a raging beast and roar fiercely when angered.
Level 11
Aug 4, 2004
Bah, you're a skink. :p

Level 3
Sep 29, 2004
A Heretic, eventually dying at the stake for his eccentric, abnormal visions.
An Abomination; An abhorrent, contemptible, mindless monstrosity.
A Forgotten One; An antisocial, twisted, abhorrent creature.
A Skeleton, physically very weak and brittle, and not very communicative.
A Faceless One, a schizoid, expressionless, inscrutable and incomprehensible being.
A Chicken, cowardice and weak.
A Rat; An annoying, purposeless parasite.

A Child, histrionic and childish.
A Hydra, often aggressively fighting itself.
A Far Seer, fascinated by the elements.
A Mountain Giant, nearly unaffected by the affronts of other individuals.
A Firelord, very vulnerable to cold.
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
Mind said:
A Heretic, eventually dying at the stake for his eccentric, abnormal visions.
An Abomination; An abhorrent, contemptible, mindless monstrosity.
A Forgotten One; An antisocial, twisted, abhorrent creature.
A Skeleton, physically very weak and brittle, and not very communicative.
A Faceless One, a schizoid, expressionless, inscrutable and incomprehensible being.
A Chicken, cowardice and weak.
A Rat; An annoying, purposeless parasite.

Good morning sunshine.

A Hydra, often aggressively fighting itself.
A Far Seer, fascinated by the elements.
A Mountain Giant, nearly unaffected by the affronts of other individuals.

There ya go. :)
Level 5
Oct 22, 2004
@Joey.: Hey joey, its jake, didnt knoiw you used wc3sear.ch :D

you know Jake from clan otlz, chabinka,

I dont know what represents me best...
Level 23
Jul 18, 2004
naziprofesionnal said:
shut up you and your stupid two words long or one picture tall replies. stop acting like a smart ass, try to avoid the urge to post stupid comments/flames towards other members. no one likes that kind of attitude.
not beceause you're overconfident or that you have a high post count makes you an important person, more important than Mind. Mind is superior to you in every aspects anyway.

Fun fact; Mind is one of the few people here who hasn't proven any skill in war3 editing, yet is the only person that hasn't whom I respect, simply because he is SMART. He uses his BRAIN. It is such a frickin' rare sight, that I actually look forward to reading replies from him.

You, on the other hand, don't deserve an ounce of my respect for what I've seen from you sofar. You have a name with "nazi" in it, you can't spell, your grammar sucks, you have yet to show even the slightest hint of intelligence, and
naziprofesionnal said:
i like shooting freak in the head.

Haha. No you don't. You don't shoot freaks in the head. Your lunch money gets stolen by people bigger than you. Whoops! Say hello to your daily dosis of realism.

I will respond with as few words, if any, as I see fit. If I can make a point by doing so, then that's all I ask. I made a point just now, by making it obvious Mind does not need to feel negative about himself. Good morning, sunshine.

Now go shoot some freaks in the head, Wormskull. In your own fantasy, that is.
Level 2
Dec 25, 2004
Dragonhawk Rider because I can disarm some of my enemies while causing them pain and I'd make a great action figure too.
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