What is the point of creating a SC2 map is now one even sees it?
I have SC2 and Diablo3 but I choose to play WC3 because I'm so disapointed with the SC2 experience, the stupid Map rankings system means it's always the same games being played, and unless your on the first page of maps your game will never fill up... It's not just me, lots of people are unhappy with the whole system.
Even though its been out for a year now most of the costum maps still seem to suck, I can not find a decent costum SC2 RTS map to play, considering its supposed to have so many more options I have seen nothing that rivals the great maps that have come out for WC3. Most SC3 maps you seem to be fighting endless Zerg, I'm so bored of Zerg and I can't stand the space hilbillys that make up Terran, protoss are the only vaguely interesting faction.
Galaxy editor might offer more options but everything seems to take twice as long to do as in WC3.
And another thing, theres no way you can create a decent fantasy style map in SC2, you'd have to import and huge amount of models/interface and sound effects just to get on the same level as WC3.
Theres so many models and recources for WC3 and costum games are still filling up even 10 years on. Just goes to show what a great game WC3 is and thats why I've gone back to WC3.