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Why don't upgrade take immediate effect

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Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
This may be a noobish question, but i have created an upgrade which will incerase the health of a building. Sadly when i buy/research the upgrade it does not take effect. How ever after buying/researching this upgrade i can then go and build the same buildings where it has taken effect.
I.e Town Hall 1 Health = 500
I research/buy upgrade
Town hall 1 health = 500
How ever if i build a 2nd town hall
Town hall 2 health = 550 Where the upgrade has taken effect. But only on newly created untis why.
And how would i make it so the upgrade woudl take effect on all units not just newly created ones?
Doesn't Improved Masonry work correctly for buildings?

I don't know what the problem is either though.
Could you post a picture of the object editor data? (Or post a test-map.)

improved masonry increases armor of buildings and his upgrade increases building health so they are two different upgrades....
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
I have based it of masonary, but as of yet it still doesn't work. Here is the map for what i have done it in. http://www.epicwar.com/maps/144676/
Please could you tell me what ive done wrong
Hit point bonus doesn't particulary help for a number of reasons.
So what abil should i base it of for increased percentage. Also this has happened before to me with other upgrades such as +dmg or +armour none of them are taking immediate effect
Level 17
Apr 3, 2010
Buildings work differently than units, perhaps it's just part of that. You could do a trigger that selects all those type units and replaces them with one of their own kind using % health and maybe it would update it. Just an idea.

Do you mean replacing them, because that would lag game alot for every upgrade
Level 14
Nov 18, 2007
Please don't bump so quickly.

Anyway, I tested your map and couldn't find the hit point bonus upgrade you were talking about. I did notice that Advanced contruction 1/5 didn't update the armor for old units as you said. (I was testing this with Barricade)

So, I set Stats - Applies to All Units to false. The upgrade seemed to update old buildings' armor correctly with that false.
My suggestion for you is to do that for all other upgrades and see if that works.
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