Why is topic locked and can it be unlocked?

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Hello everybody, it's been a while since I have been online here.
So, some time ago I developed a very light mod for Warcraft 3 :
Warcraft 3 TFT Meatfactory Mod
and wanted too see how it is going, and are there any replies or suggestions, but nothing there, then I noticed the topic is locked. Can some admin explain why or just simply unlock it so people can comment and make suggestions if I decide to make any further updates?
Level 25
May 11, 2007
Because we generally do not like necro posts on this forum, since replying to an old thread usually means that the OP of the thread isn't around the site anymore.

Ask a mod to unlock the thread for you and they'll do it.
I will only if there is interest by other players. For now I won't add anything, but I was "secretly" hoping that we can develop something like a hiveworkshop heavy mod, like that Nirvana mod. I want to add more races, couple of new units to each race, more and more customization options that are available before map-start, more items and a new campaign which can be one of the top on the campaign page here on the site. Also would be very nice if the abilities of the hero units can be made attribute based and not static as they are now.
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