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Which Computer?

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Level 34
Sep 6, 2006
Put aside the differences in OS. Which can produce a more powerful computer?


For the Mac you will need to do the specs yourself. I just tried to make everything that really mattered better. In terms of gaming. So best RAM, HD, G-Card, ect. with no software like iLife.

If you can make a better PC, post it. I was just curious which has the better computer.

Also I have no idea if they are very comparable because of the difference in hardware used. Like why can the PC only go up to 765MG Card while Mac has a 1.5GB. Is the 1.5 pretty equal to the 765? It should be better right?
Level 15
Nov 1, 2004
Put aside the differences in OS. Which can produce a more powerful computer?


For the Mac you will need to do the specs yourself. I just tried to make everything that really mattered better. In terms of gaming. So best RAM, HD, G-Card, ect. with no software like iLife.
Well, in general, the PC is going to be cheaper for similar hardware. There are always exceptions but this tends to be the case. Also, with Mac switching to x86, there's less of a difference between the hardware in Macs and PCs.
It becomes more an issue of price, software and operating system, peripherals, and aesthetics.

Also I have no idea if they are very comparable because of the difference in hardware used. Like why can the PC only go up to 765MG Card while Mac has a 1.5GB. Is the 1.5 pretty equal to the 765? It should be better right?
I'm assuming you are talking about a graphics card. If so, both systems can use identical graphics cards. They both have the same PCI-Express slot available for graphics. And you CAN buy an nVidia Quadro graphics card and put it in a PC to get 1.5GB of video RAM. (but that's a bad idea, because you are paying over $2000USD for a graphics card that has only standard gaming performance and is really made for enhanced overlays and processing used by 2D/3D modeling applications)

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
Quadro graphics card is only used for HD displaying at good preformance, forexample at the post 2000*2000 resolutions. Rather go for a nvidia 8800 GTS or the even better soon to be released 9800 GTS, both of which might not have 1337 amounts of graphic RAM but still have enough to play on a HD TV modern games at high / max settings.
Level 36
Mar 15, 2006
Buy an 8800GT. It's way cheaper than a GTS and it blows the framerates out of the water. It's the best videocard hands down that you can get for the money. I'd go with the Dell just overall for performance, for gaming, for compatiblity. Mac is great if you want to do multimedia and entertainment, but gaming is one thing that it really doesn't do well.

I'd recommend just building your own. Computers are always cheaper when you buy individual parts, and that way you can fully customize your rig so that you get everything that you want.

For example, my rig is near top of the line, and I bought all of the parts for just under 1500 Canadian Dollars. Prebuilt systems using the same hardware retail for over three thousand dollars.

It's just the (not so) simple task of putting your rig together, which can seem daunting to many newcomers. Just follow tutorials and instructions to the letter, and you'll do fine.

Best of luck in your hunt for a PC.
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